Long Walk

It had been over a month since your encounter with this dark vigilante.
You found yourself sitting at your table, flipping a pen in your free hand, your face rested against the palm of your other hand, as you stared out the window in hopes to see some sign of this man. It had been almost painful to keep it to yourself, though you decided it would be best not to tell anyone since you were beginning to get unsure if he had just been your imagination running wild.
Letting out a heavy sigh, you closed your curtains and laid your pen on the desk 'Maybe a walk would help clear my mind..' you thought to yourself as you grabbed your jacket, throwing it around yourself as you left, closing the door behind you.
Gotham always seemed so quiet and peaceful at night, despite having such a high crime rate for such a small place.
You simply watched your feet as you walked in hopes any criminals you happened to pass would mind their own business as long as you minded your own.
You walked for what felt like only minutes, though when you looked up you found yourself standing at the gate of the Wayne residency, which was over an hour walk from your apartment building.
Turning to walk away, you heard the door creak open.
"What are you doing here..?" Bruce Wayne asked. His voice sounded almost sugar coated, it was so charming and intoxicating to listen to.
"I must've taken a wrong turn.. I'm sorry..." you said nervously as you felt your face flush, turning to look back at the man.
He looked at you almost as if he could recognize you, though it was his first time seeing you, and even if he had passed you on the street there was no chance such a wealthy man would remember someone as poor as you.
"Well, where are you going?" He asked as if trying to help "-or at least trying to go." He added as if attempting to poke fun at you.
"Oh it's ok!" You said with a nervous chuckle "I can get there." You denied his help.
He nodded gently before busying himself with homely duties.
You quickly shuffled away, quickly returning home, hiding yourself in shame. You couldn't believe how much you had just embarrassed yourself, especially in front of such an important man.
