Part 21: Tonight It Ends

[Deadshot POV]

We are on our way to the news station to get rid of this jammer. Although I could lose my life tonight, all I could think about was Zoe. I hope they haven't hurt her. If they did I will make sure that they get a bullet to the skull.

Zofia: "Hay, you ok."

Deadshot: "Um, ya. Just thinking is all."

Zofia: "About the mission?"

Deadshot: "No. It's something personal."

Zofia: "If it's personal then I won't bug you about it. I feel like I should thank you again."

Deadshot: "Thank me for what?"

Zofia: "For saving me and my friends earlier tonight."

Deadshot: "You don't need to thank me. In fact I don't deserve it."

Zofia: "Why?"

Deadshot: "Well I have done a lot of bad things in the past. Ripped families apart. I'm not proud of it."

Zofia: "But you have done good tonight."

Deadshot: "One good deed does not out weight a lifetime of evil."

Pulse: "We are arriving at the objective. Get your equipment ready." He yells from the drivers seat.

The truck comes to a stop and everyone piles out of their vehicles.

Pulse: "The jammer is a few blocks from here. We can leg it from here."

The entire team of about 20 to 30 people walk through the streets of Gotham with their weapons at the ready. After a few minutes of cautious walking we storm the front entrance. We are met with heavy gunfire and are forced to take cover.

After a few calculations I manage to clear all the windows of major threats. Everyone takes the opportunity to bust through the entrance.

Mute: "The jammer is on the top floor!" He says through comms.

We push through the first floor with ease. The second floor however was not so simple. Explosives were around every corner. A few of us got injured but we kept on. After taking several bullets we get to the top floor.

We walk up the stairs and bust through. A few GCPD officers go down as well as some Rainbow ops. We are almost completely defeated. Soon I'm the only one able to go on. I don't miss a single round. Once I run dry on my rifle I switch to my wrist guns. I take several bullets to the chest and gut.

I take out the remaining enemies and collapse to the ground. I use the last of my strength plant the explosives on the jammer. I get to a safe distance and detonate.

[Y/n POV]

(Y/n): "Check the comms again."

Vigil: "Still static."

We have been waiting to push in an ally wait for signal to start the operation.

Caveira: "I'm getting something."

I tune in to comms and here a muffled voice. The static clears and I hear Floyd on the radio.

Deadshot: "You are clear to start *cough* I repeat you can proceed with the operation."

Barbara: "Copy that. Did you get that (Y/n)."

(Y/n): "Heard it loud and clear. Get some help out there. They don't sound to good."

Caveira: "We push ground level and you got the skies."

(Y/n): "Way ahead of you."

I grapple up and launch myself into a glide. I glide with detective mode on and search the surroundings. Right in the center of the slums is their supplies. Ammo, food everything.

I land on a rooftop and radio in.

(Y/n): "Supplies are in the center of the district. I repeat, supplies are in the center of the district."

Vigil: "Moving in now."

(Y/n): "Get those explosives on and leave."

Nøkk: "Already done. We are moving out."

I look through detective mode again and look around. I see a small building with three people inside. It's them. I tune in and listen to the conversation.

Penguin: "We may be partners when it comes to business but other than that we are enemies."

Scarecrow: "That may be true, but we have a common enemy. Therefore we keep the agreement."

Bane: "Fine. But I don't like putting my trust in a cabrón who sits back and shouts orders like he owns the place."

Penguin: "That's because I do."

Scarecrow: "Don't push your luck Oswald."

Penguin: "If you don't want me here then I not get someone else?"

Bane: "Like who? The clown is dead. Harvey hasn't been seen in years and Black Mask was scrapped of the pavement years ago."

Alright I have had enough. I jump through the window and land on the ground Infront of them.

Scarecrow: "Welcome Batman."

Penguin: laughs "You've must have a death wish Batman."

Bane: "I will enjoy this." He says while cracking his knuckles.

(Y/n): "You should give up now. You have already lost."

Penguin: "Ha. And you call us crazy."

Just then we hear an explosion. The ground shakes and the all stare me down.

(Y/n): "It's over."

Bane: "It's not over until you are dead Dark Knight."

Bane uses his Venom and charges at me. I jump over him and he crash through the wall. Cobblepot runs off as well as Crane.

Bane: "They are cowards. But you are different. I will break you in have Batman."

(Y/n): "You can try."

Bane and I run at each other while guns shots can be heard through the night. Guess they decided to attack now. I throw a smoke bomb at Bane's face blinding him. I go for his Venom tubes but he grabs me and throws me off.

Bane: "Not this time."

I decide to go for a different tactic. He charges at me again but this time I put explosive gel at my feet and dodge. I detonate knocking him to his feet. I start to throw punches rapidly at his head.

After many punches I put explosive gel on his Venom tubes. He throws m off again but I get the gel of nonetheless. His tubes explode neon green. He falls to the ground weak so I go for the finishing blow. I turn on my shock gloves and uppercut him knocking him unconscious.

(Y/n): "Barbara this is (Y/n). I have captured Bane. The others got away." I say into comms with heavy breaths.

Barbara: "Copy that. The team we sent to the news station took a beating. There were no casualties but everyone is severely injured."

(Y/n): "Alright the fight over here is getting heavy. Is there anyone left?"

Barbara: "No. Only you."

(Y/n): "Then that's all we need."

I go to the front lines and assist with the fight. Everyone is either trading punches or bullets. I use the rest of my strength and join the fight. The fight goes on for hours. The sun's starts to rise above the city. We won. Everyone cheers but I get on the Batpod at head back to GCPD.

I go back into the slums of the city and search the buildings. I get to a small one story building and see a little girt curled up in a corner. I take off my and approach her.

(Y/n): "It's okay I'm not gonna hurt you. Your name is Zoe right?"

Zoe: "Yes."

She sounds scared.

(Y/n): "I'm here to get you out of here. I can take you back to your dad."

Zoe: "Where is he?"

(Y/n): "He's with my friend. Come on. Let's get you home."

I help her up and we walk out. I'm holding her hand and hold my mask with the other. I walk with her and get a lot of looks. Must be because I don't have my mask on. I don't mind it though. I drive with her back to GCPD and walk in. I see Deadshot in a stretcher with Barbara and a medic.

(Y/n): "How is he?"

Barbara: "He took a few rounds. Some hit his chest and some hit his vest. The other are okay as well. Some of my men however weren't so lucky."

(Y/n): "I'm sorry to hear that. But their sacrifice was not in vain. We cleared them out."

Barbara: "Are you sure?"

(Y/n): "Ya. Crane and Cobblepot are still out their but I will find them. Bane was taken care of though."

Barbara: "Okay. I will have him taken to Arkham. The city will need some repairs but we can get back to normal in no time."

(Y/n): "Alright. I need to go."

Barbara: "Go where?"

(Y/n): "Crane and Cobblepot couldn't have gone far. My job isn't done yet. Tell Rainbow that I will be back at base soon."

Barbara: "They don't even know who you are."

(Y/n): "Well they do now."

I put my mask back on and head outside. I get a few cheers from everyone as I walk out. I hope on the Batpod and drive out of the city.

