Chapter 8: Bruce's Pillow

Lucy returned to her desk and Bruce to his office. The rest of the day was pretty normal the only thing that wasn't normal was the smell of Lucy's clothes. They smelled like Bruce, his smell was incredible. Sara dropped off some papers Bruce needed to sign, Lucy said she'd take care of it. She decided to get out done now before she forgot. She knocked on his door and waited for a response. So she knocked again still nothing 'maybe he's not in there.' Lucy waited...still nothing. Maybe he didn't hear her.



Lucy:"I just need you to sign some papers."


Lucy started to worry so she walked in. Bruce hadn't left, he had fallen asleep. 'Should I wake him? He looks so peaceful.' She was about to wake him up when she noticed the bruises on his face. 'So that's why you were wearing sunglasses.' 'But how did you get them?' She also noticed how handsome he was even when he was asleep. Lucy wanted to touch the bruises so she reached out her hand to touch Bruce's face but something grabbed her by the wrist before she could. She looked at her wrist and saw Bruce's hand holding her then she looked at his face, his eyes were wide open.

Bruce:'What are you doing?'

Lucy:' nothing'

Bruce let go of her and she took a few steps back from his desk. He sat up to rub the sleep from his eyes. He looked at her with sleepy eyes.

Bruce:'Did you need something?

Lucy:'Oh yeah these papers need your signature.'

He took the papers and began signing them. Lucy stood there quietly wondering where those bruises came from. He finished signing the papers but didn't give them back to her. Instead he got up from his desk and stood in front of Lucy, he towered over her.

Bruce:'Come here for a sec.'

He took Lucy's hand and lead her to the couch in his office.


Lucy started to panic a little things were getting weird between them so she decided she should get out of there. But Bruce wouldn't let her go. Bruce pointed to the far side of the couch so Lucy sat there. He sat close to her then before she knew it his head was in her lap.

Lucy:'Wait what are you doing?'

Bruce:'I'm sleepy.'

Lucy:'I know that but why are you laying on my lap?'

Bruce:'I don't have a pillow so you're the next best thing.'

Lucy could feel her face turn red. The situation was awkward but at the same time comfortable.

Lucy:'Um... Mr.Wayne..'

Bruce:'Bruce...I told you to call me Bruce.'

Lucy:'Bruce... um what happened to your face?'

Bruce forgot about the bruises he got from Harley. He couldn't tell Lucy where he really got them from so he thought of lie.

Bruce:'After I went home I invited a few of my "friends" over for a little "party" I drank too much and ran into a wall.'

She rolled her eyes at his explanation. Lucy hated the playboy side of Bruce she'd take the "I don't have time for you right now" side any time. Awkward was the only word Lucy could think of for this situation.

Lucy:'Oh is that so?'

Bruce:'What? Are you jealous I didn't invite you?'

Lucy:'No... not really you're "parties" don't really interest me.'

Bruce:'Of course they don't.'

Lucy:'And what's that supposed to mean?'

He snicker a little.

Bruce:''re a good girl Lucy.'

Where did that come from? Why is he acting so weird today? Bruce's breathing got heavy and it was steady now. 'I guess he's asleep now.' Lucy looked down at him and smiled she felt so close to him. She stroked his hair while he slept. She felt sleepy too so she rested her head in her hand and fell asleep.

I hope the part about Bruce smelling incredible wasn't too weird. If it was I'm sorry. Also sorry if the story time is kinda weird I didn't think anyone would like my story so I'm honestly making this up as I go. Thank you for reading! Leave a comment!
~BatmanBaby ^ω^
