Chapter 28: Mindfulness

3rd Person P.O.V.

He's still on his knees, until he eventually stands up.

Joker: I'm merely there, Bats. I'm getting stronger the closer it gets to morning. It won't be long now until I'm in control. Just think of the fun we'll have. Brains. Brawn. Brutality! The full package! We'll have Homeworld and Gotham at our mercy! Y'know what the best part is? You'll be there with me, every step of the way. I don't know about you, pal, but I can hardly wait!

He looks around to see that no one is around, no gem is here anymore, they all left. He goes downstairs to search for clues about what they're doing next.

The Palace:

The door opens up and White's face perked up, expecting Wayne to show up. It's Yellow.

(Blue Diamond) Yellow, where have you been?

(Yellow Diamond) Dismantling the checkpoints.

(White Diamond) Have you seen Wayne? I need him to see him.

(Yellow Diamond) He's after the leaders of the rebellion. He'll bring them back to us.

(White Diamond) Oh, I need to find him before it's too late.

(Yellow Diamond) Why?

(White Diamond) I can't tell you.

(Yellow Diamond) Why not?

(White Diamond) He told me not to.

She can't tell them, he asked her not to. And they wouldn't be able to handle or understand what's going on with him.

(Yellow Diamond) Why? Is it a serious problem?

(White Diamond) It will be if I don't get to him.

(Yellow Diamond) He's bound to come back sooner or later.

White sits down in her chair to calm down. She read Wayne's mind and she saw all the horrendous things the clown did when he was alive. Here's a handful:

• Hired eight assassins after the head of Batman.
• Set up bombs that wired to explode skyscrapers.
• Broke out of his cell multiple times.
• Completed a formula that turns humans into hulking monsters.
• Poisoned himself with the same formula only to lose the fight against Batman.

And that's not even the tip of the iceberg. There's more horrifying things he's done. Imagine what he'll do with the body of Wayne.

She shuddered at the mere thought.

(Yellow Diamond) How's Pink?

(Blue Diamond) Worse. She won't come out.

(Yellow Diamond) Oh, dear.

(White Diamond) We tried everything but she continues to sob, not that it's unreasonable of her to do so.

(Blue Diamond) I was the same when I heard Pink was shattered.

(Yellow Diamond) I'll be right back out there momentarily. I came back to rest. I have no idea where he might be.

(White Diamond) Perhaps he's at--

She thought of something.

(White Diamond) Have you checked Central Tower?

(Yellow Diamond) No. Why?

(White Diamond) It seems like an obvious spot for the rebellion to have their main base at. Think of it, they're at the tower that can see most of the structures in Homeworld. All the checkpoints can be seen from there.

(Yellow Diamond) That's... actually a good observation.

(White Diamond) Well, I learned a few things from Wayne's mind. And he's a detective after all.

(Yellow Diamond) Right. And there's a good chance he'll be there, too.

She left to go at Central Tower.

Central Tower:

Yellow got there by sprinting. She got to the main entrance and defeated the rebels that guarded it. White was right, they're there.

She bubbled the rebels and sent them back to her personal chambers. She's done this to all the rebels she fought tonight. She busted down the door and walked inside.

She looks around to find anything or anyone. No one around. She eventually heard a voice from upstairs.

She went up the stairs and nearly walked into a room where she's clearly outnumbered. Each gem has a weapon that could be fatal for her. She listened to the conversation.

(Rebel Leader) All right, shut it! This is a conference about the target of the rebellion. The Batman. Our leaders were fortunate on gaining invaluable information against him. The Batman relies on fear against you. He wants you to be scared. He knows when you're scared, too. Let me assure you, there's nothing to be afraid of about him. He's just a human wearing a costume.

(Rebel) If he defeated the Diamonds, what chance do we have against him?

(Yellow Diamond) (mouthing) It was a stalemate...

(Rebel Leader) That's because the Diamonds underestimated him. He also relies on you underestimating you. Don't! Under any circumstances underestimate the Batman. He can and will defeat you if you underestimate him. He will also rely heavily on numbers being short. The shorter thw number of us there is, the higher chance he has to win. That is why when we establish checkpoints, we have a decent amount of gems to protect it.

(Rebel #2) Why do we have checkpoints?

(Rebel Leader) Because we use them to slowly but surely lock down Homeworld and monitor it. We use them to check where the Batman is since he can be anywhere.

(Rebel #2) But hasn't he dismantle our checkpoints?

(Rebel Leader) Yes, but we're going to reestablish them. Not only do we use them to lock the area down, but to distract him from the main plan.

Then, she picked up a communicator to answer it.

[Communicator] Change of plans. The Batman is here. Upstairs. Jade and Kunzite are trying to stop him, but they won't keep him busy long. Round up the soldiers and take them upstairs. Now!

It sounded like the Jasper she fought earlier tonight.

(Rebel Leader) Understood. All right, everyone move it!

Yellow was going to do a risky move that she always wanted to do. She makes herself present in the room, distracting everyone for a moment. As they try to redirect their attention to her after being briefed about Batman, Yellow jumps up in the air.

As she if falling to the floor, she emits a high voltage of destabilization. When she hits the ground, the destabilization she emitted turned into a shockwave that shocked everyone in the room and they all poofed instantaneously.

(Yellow Diamond) (panting)

She's never done that before. She felt proud and excited over what she accomplished. She took out an entire room full of gems within five seconds.

It took a lot out of her, though. It costs her energy to emit destabilization. Why doesn't she do this more often?

She heard a thud in the little small door over to the left of the room she's in. She could go upstairs to help Batman, but her curiosity got the better of her and she investigates the small noise from what looks like a closet door on Earth. She limps over to the door and opened it.

(Yellow Diamond) (gasp)

She had to show this to the other Diamonds.


Batman was battling a purple sword wielding gem and a green one is cowering in the corner. She charged at him with her sword. He blocks her sword with his gauntlets.

She spun ridiculously fast but his fast reflexes blocked each hit from her blade. Eventually, her sword gets caught between the spikes on his guantlets and he moved his arm to break the sword. Those spikes aren't for show, you know.

She tries to attack with her hands. She threw a punch and he backs up. Batman went for a kick but Kunzite grabs his leg.

She tried to hit him with her elbow but he used one arm to block it and the other to push her over his leg to fall on the ground. When she tried to get up, he grabbed her head and slammed it to the wall which cracked it a little (the wall, not her). She punched behind his knee which forced him to kneel.

He swung his leg at her but she backed up. He then does a frontal kick while still kneeling which made him fall on his back and it hit her in the pelvis area. He flips back on his feet.

She threw another fist at Batman but he moved to where he had his back turned on her, but he did this for a reason. Her arm ended up just above his left shoulder as he grabbed her wrist and flipped her over in front of him. She lands on the ground near the wall roughly.

She quickly jumps back on her feet and tried to give him a frontal kick. He ducks a little to make her heel land on his shoulder as he gripped on her leg and kicked the leg that was supporting her. He lets go of her other leg which made her collapse on the floor.

As she tried to get up, he hits the side of her face with his knee. She was disoriented. He grabbed her and punched her head which made the back of it smash against the wall and it cracked (again, the wall, not her).

She poofed and her gem lands in his hand. He pockets her gem and he approached the green one who held her hands up, surrendering. He grabbed her collar and pushed her against the wall.

(Batman) Your leaders. Where are they?

(Jade) Upstairs, I promise. Please, don't hurt me.

He dropped her.

(Batman) I won't...

He went to the stairs but looked over his shoulder.

(Batman) If you know what's good for you, you turn yourself in immediately.

He walks upstairs. Ready for whatever they have planned and he hopes it's the last time he has to face Jasper and Pearl for the night. His body is getting closer to collapse.

The Palace:

(Yellow Diamond) Blue, White, look at this!

(Blue Diamond) (gasp)

(White Diamond) Is this true?

(Yellow Diamond) Yes, get Pink.

They rushed to her door.

(Blue Diamond) Pink, come out.

(Yellow Diamond) I promise you, this is something you want to see.

The door opens and Pink stood there, looking tired. But her expression change the second her eyes were fixated on something.

(Steven) Mom!

They both hugged and she cried into his shoulder.

(Pink Diamond) Steven! Where have you been?!

(Steven) I was taken by the pearl. She kept me hidden forever.

(Blue Diamond) Bruce said you'd died.

(Steven) He was wrong. The pearl made him see that.

(Pink Diamond) I'm so glad you're alive!

(Steven) Me, too. Well, I mean, obviously, because I'm alive right now.

(White Diamond) Oh, Wayne would feel much, much better knowing you're alive.

(Steven) How did he take it?

(White Diamond) Not good, not good at all. He blames himself for your demise.

(Steven) He shouldn't. There was nothing he could do.

(Yellow Diamond) Me and him were taking apart the checkpoints by the rebel. He also found me a very hilarious spinel. The poor thing was beaten on by the rebels.

(Steven) I should talk to her sometime.

(Pink Diamond) It's good to have you back, Steven.

She hugs her son, feeling like how she was two years ago the night she came back when White removed his gem. Suddenly, the screens not just in the Palace, but all of Homeworld turned on to the same channel and the city intercoms were activated.

[Speakers] Good evening, Homeworld. Welcome to our midnight performance.

It's the pearl. The camera is zoomed in to her.

[Speakers] What I have for you for entertainment is the showdown of the millennia. The grand finale we've all been waiting for. Homeworld's greatest and strongest quartz ever produced versus Earth's greatest and strongest human ever produced.

The camera pans out to see Batman standing on the middle of the platform on top of the Centeral Tower. And then, rebels climbed up and joined the fight.

[Speakers] Of course, the fight is heavily weighed in Jasper's favor, but this should be interesting to see, nonetheless.

Jasper climbs up and is ready to fight.

[Speakers] Begin!

End of Chapter 28


You thought I would do the fight, didn't you? Sorry, but I would like to save the best for last. Stay tuned.
