Part 16: Back In Gotham (3)

[Harry POV]

I sent out almost every operator I have straight for the U.S. An attack of this scale from a terrorist organization has never been seen. It's a good thing we didn't see any armored vehicles. Hope (Y/n) can handle himself.

[Y/n POV]

I follow up on the trail of a mysterious figure that Barbara told me about. I came to the persons last location to find any clues. I walk around in detective mode for anything to help me find this person. After a bit of searching I find something.

There is a sticky substance on the ground. It has a orangish brown color to it. I run my fingers through it and mess around with it. Clay. I hear footsteps behind me but stay facing to the clay. I try to quick draw my grapple gun but end up being hit by what felt like a mallet or a sledge hammer. I get up and shake off the pain. I look to the person and see an elderly woman with a cane.

Woman: "Looks like you got hit pretty bad. Do you need help."

(Y/n) "Drop the act Karlo, its over."

Woman: "It's not over until your dead Batman".

They woman then shape shifts into a large figure made entirely of clay. He's like a clay golem.

Clayface: "Finally the role of a life time. With your death I will be bigger than I ever was."

(Y/n): "Did they hire you? The White Masks?"

Clayface: "Yes they did. But I only accepted because I get to kill you."

(Y/n): "Who else did they hire?"

He doesn't answer. Instead he turns into a giant spiked ball. He then roles towards me in an attempt to crush me. I roll out of the way before he can crush me. He turns back to the huge golem figure but this time with an axe for one hand and a giant hammer as the other.

Before he can attack again two hands go through his body and tear him in half.

Killer Croc: "I don't think so. This kill is mine."

Standing by his side is Ratcatcher with an army of rats. The two halves of Clayface come back together. He stands back up and faces Croc.

Clayface: "First one to get the kill gets the body."

Killer Croc: chuckles "Deal."

Croc charges at me as well as Ratcatcher's army of rats. Clayface attacks me from long range with his hammer hand. He tries to do a overhead crush but I dodge it just in time. There's no way I can take them all on at once. I run back to the Batpod and drive.

I start to drive but I don't get far. A bullet hits my shoulder knocking me off the Batpod. More shots fire at me. They all hit me but my armor blocks any serious damage. I take cover in an ally and try and catch my breath.

It starts to rain heavy. I then hear squeaking. A lot of squeaking. I turn to my left and see the rat army with Ratcatcher right behind. I run in the other direction not wanting to be rat food. Up ahead I see a large puddle of water. I then get an idea.

I stop at the water and active my shock gloves. As soon as the rats touch the water I send electricity through the water. All the rats touch the water and get electrocuted killing them immediately.

Ratcatcher: "NOOOOO!!!"

The Ratcatcher falls to his knees in sadness. He picks up one of the dead rats.

Ratcatcher: "What have you done to my friends."

I walk up to his and kick him straight in the face. He falls to the ground unconscious. I take off his mask and get a good look at his face. I get a sample of his blood to identify him later. I tie him up and leave him for the cops.

(Y/n): "Barbara I caught Ratcatcher. I will send you the location. And you might want to get a clean up crew as well."

Barbara: "Alright Im send a team to bring him in. As for the clean up crew that can wait."

(Y/n): "I also found out who the mystery person was as well as the person Ratcatcher was working with. Clayface and Croc are on the streets so tell your men to be careful."

I then hear an several vehicles down the street.

(Y/n): "Alfred can you look through the city cameras for me."

Alfred: "I'm already ahead of you sir. Oh dear."

(Y/n): "What is it?"

Alfred: "There is an army roaming the streets. They are wearing white masks and being lead by large man with a different kind of mask."

(Y/n): "Alfred call Harry and tell him I need people here now."

Alfred: "He already contacted me and said he sent as many people as he could."

Ratcatcher starts to stir. He wakes up so I walk to him and I kneel to his level.

(Y/n): "What is your name."

Ratcatcher: "..........."

(Y/n): "I'm not in the mood. Tell me what I want to know or you will have worse than a bloody lip."

Ratcatcher: "You can't hurt me Bat. Not any more anyway."

(Y/n): "If you don't I will make sure every rat down in those sewers is dead."

Ratcatcher: "No no no. Okay I will tell you. My name is Otis Fiannegan."

(Y/n): "Who sent you to kill me."

Ratcatcher: "He did." He says nodding to someone behind me.

At that moment two large hand grab my head and throw me out of the ally. I hit the ground hard but still get up. I turn around and see him.


[Caveira POV]

I'm in a helicopter overlooking Gotham City. I see hundreds of White Masks in the streets. Harry had sent almost everyone from Hereford to deal with the situation. Out of nowhere I hear beeping from the cockpit.

Pilot: "Guys there's a missile locked on us! BRACE FOR IMPACT!"

The missile hits and the helicopter starts to spins out of control. Then we crash and everything goes black.
