Chapter 20: Beach City

Special Note (you can skip this): Someone told me that I would've been a brilliant Steven Universe writer for the show. I asked him why and he responds with, "because you write characters better." Of course, he also explained that one of my flaws was not including all characters and I admit it.

It's incredibly difficult to write all in the same part, but I do my best. He explained that I write a character and express their thoughts more in-depth than neccessary and sometimes have better dialogue than the show (even though I rip off dialogue from the series most of the time). It was very generous of him to say that.

The last flaw (although, it kind of isn't) is that I don't write stuff that could be on a kids show. Yeah, I don't really write kid friendly things. But regardless of the mature view, he said I would've written the show better than it already was.

Maybe this could somewhat inspire me to rewrite the series on Wattpad. Who knows? Enough of personal stuff and here's what you came for.

3rd Person P.O.V.

1 year and 3 months after Pink Diamond returned to Earth.

Beach City:

Steven is waking up to the sun rising in the window in the guest. He didn't want to get up.

(Moonlight) Good morning!

His eyes snapped out and saw Charlotte sitting on the side of his bed.

(Steven) Ch-Charlotte?!

(Moonlight) Oh, please, call me Moonlight.

(Steven) What are you doing here? How did you even get here in Beach City?!

(Moonlight) Bruce sent me here.

(Steven) He did?

(Moonlight) Well, lemme rephrase it, I asked to come here and he eventually agreed.

(Steven) How long have you been there?

(Moonlight) Since 2:00 AM.

Steven already had to deal with Pearl watching him sleep.

(Moonlight) Bruce told me and Alfred to keep an eye on you and your parents while I'm here.

(Steven) I'm sure he doesn't mean literally for when I'm sleeping.

(Moonlight) I don't really care.

(Steven) Why me in particular?

(Moonlight) You're a child, duh. Children are more fun than adults.

(Steven) Aren't you an adult?

(Moonlight) Yeah. I'm like... in my twenties. A little young.

(Steven) You're not a--

(Moonlight) No! Of course not. I mean, if I was, nobody would stop me. But even I have standards. Why would you even think that?

(Steven) Well, you're a little excited.

(Moonlight) I'm always this way. Do you not like my smile?

She grins, revealing her teeth. Her teeth are red. And her uniform has some red stains on it.

She noticed Steven getting scared.

(Moonlight) Oh, relax, it's red wine. I brought some with me.

She reached under his bed to grab a bottle of red wine.

(Steven) There's alcohol under my bed?!

(Moonlight) Uh, yeah.

(Steven) I could get in trouble!

(Moonlight) Calm down. Nobody's gonna find out, mostly because it'll all be gone before they find the bottles.

She took a sip. Then offered some to Steven.

(Steven) My Dad said no.

(Moonlight) A little sip won't hurt anybody. Besides, wine is like weak alcohol compared to beer and stuff.

Steven looks at the bottle and at her. She gives him an assuring smile.

(Steven) I can't...

He expected her to be upset.

(Moonlight) Okay.

She takes a sip.

(Steven) Huh?

(Moonlight) You said no.

(Steven) But I thought you'd--

(Moonlight) I'm not like that. Sure, I'm a bad influence, but I ain't gonna whine.

She finished the bottle.

(Steven) Have you met anyone else here?

(Moonlight) Actually, no.

(Steven) Maybe I could introduce to them?

(Moonlight) Sure.

Steven pushed the blanket off and he's still in pajamas.

(Steven) I'll get changed.

Moonlight doesn't look like she'll leave to give him privacy.

(Steven) Never mind.

(Moonlight) Let's go!

She followed Steven downstairs. The three main Crystal Gems were just getting their morning started.

(Pearl) Hello SteeeeVEN?! W-Who is this?!

(Steven) This is Moonlight. She's a friend.

(Moonlight) With benefits!

She placed her hands on the 15 year old's shoulders.

(Steven) N-No...

He turns around to face her and spoke to her quietly.

(Steven) Why are you doing stuff like this to me?!

(Moonlight) Because it's fun to tease you. Plus, seeing you flustered is a treat to witness.

She spoke out loud, not caring about what she said. Steven turns around.

(Steven) Anyway, she's a friend of Bruce. And she asked to come here so he brought her here. So, I'm trying to introduce her to y'all.

(Amethyst) Is she a gem? 'Cause she looks like one.

(Steven) No. She's a human.

(Moonlight) Beyond human. I'm blessed when unmatchable strength and immortality.

(Amethyst) You're practically a gem.

(Moonlight) Better than a gem. So, who are you three?

(Steven) This is Amethyst.

(Moonlight) Look how small you are!

She crouches down to pet the small gem.

(Moonlight) And I thought Steven was small.

(Amethyst) Okay, okay. Stop petting me. I'm not animal!

She moved Charlotte's hand off her head.

(Steven) This is Pearl.

(Pearl) H-Hello. You're very... large. Humans don't grow this tall.

(Moonlight) Some do. But I grew this tall when I got exposed to the chemicals that transformed me into the princess I look like now.

She looked like she had an idea.

(Moonlight) Ooh, I can explain what it was like. When the chemcials broke out of the bottle and splashed onto me, my skin turned white and my body began to grow. It felt like I was on fire. And eventually I outgrew my clothes. Luckily I found this lovely uniform.

She posed to show them her uniform a lot better. She has black pants that looks a little small for her. Black shoes, they're sneakers.

White long-sleeve shirt with black gloves at the end of her sleeves. Her hair, messy and silver white. Pearl is cringing at the red stains on Charlotte's clothes.

(Moonlight) Back on track. Who is this gem?

(Steven) This is Garnet.

(Garnet) Nice to meet you.

(Moonlight) You too!

(Steven) So, that's everyone in the house that you meet. Do you wish to meet the Diamonds?

(Moonlight) The rulers of Homeworld? Sure!

(Steven) Well, we need my Mom to access the Warp Pad. Mom!

(Pink Diamond) Yes, Steven?

She walked into the room.

(Pink Diamond) Charlotte? How did you--

(Steven) It's a long story. She wants to meet the Diamonds.

(Pink Diamond) She does? Why?

(Moonlight) Why not? It's not like they'll kill me.

(Steven) Because me and Mom will be there.

(Moonlight) Well, there's that, and they actually can't kill me.

(Pink Diamond) I suppose. Let's go.


(Yellow Diamond) It doesn't make any sense, where did my chemicals go?

(Blue Diamond) Why does it matter? It was all bio-poison anyway. It won't benefit anyone.

(Yellow Diamond) Not unless I change the serum's formula. I was going to change it into something more productive. I lost over 1,000 gallons of bio-poison.

(White Diamond) Then someone stole it. There's no way for anyone to lose 1,000 gallons, especially if it's Yellow, she documents everything.

(Blue Diamond) Why would anyone steal bio-poison? What use could it do?

(Yellow Diamond) It's purpose is to eliminate organic life.

The Warp Pad illuminated. Three guests arrived.

(White Diamond) Pink!

(Blue Diamond) Steven!

(Yellow Diamond) Who is this?

(Steven) This is Moonlight. She's a friend from Earth.

(White Diamond) Are humans always this... pale?

(Moonlight) No.

(Steven) She had an accident that altered her into this. She's very strong and can never die.

(Blue Diamond) An immortal human?

(Yellow Diamond) That isn't possible.

(Moonlight) Well, it is. Believe me, I lived through things that are guaranteed to kill any human.

(Yellow Diamond) Prove it.

(Moonlight) Uh, how?

Yellow grabbed a vial of the bio-poison she said was missing. Just because she lost over 1,000 gallons, doesn't mean she lost it all.

(Yellow Diamond) Drink this.

(Moonlight) Okay.

She took the vial and drank every bit of the bio-poison. The four Diamonds were shocked at the fact that Charlotte is still standing.

(Yellow Diamond) It's not... killing you...?

(Moonlight) It tasted a little sour and bitter, but it eventually went away. That was nasty.

(Blue Diamond) I guess you were right. You are immortal.

(Yellow Diamond) Can you specify how you got this way? Ingredients to the chemicals you were exposed to?

(Moonlight) I can't say what exactly because I don't know what was mixed in all of it. But I know if someone has my blood in them, they have a 50-50 chance of living and turning them into me!

(Steven) Only organic creatures. Not gems.

(Yellow Diamond) May I extract a blood sample?

(Moonlight) Sure.

Before Yellow could figure out how she would obtain some of Charlotte's blood, she bit a chunk of her arm off and let her blood pour into the vial that she drank bio-poison from earlier. Steven, Pink, and Blue almost vomited from the gore.

(Yellow Diamond) That wasn't necessary...

She spits out a chunk of flesh, letting it hit the carpet. Her arm is bleeding, but only for a moment.

(Moonlight) Uh, yeah. You don't got any equipment to extract blood. So it was neccessary.

(White Diamond) Your blood is all over the floor!

(Moonlight) Whoops! Can't really fix it.

White huffed in anger.

(Pink Diamond) Back to the reason why we came here. The yellow Diamond is--

(Moonlight) Yellow Diamond. And the blue one is Blue Diamond. And the perfectionist is White Diamond, I presume.

(Blue Diamond) You're correct.

(Yellow Diamond) Well, thank you for the specimen you provided, despite the mess you made.

(White Diamond) You're certainly beyond the average human by appearance.

(Moonlight) Don't forget strength, too. It's funny, I'd thought the Diamonds would be giants. Though, their size wouldn't make a difference to me if I fought them.

(Yellow Diamond) Was that a threat?

(Moonlight) No. I was just saying, no matter how big you are, you could never defeat me.

(Yellow Diamond) Really? I can increase all four of our sizes and see what you can do.

(Moonlight) Oh, you're on!

(White Diamond) No! No! No fighting in here!

She gets in between them.

(Yellow Diamond) Fine.

(Moonlight) Oh, well, maybe next time.

(Steven) Okay, I think we stayed a lot longed than expected and I'm sure the Diamonds are very busy.

(Blue Diamond) Not really.

(White Diamond) Yellow was just informing us that she has lost 1,000 gallons of bio-poison.

(Steven) Bio-poison?

(Pink Diamond) It's a chemical liquid that eliminates organic life. It's like acid to life forms.

(Steven) Why do you even have it?

(Yellow Diamond) I used to use it to for eliminating planets. But now, I was trying to change it into something better. But I don't have enough for research purposes. I lost my production for it and I hardly have the quantity to replenish more.

(Blue Diamond) White believes someone stole it.

(White Diamond) I don't believe, I know. It's impossible for Yellow to lose all of that bio-poison.

(Yellow Diamond) I'm more concerned on how they were able to pull it off.

(Steven) Maybe I can get Batman to figure it out.

(Blue Diamond) Oh, yes, he is Earth's greatest Detective, right?

(Steven) Yes.

(Moonlight) Ooh, Brucie is coming here?!

(White Diamond) Possibly. Wayne solved Pink's "fate" last year. And that was an enigma that lasted over 6,000 years. If he could do that, he would solve this thievery effortlessly.

(Steven) Would you like for me to get him?

(White Diamond) Sure--

(Moonlight) Yes, please!

(Steven) Okay. When we get on Earth, I will.


Little Homeworld:

Steven is taking Charlotte to Little Homeworld.

(Steven) Is it necessary to hold my hand?

(Moonlight) Yes. I would be a lost, defenseless girl that anyone could take advantage of.

Steven rolled his eyes. She's anything but what she just said, except the gender part. Steven leads her to the Greenhouse.

(Steven) Peridot, Lapis and Bismuth should be here.

He opens the door and sure enough, they were there.

(Peridot) Hello Steven. And there's another one of your strange human friends.

She seems to be taking it better than when she met Batman the first time.

(Lapis) Who is she?

(Moonlight) Charlotte Oliver. Aka, Moonlight.

(Moonlight) Nice to meet more of these gems.

(Lapis) She's very different.

(Bismuth) Were you born this way?

(Moonlight) Nope. A chemical accident can do wonders for a person.

(Steven) Peridot is a gem technician and a gardener. Lapis is a former terraformer but she helps Peridot water her plants and she's part of the Little Homeschool system. Bismuth is a blacksmith, architect and builder.

(Moonlight) Those are all very fun hobbies. Stuff I could do. But I can't.

(Peridot) Why is that?

(Moonlight) Because human society shuns those who look different. And I came from one of the worst cities in America.

(Steven) It's not that bad. Not after Arkham City.

(Moonlight) Criminal element or not, humans can be monstrous. No matter what.

(Steven) Not all of them. There's me.

Moonlight crouched down and pinched his cheek.

(Moonlight) That's because, you little cutie, you aren't scarred by the harsh reality of humanity. You're surrounded by those you know and they know you. Trust me, you're better off here than any other state in this country.

(Steven) You can stay here, in Beach City.

She laughed and hugged him.

(Moonlight) Ah, your naivety is adorable. Nobody would want me here either.

(Steven) Give it a chance. Maybe exploring Little Homeworld would change your mind?

She released him from her grasp.

(Moonlight) Sure. Got all the time in the world.

(Peridot) I suggest you observe the Welcoming Center. It has the most welcoming gems. Given by your condition, you could lie by saying you're a gem and they'd believe you. No offense.

(Moonlight) Nah, what do I got to lie for? Besides, I love making others question whether I'm human or not. C'mon, Steven, let's go.

She grabs his hand and went to the door, practically dragging him.

(Steven) See you guys later. Bye!

They got outside.

(Steven) Can you please not drag me? It kinda hurts.

She yanked him up and held him with one arm.

(Steven) Never mind, I perfer to be dragged.

(Moonlight) Nope. I made up my mind.

He was embarrassed by her treating him this way. He knows this is her way being friendly, but it's annoying him a little. But he fears getting her angry.

If she's this way and she's happy, imagine what she would do if she's upset.

(Steven) This is the Welcoming Center. A place where someone can introduce you to Little Homeworld. Which in this case, it's me.

(Moonlight) Oh, how fortunate! I have a tour guide in my arm.

(Steven) Anyway, Little Homeworld is a place for gems who feel like they lost their purpose or if they feel out of place in their society. This place can also work for humans. You'd do great in Little Homeworld. And so could some of Batman's former enemies.

(Moonlight) Sounds tempting.

She felt a tap on her shoulder. She turns around, Steven is still in her arm.

(Moonlight) Speak of the devil, and he shall appear.

(Bruce) I'm here to pick you up.

(Steven) So, are you also here to solve the case on Homeworld?

(Bruce) Not now.

(Steven) Why didn't you bring your... "other suit"?

(Bruce) It's not neccessary to visit this place as Batman every time.

(Moonlight) Plus, seeing Batman in broad daylight is a little bad for his reputation. He's like the monster that comes out at night.

(Steven) I can understand that.

(Moonlight) I'll race you back to our ride home!

She runs off.

(Steven) It was nice talking to you.

(Bruce) You, too.

He walks after Charlotte. He looks around the place. He accidentally bumped into someone and they dropped a bag.

It's a gem wearing a blanket on their head.

(Spinel) Oh, shooting stars!

(Bruce) I'm sorry.

He helped her pick up some of the stuff that got pushed out of the bag when she dropped it. He noticed some of the stuff is edibles that grow on Homeworld. Another is a picture of Batman and Steven.

Someone is a fan of them, he presumed.

(Bruce) Sorry, I wasn't paying attention and--

(Spinel) I get it. I wasn't either.

He can't see her face clearly, but she can see his.

(Spinel) Wait a second...

She puts her hand on his face, hiding his eyes and nose so all she can see is his jaw, chin and mouth.

(Spinel) You look awfully familiar.

She moved her hand away.

(Spinel) Somethin' about your chin reminds me of someone.

(Bruce) I have one of those faces.

She shrugged her shoulders and walked away with the bag full and over her shoulder.

End of Chapter 20

