
Chapter 8


Gotham Streets

Superman never had been to Gotham. He was so busy in Metropolis he never thought of using his powers for tourist actions.

"Well there's a first time for everything isn't there?" He thought to himself.

Superman saw lots of trash on the floor and picked up some of it. He heard footsteps approaching behind him.

"You're Superman," a thug snorted. He looked like he was beaten up. He was limping and his clothes were wet.

"Yes, why." Superman asked.

"Well maybe you should stay in Metropolis," a crowbar slid out of the thug's sleeve. "I'm about to give you a beating for coming into my city."

The thug swung at his chest, the crowbar broke. The thug was stupid. He was injured but still looking for a fight. The thug's mouth dropped wide open. Superman pushed him lightly, so he could fall on the floor.

All of a sudden, Superman realized he had pushed the crook into the streets as a car was speeding their way! Superman flew in front of the car to save the robber, but Superman tumbled over. Confused he noticed that the car wasn't an ordinary car and that it was all armored up. The top of the car slid off. A man with a black mask with pointed ears sticking out on the top popped out. Superman recognized the face quickly.

"So, you're Batman," Superman presumed.

"Yeah, I know who you are too. You're Superman," Batman said, he sounded angry, he was enraged, "You just wrecked a two million dollar car!" Batman was mad. Then he looked behind Superman. "Lawton!? I thought I left you for the police!"

"Well you thought wrong." Deadshot answered back.

"Well I won't this time," Batman shoved Superman aside and picked up Deadshot.

A woman with red and blue armor popped out of Batman's car. Superman recognized her too. She was Wonder Woman. Superman looked away from her and back at Batman. He was crushing the thug's neck! Superman grabbed onto the arm that Batman was using to choke Deadshot.

"Let go!" Batman commanded.

"I will as soon as you do." Superman replied.

"No." Batman jammed his other fist onto Superman wrist that was holding him by the arm. Batman's gauntlet on his wrist fell apart.

Wonder Woman swung her sword into Superman's neck. The sword broke too. Superman flicked her into a wall. Then Batman dropped Deadshot, with Superman still holding his arm. He was squeezing it tightly.

"You should be okay, knowing you're not as fragile as a normal human." Superman informed. Then he picked up Batman by the neck, while Deadshot was crawling away. "Stay right there Deadshot, you'll be going to Blackgate Penitentiary." Deadshot kept crawling away. Superman froze his leg to the floor with his freeze breath. Then he looked back at Batman, "You're an outlaw, I'm bringing you in."

"No you're not," Batman secretly grabbed a tiny pellet out of his Utility Belt and threw is at Superman's face.

Clay bursted into his eyes. Superman was blinded! Superman used his x-ray vision through the clay. He tried to look though Batman's cowl but he couldn't look through it for some reason. Maybe it was lined with lead. But he did see something; he saw that it was time for Batman to escape! Batman picked up Wonder Woman and shot a grappling gun on the top of a business building. They disappeared as Superman ripped the clay off of his face.

The police showed up. Superman saw a man in his mid-forties with a brown, bushy mustache open the door of a squad car.

"Who are you." Superman asked.

"Hello Superman, I'm Lt. James Gordon." The man said. He worked for the GCPD.

"Hi Lieutenant, I'm-," Superman couldn't finish.

He was interrupted by the explosion of Batman's armored car.

"-Superman." Superman finished his sentence. His cape caught on fire but only for a few seconds. Superman was confused about the whole situation.
