Weird Happenings


"it's a great solution and it will work," Conner said, and then he looked at me with a worried look on his face, "but we still have to tell the others about us getting married."

"they are all at dinner, so let's go tell them now." I told Conner as I grabbed his hand and yanked him to his feet before pulling him towards the kitchen, but before we got there Conner yanked me into another room, that was empty except for Batman, who was standing at a table looking at some papers.

"let's start with your father." Conner said, and then we both took a deep breath and walked towards my father.


Match's POV

"look at him, the little brat actually seems happy" Luther said as he and I watched a video of that little b**ch excepting Conner's marriage proposal, "maybe we should do something to mess with his happiness, and to inform him that I haven't forgotten him."

"I agree father," I told him, "and I know just the way to destroy his happiness."

my name is 'Match' or that is what I'm called. I'm another one of Luther's attempts at cloning superman, and I look exactly like Conner. when I was first created I couldn't talk, I couldn't think, and the only thing I cared about was destroying Superman, and anyone that bears his symbol. that was a year ago, in the past year Luther has been running experiments on me to try to make me more intelligent, and he has succeeded, I can now talk, think and act on my own.

I call Luther 'father' because since Conner won't except Luther as his father, I have. Luther and I spend a-lot of time together and although we arn't as close as father and son, we have decided that we are so much alike that we could actually be family, and so we have decided to be father and son.

both of us hate superman, and superboy, we both wat to destroy the justice league, we both want a world without superheroes. and we both we the power we could gain if we worked together as a family. and so that is why I call him father.

"how?" dad asked me, he looked pleased that I had come up with a way to ruin Conner's happiness.

"we simply take the object of his happiness," I told dad, then I turned to him and smiled, "we take his new bride."

my father and I laughed as we thought of the pain it would cause Conner to lose the woman he loves, and then I thought of something that had me a little worried.

"but what will we do with her when we get her?" I asked my father, and he stopped laughing, we both thought about the problem for a while, and I finally had an Idea. "we can send her to an alternate dimension."

"I love it, we can send her to a world where there is no chance of her ever getting back to our own." dad said as he smiled, then he went over to a machine that had been sitting in a corner for the past year, unused. "we can use the clock-master's machine, and then destroy it as soon as she's through."

my father and I laughed together and then started to discuss how we were going to get the girl away from Conner, we finally decided on a plan that was just so simple we couldn't believe we had't thought of it before.

Conner's POV

everything was happening so fast, Ann agreeing to marry me, the library, just everything. but I don't care, because Ann and I are going to get married and be together forever.

Ann and I are currently walking towards her father, we were going to tell him about our engagement and we are both worried, but it had to be done and we both agreed that it was better to tell him before anyone else. as we got closer to him Batman turned and looked at us, and I could tell by the look in his eyes that he knew something was up, when we were right in-front of him he nodded his head at me and then poled Ann into his arms for a hug, she hugged him back, and I could easily see the love they shared.

"what are go going to tell me that has you both so worried." Batman asked us when he poled away from the hug, "and don't try telling me your not worried because I can see in your eyes that you are."

Ann and I looked at each other and then I turned to Batman and just said it, "I asked Ann you merry me," his eyes widened and before he could say anything I continued, "and she said yes."

Batman looked from me to Ann, and then he smiled, "it took you long enough," he laughed and when Ann and I looked at him confused he explained, "I knew that it would only be a matter of time before you asked her, but I thought it would be sooner than this."

"you knew I was going to ask her to marry me?" I asked Batman confused, "and your okay with us getting married?"

"of course I knew," Batman said, "and why wouldn't I be okay with it? the two of you love each other, and the most important thing is that my daughter is happy, and you make her happy Conner."

"thank you." I told batman, but then Batman leaned towards me and whispered in my ear.

"if you ever hurt my baby girl, I will personally hurt you," Batman whispered, "so I advise you to treat her right."

batman stated to pole back but I whispered in his ear first. "I love her, and I'll kill myself before I hurt her."

the two of us looked at each other until we heard a cry of surprise from behind us, and we turned just in time to see some-one that looked like me, shoving Ann through some kind of portal, the other me turned to us and laughed before he quickly destroyed the machine and disappeared.

Batman and I were to shocked to move, but then Batman turned to me, "who was that?" he demanded, and I could tell he was pissed, "Conner explain KNOW," he yelled the last part and in seconds everyone else was in the room, and they saw batman looking very pissed, and me looking shocked.

"that was Match, he's another superman clone of Luther's, but he only has Superman's DNA in him, he doesn't have any human DNA, so he has almost all of Superman's powers." I told batman, and the others listened, not knowing what had happened yet, "he's supposed to be locked up, but someone must have let him out, but I don't know why he took Ann."

"MATCH TOOK ANN.?" Wally yelled as soon as I finished and Batman turned to the team.

"you all knew there was another superman clone and you didn't tell anyone?" he was angry and we all knew it. "and know he's sent Ann to another dimension using the clock-masters machine."

"how would Match get a-hole of the clock-masters machine?" Robin asked Batman, but then he looked up sharply, "he's working with Luther."

"what? are you sure Robin?" I asked Robin as soon as he said it, by know I Had explained what had happened and everyone in the room was worried.

"I'm positive Conner." the Robin looked down, "I'm sorry."

"what do you mean, 'your sorry'?" Wally demanded, "your sorry about what."

but I was the one that explained. "Luther has made it so we can't bring Ann back from this world, she has to find a way back from what ever world she's on, and it could take years." as I said the last part I ran out of the room and down to the beach, where I sat on the rock that had become a meeting place for me and Ann.

after a couple minutes I felt someone sit down beside me, but I didn't look up, I continued to look out to see, hoping, wishing that this was all just a dream and that I would wake up and I would tell Ann about this and we would laugh because we were relieved that this wasn't really happening, but I knew that this was no dream, and that Ann really was gone. I felt an arm go around my shoulders and I looked up, I expected to see a member of my team, I had not been expecting to see, superman.

"she'll find a way back Conner, after all, she is Batman's daughter," Superman said, "and if she's anything like her father, when she gets back she'll probably yell at you for not trusting her, to come back."

Superman's voice was soft, and I could tell that he believed what he said, but I was still worried.

"but how long will it take her to get back?" I asked, and he must of heard the sorrow and pain in my voice because he hugged me.

"it doesn't really matter does it?" Superman said, "as long as she gets back."

"I asked her to marry me today," Superman poled back in surprise, "and she said yes."

"congratulations," Superman said as he hugged me again. "I can tell that the two of you really love each other."

I looked at Superman and thought back over the past, since the time I first showed up, Superman had made me think he hated me, but know he was being nice to me? why?.

"why do you hate me?" I asked hm, and by the way his head snapped up to look at me I could tell he was shocked.

"I don't hate you Conner."

"then why do you always avoid me? you act like you don't want anything to do with me." I told him.

"I avoid you because," Superman took a deep breath, "I don't know anything about being a father, I've never had to try, but know, I avoided you because I thought you would be better off if you were looked after by people that actually know how to take care of a teenager I don't hate you Conner, in fact I would love to be your father, I'm just afraid I would mess it up and you would hate me."

"we'll never know unless we try," I told Superman as I smiled at him. "I would love to be able to call you dad, but I don't know if I'd be a very good son."

"like you said," Superman said, "we'll just have to be a family for a while to find out, that is if you'll allow me to be your father,"

"I would love to, dad." he smiled the minute I called him dad, and I somehow knew that by the time Ann comes back, Superman and I would be a family.

"know, how about we go talk to my wife, about adopting you as our son?" I looked at Superman in shock.

"your married?" I asked. and he laughed.

"I'm married as Clark Kent, to Lois Lane. know let's go talk to her." Superman poled me to my feet, and we headed back inside, the others were all sitting around in the living room discussing what they were going to do about Match and Luther.

"you aren't going to do anything, we're going to leave them alone and let them think that they've won," I told them and everyone looked at me in shock, my voice was strong and I could Tell that most of them had thought i would be sad and crying, "Ann will find a way back, but for know we just have to continue on as if nothing happened."

"why should we listen to you on this?" Wally asked me, and I looked at him to see that he was crying, ever since Ann showed up we have been more of a family then ever, and Ann adopted Wally as a little brother after the second day, the two of them had become close and I knew that he was almost as sad as I am. and I gave them all an answer to his question that made them all listen to me.

"because Ann is my fiancee," everyone looked shocked. "I asked her to marry me, and she said yes. I trust Ann to come back to me, and no matter how long it takes, I'll wait for her to come back, and while she's gone I'll act like she would want me to, like everything is fine, that I'm happy and I'll continue to live my live as if a piece of me isn't missing."

by the end of my little speech, most of the team was crying, but they all quickly agreed to my plan, Superman and I told them that we were going out and that we would be back later, and so we went to the garage and after changing into regular civilian clother's, we got into a car and went to metropolis.

the Daily Planet was huge, we parked out front and then Superman lead me in, we had stopped at a building and gotten papers signed that said I was Clark Kent's adopted son, so I was know calling him dad, and he had told me to call Lois mom, neither of us could wait to see what the people dad worked with had to say about the adoption.

"Clark, Conner," a woman said as soon as we entered a press room, she yelled it and every head turned to look at us, well, mostly me, dad had called her on the way here and explained about the adoption and everything, and I had found put that dad had told her all about me from the very beginning.

"hi mom." I said as I hugged her, feeling that it was the right thing to do, and every one else in the building seemed to be so shocked that some of them let there mouths drop open, questions almost immediately started to be asked, the most common one was 'you have a son?"

"Everyone." Dad said as he grabbed my shoulders and turned me to face every one else in the room, "this is Conner, he is one of the orphans Lois and I did that story on, and while doing the stroy we just fell in love with him, so we adopted him, Conner, this is everyone."

I laughed "it's nice to meet you 'everyone'" I said, and everyone in the room laughed with me, I could tell that I would be spending a lot of time here with my new parents. but for know, I was just going to enjoy having a mom and dad, and forget about the love of my life being taken from me.

hours later

"Conner, where have you been?" Wally asked me as I came through the door, dad, mom and I have been at the Daily Planet all day, we were going to the house for dinner, but dad and I went to mount justice to get my things, because I'm moving in with them.

"I've been with my parents." and only after I've said it did I realize what I had said, everyone in the room had gone still with shock the minute those words had left my mouth and now they were all staring at me, and then dad came in behind me.

"congratulation's everyone in the room said, they were all smiling know, and I saw Wally give his uncle some money.

"hurry up and pack, your mother will kill us if we are late for dinner." Superman told me, then he turned to Batman, "if you say 'I told you so' I will seriously kill you."

"I'm not going to say it," Batman said, "but I did tell you it would only take five minutes with him for the two of you to become a family."

"you just said 'I told you so'" Dad said annoyed at Batman, and then the two of them laughed.

I quickly went to my room and packed all of my things, which fit into one bag, the I went out to the living room and said goodbye to the team and told them I would see them tomorrow, and the I remembered the Library.

"I'll be back in a little while," I told dad, "I need to check something."

"okay, son.' dad said. and I headed out the door, I quickly wet to the beach and moved the rock aside, before heading down the passage way to the library.

"where is the other one?" Alexio asked as I came into the library.

"she has been taken to a different dimension." I told Alexio. and then my hand started to burn and looking down I saw that the ring he had given me had melted.

"the two of you have been separated, that means the spell is broken, I will leave now, you will never see me again and neither will the girl." Alexio said, "and neither of you will posses anything related to my library."

before I could say anything, I felt this weird sensation and then I was standing on the beach alone, I quickly went back inside and dad and I left so that mom wouldn't kill us for being late for dinner.

"what's wrong? you seem depressed." Dad asked me, I was on sphere and he was flying, we are now on our way to the Fortress of Solitude, and we are currently flying over the Arctic. "and you haven't said a word since we left Mount Justice."

"everything's fine, I'm just worried about Ann." I told dad, and it was a half truth, I was worried about Ann, I had been hoping that Alexio would know of a way for me to get Ann back, but know he left. and if not he could have at least helped me find out what the machine had been, but now he was gone. "what if she can't find a way back?"

"she will find her way back Conner." Dad told me, he flu closer to me and messed up my hair, making me smile at him. "she loves you Conner, she's agreed to marry you hasn't she? she will come back. you just have to give it time."

"thank you." I told dad, "I don't mean to be depressed, I'm just really worried, I love her."

"everything will be okay, and the two of you will be together again." dad told me. "it might take time, but you will be together again."

I smiled and then turned all my attention towards sphere, because I had just had an amazing idea, I quickly told sphere to go faster and she sped up, until we were far ahead of dad, but then she was laughing and flying after me. we raced each other until we got to the Fortress, and then we quickly went inside and to the kitchen, where mom had dinner prepared and waiting for us when we got there.

"how did the team take it?" mom asked me as I kissed her cheek.

I only spent five hours with them today and we already act as if we have always been a family, I kissed mom on the cheek, I confined in dad, and I already loved them both. I couldn't explain it, but I felt at peace when I was around the two of them, I felt like I belonged.

"they took it pretty well, they all seemed to already know about it," i told mom as I sat down and put some food on my plate, as soon as mom saw how little food was on my pate she grabbed it and put more chicken and salad on it.

"I don't care if you don't eat a lot," she told me, and I saw dad smiling behind her. "you are much to skinny and you need more fat on those bones."

"I don't have any fat on me as it is, I'm nothing but muscle." I said with a smile, and all tree of us just started laughing, mom turned her back on me to speak to dad and I slipped my chicken to wolf, but dad saw it and he was looking at me questioningly when I looked up, mom saw the stair and turned just in time to see wolf eat the chicken.

"Conner Kent, I can not believe you just gave your food to your Wolf." she sounded really mad.

"I can't eat meat." I quickly explained, and mom and dad looked at me in shock, "I do't know why, but when ever I eat meat, I get really sick, and I can't stop throwing up."

"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I just can't eat meat and Wolf loves it." I continued, "and it's just habit to give him my meat."

"it's alright, I'm not mad." mom told me as she kissed my cheek, "I didn't know, I'll try not to give you meat anymore but I might forget, and I'll try to remember Wolf."

I smiled at her, "thanks mom, I love you." I told her, and I meant it, "and I love you to dad."

"we love you to son," they both said, and then they were hugging me. and I knew that I was home.

Ann's POV.

I slowly opened my eyes, I was on a infirmary bed, but I wasn't in the cave infirmary, so where was I? I quietly got up, and then I realized that I was in different clothes, I wasn't in my own any more, so someone changed me, but who? I started walking towards the door on the other side of the room, but before I reached it, the door opened and a man came in, a man dressed like Captain America...

where has Ann been transported that she would find Captain America? you'll have to read to find our.
