Part 12: The Rescue

[Caveira POV]

Harry: "Can operators Caveira, Tachanka, Smoke, Doc, and Vigil please report to my office."

Harry's voice just came over the intercom and asked us to go to his office. Looks like we got another mission. I was walking with Vigil and Smoke.

Smoke: "You ready for this lass?"

Caveira: "Ya, why wouldn't I be?"

Smoke: "You have been acting different ever since that mission back in Baffin Bay."

Caveira: "What do you mean different?"

Smoke: "I couldn't really tell ya. But you haven't been your usual self."

Caveira: "Well I promise you I'm perfectly fine."

We get to Harry's office and walk in.

Harry: "Now that everyone is here we can begin. The white mask lieutenant that was captured last night gave is information but not enough."

Tachanka: "Why? If Taina was interrogating surely he would give up everything."

Caveira: "I didn't interrogate him though."

Harry: "That's not important right now. What is important is this."

He turns his laptop for him towards us.

Harry: "This is the house his family lives in. It is by a river in Los Angeles. The white mask couldn't give anything else because it would jeopardize his family's safety."

Smoke: "So we get his family to a safe place, he gives up more info, and everyone wins."

Harry: "Exactly. There should be a family of three in this house. The mother, son, and daughter. You are to escort the family to the airport where a helicopter will be waiting for you all to be brought back."

Tachanka: "And if we run into trouble what exactly do we do?"

Harry: "You are authorized to use lethal force on anyone who tries to hurt them. They are the priority. They must be brought back safe and sound. Is that understood?"

Everyone: "Yes sir."

Harry: "Alright get geared up. You head out in 10 minutes."

We all walk out and head straight to the armory and grab our gear and uniforms. Once set we head to the helicopter and we make our way to the US.

Time Skip After Flight

All five of us are in an armored truck on our way to bring the family back to Hereford. We arrive at the house and get out of the truck. We walk to the door step and Doc is the one to knock. After a bit the door opens to reveal a woman.

Doc: "Hello, my name is Gustave and I'm with a military organization known as team rainbow."

Woman: "Hello, what's this about?" She sounded a little skeptical.

Doc: "Ma'am we need you and your family to come with us. Your husband requested us come and get you to safety."

Woman: "I'm sorry I don't quite get what you are saying." She said with worry in her voice this time.

Doc: "Ma'am you are in danger. We need you to come with us back to base. Your husband is with us."

Woman: "Okay let me just get my kids."

At that moment multiple SUV's pull up to the house and start to fire at us.


Everyone runs inside and takes cover. The woman was in the living room with her kids on the ground. Soon the bullets stopped. I took the chance to look out the window and check how many hostiles we were up against. There looked to be about 20 to 30 white masks outside. I decide to radio Harry.

Caveira: "Harry we got a problem. We have about 30 hostiles on our position. They are heavily armed."

Harry: "Set up defensive positions and prepare for siege. Remember your main priority is the family so don't let them out of your sight."

Caveira: "Roger that Harry". "Vigil, Doc. Smoke, Tachanka. We have orders to set up defensive positions and prepare for a gun fight."

Vigil: "I recommend heading to the master bed room. There is cover and only 2 entry points and no windows."

Smoke: "Alright then, that's where we defend. Bring the family there and put them somewhere safe."

We all head upstairs and start setting up defences around the master bed room. After what felt like forever we finally hear them breaking in downstairs.

Caveira: "Smoke ready a gas canister on the stair way."

Smoke: "Got it." Smoke pulls out a canister and under hand tosses it a the top of the stairs.

We hear footsteps coming up the stairs. As soon as we see them Smoke activates it. We hear lots of coughing then bodies hit the floor. I then see that Harry is trying to radio in.

Harry: "Caveira, a SWAT team will arrive shortly you just have to hold off until then."

Caveira: "Roger, we just-"

I was cut short by a bullet hitting my left shoulder. I take cover and Doc attends to my wound. We soon find ourselves in an intense fire fight. Bullets start flying and she'll casings can be heard hitting the floor.

WM: "Just give us the woman and children. The rest of you can walk away unharmed." He says in cover.

Smoke: "Sorry lads but we would rather die." Smoke tosses another canister down the hall and sets it off.

Doc: "Taina the bleeding won't stop. They may have hit an artery."

Caveira: "We just need to hold out a little bit longer." I say putting pressure on my wound.

Doc: "At the rate your losing blood, you may not have much longer."

Tachanka: "Comrades, we won't be able to hold out much longer." He says while under fire.

Vigil: "When the hell is that SWAT team getting here." He says while tossing an impact grenade down the hall.

Caveira: "Harry are they almost here yet." I say into my walkie.

Harry: "They should be there any second now."

Caveira: "They better be."

Just then the sounds of sirens can be heard outside. But the white masks still didn't let up. As the SWAT team entered the white masks continued fighting. They do not want to surrender. The sound of bullets began to fade away and my vision began to blur.

Doc: "Hay hay stay with me." He says lightly slapping my face to keep me awake.

I felt tired. I couldn't stay awake. I gave in and shut my eyes and passed out.

