6-a real conversation

"All of you need to sign in and take a seat." Mrs.Fallon announces.

Ah, detention. I've had it twice before but this would be my first write up as a senior. When Nick disappeared from our conversation earlier in the hall, I was left standing there like an idiot. And since I didn't have a pass, Principle Buchanan felt the need to write me up.

When I told Lacey about my lovely adventure she laughed for five minutes then thanked me for getting Logan's number and then she finally gave me an apology. Good to know she has her priorities straight. On the bright side, she was still promising me a trip to Taco Bell later in the week so I had that to look forward to. But once my parents are informed of my detention, they will more than likely be adding on to my grounding. I sent them a text telling them about it but neither have yet to reply. When they do, R.I.P Taylor Croft.

After signing in I find a vacant desk to sit in. There were only about six other kids in here, two boys who I am sure got caught trying to sell candy that wasn't school property. A girl who I've seen doing graffiti on her locker, a freshman boy who I think got dared by the football team to moon a teacher. Then a couple that probably got written up for doing inappropriate things and then there was me, the girl who skipped class to help out her best friend.

Throughout my time I did the three assignments that my teachers assigned. I also sent out a pity Snapchat to Lacey and I even organized my wallet and found twenty extra dollars in there. I was very thankful that I had put my ear buds in my purse this morning because they definitely came in handy. It turns out the couple didn't get enough action earlier and were having a heated make out session two rows over. Plus the two boys caught selling candy were trying to sell me candy. Needless to say this time around was much worse than the last two times I was in here.

An hour and a half later I was finally free. I made a quick stop at my locker to drop the books I had for my homework back in there since I no longer needed them. Thanks to getting detention I missed cheer practice, oh well, Lacey can fill me in on that later. I checked my phone while walking out of the building and saw that I hadn't received any texts from my parents yet, for now I was in the clear.

Being the idiot that I was, and being on my phone and not paying attention to where I was walking, I basically ran into someone or something. I really hope it wasn't a tree or a car.

I brought my hand up and felt what I ran into and the object felt hard and soft at the same time. Odd. I also felt the object moving, to be honest I was terrified to look up.

"Are you done feeling me up?" I knew that voice.

I slowly looked up and saw those hazel eyes and that scowl. The object I ran into wasn't a car or a tree, it was...Nick Ross. Oh Dear Lord. I gasped and backed up quickly to create some distance. What was he doing here so late after school? I wanted to ask but I couldn't seem to get the words or any words out for that matter. I just stood there with wide eyes and my mouth open.

God, Taylor, get yourself together!

But I couldn't. Not only was it my fault that I bumped into him, I was pretty much feeling him up. And let me tell you, his stomach was rock hard. And felt really nice. He also smelled good. Kind of like mint, it was intoxicating. His eyes also had a sparkle to them do to the sun shining, he had really pretty eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asks but it doesn't sound sincere this time. He is probably weirded out.

I shake my head trying to clear my thoughts. "I am sorry. I was looking at my phone, not paying attention to where I was walking like I should've been." I look down and fidget with my bracelet.

"Yeah..." he says awkwardly.

"I'm also sorry for...um...touching you." I mumble.

He laughs, actually laughs. I look up to see what is almost a smile but it doesn't make me feel any less of an idiot. I don't know why but here lately anytime I've had what qualifies as a conversation with Nick, I always find myself at a loss for words. Right now I can't tell if he is laughing because he finds this whole thing funny or is he laughing at me for being completely pathetic.
"I won't tell anyone about this or about you giving me your friends number." I say and start to walk away.

"Why do you always say that?" He suddenly asks.

Whoa...Batman is keeping up a conversation.

I slowly turn around, "I don't know." I shrug.

Nick shoves his hands in his pockets and walks closer to me, "Every time you've talked to me, you have said that exact same line. Why?" He tilts his head to the side. I am actually shocked that he's remembered me talking to him. I figured he would erased that from his memory.

I take a deep breath, "Well, I know that you value your privacy and if people knew that you and I had a conversation then your said privacy wouldn't exist anymore." I explain. I didn't want to be the reason Nick gets hounded by students for talking to me.

"You really think highly of yourself, don't ya?" He raises a brow.

"No?" I say more as a question.

I mean I use to care what people thought of me and what I thought of myself but one thing happens and you no longer give a shit what the kids you go to school with think about you. I just assumed that Nick would prefer to be left alone rather than have people talk to him about a girl he couldn't give two shits about.

"No? Then why do you think people will talk to me because of you? I've been at this school for three years and after a while people quit talking to you. They take a hint sooner or later." Nick says.

"I just thought that you preferred being alone." I say shyly. This conversation has taken a turn.

"It is easier to be alone rather than being friends with a ton of people who only care about their social ranking." He states.

"You are labeled as the mysterious/bad boy. Doesn't that bother you?" I had to ask.

Nick scratches the back of his neck, "It doesn't. I chose to turn down everyone who asked me to be their friend. I suppose I deserve it." He shrugs a shoulder.

I nod in response.

"What about you?"

"What about me?" I furrow my brows.

"You are Taylor Croft the cheerleader who dumped Johnny Sanders. Are you going to tell me that you haven't thought of what it would be like to be left all alone here?" He says.

He did have a point. Ever since my break up with Johnny, people have not left me alone. It has been getting annoying. But honestly, it is a nice change from being a topic of another conversation. That one felt like it would never end, eventually it did. The scars are sadly still visible.

I sigh in defeat, "I don't care what people are saying. I broke up with him for me. I didn't want to be in a relationship with him anymore." I feel like I have said that a million times.

"It's sad that someone as popular as you is getting all this unwanted attention. I didn't think the cheerleader would get that. I also thought your type was on the giving end not the other way around." He says.

Was he suggesting what I think he was suggesting?

Suddenly I was fuming. "Okay, lets get one thing straight. Despite the movies saying that cheerleaders are superficial bitches and put everyone else around them down, I am not like that. I mean I suppose one could call me a bitch but all the other stuff is incorrect. So, if you think I am a awful person then you are very wrong, there buddy." I finish breathing hard.

Instead of looking pissed or angry, Nick looks confused and what looks like a little bit pleased. Not the reaction I thought I was going to get. I for sure thought he would kill me for going off on him like that. I think I made him speechless.

We stand there not saying anything for a long time. I feel myself finally calm down and Nick is his usual self. If anyone were in the parking lot at the moment they would think we were in a draw. Or a couple who were experiencing a very heated argument that will lead to a very passionate make out session.

A constant pinging interrupts the silent stand off. I realize quickly that is my phone. I pull it out of my purse and see twenty texts from my parents. I guess they have had a chance to check their phones. And let me tell you, they are pissed. Most of the texts are in caps and my name is typed a lot. I am in some real serious trouble. My dad's next text is in all caps and it is a demand to get home immediately. Yep, I am most definitely dead.

I gulp, "I have to go." I announce to Nick.

Nick just nods his head and walks in a different direction. Where he was heading, I don't know.

One thing I do know is that we just had our first real conversation and it was riveting.

- - - - - -

"Taylor, you are a smart girl, how do you get detention?" Dad sighs.

I start to talk but get cut off.

"She's a teenager, she thinks getting detention is cool." Mom throws her hands up in exasperation.

Getting detention is so not cool.

"You miss curfew then you get detention. Is this the start of a pattern? Cause if it is, it stops right now." My dad scolds.

As soon as I walked through the door my parents started lecturing me about my recent mistakes. To be clear, I walked through the door an hour ago. They tend to ramble on when they give us any kind of lecture. When my mom gave me "the talk" it lasted four hours and by the end I was convinced that I would have nightmares. I didn't sleep for three days afterwards.

"I know what this is about." My mom snaps her fingers. "It's all Johnny's fault."

My dad gasps, "I told you, Carla, if we nipped that relationship in the butt sooner this would not have happened. But you said "Let her draw out her own conclusions" Well that didn't work!"

"If we told her to end it then she would of stayed with him." Mom mentions.

"They're still together!" Dad says.

I could of swore that I told them about my and Johnny's break up.

"Oohh, Taylor's getting the wrath!" Carter says coming into the living room.

"Carter, back to your room." Dad commands. Carter just shakes his head and walks back upstairs. My parents didn't like when the other sibling bragged about the sibling getting in trouble.

"Taylor, I have put this off for far too long, you have to end things with Johnny." Dad orders.

"Um...dad, I'm not with Johnny anymore." I say slowly.

"Wait what?" Mom says in confusion. "Since when?"

"Almost a month ago. I thought I told you guys." I say furrowing my brows.

"You did not." Dad says crossing his arms over his chest.

"Oh, honey, what happened?" Mom asks concerned and comes to sit with me on the couch.

"Carla." Dad says.

"Jordan, our daughter is going through a break up." Mom scoffs. "Now tell me what happened."

"I was the who ended it." I say.

"He didn't do anything to you that you weren't ready for, did he Taylor?" Dad's voice changes to the protective tone.

"Nope. I just didn't want to be with him anymore." I shrug.

"Sweetie, are you okay?" Mom asks with worry.

"Yeah I am. It was a good decision." I nod.

"I'm glad it's over. He didn't like anything I showed him. For a guy who plays football he really hates anything Tom Brady." Dad says in relief.

"Jordan." Mom warns.

"A little advice for the future, any guy you consider dating, make sure he has something in common with me, okay?" Dad advises and pats me on the shoulder.

I chuckle, "I will keep that in mind."

"Since you aren't with Johnny then how do you explain missing curfew and getting detention?" Mom questions.

"Lacey met a boy at the party and needed his number." I reveal.

"That explains it." Dad nods and mom agrees.

"So now that you know, does that mean I am no longer grounded?" I ask hopeful.

"Nice try. You are still grounded for the rest of the week." Dad informs.

"But you now have to drive Carter to school every morning." Mom says.

I groan, "Seriously? He doesn't even like me taking him to school."

"Welcome to my world, he makes me drop him off down the block." Mom counters.

"Oh and you are in charge of dinner tonight." Dad adds on.

I exhale, "Then you better tell me what restaurant I am going to."

My parents laugh and get up off of the couch. "Taylor we love you but when you do something wrong you need to be punished." Dad says.

"I know."

"We gave you a roof over your head, a car that you don't even pay insurance on." Mom says.

"Uh yes I do. You two take my share out of my bank account every month." I frown.

"We do that so you will learn responsibility!" Mom shouts from the foyer.

"It isn't responsibility if my parents are paying for it!" I call back.

"Then you are spoiled!" Dad chimes in.

Oh man. Parents.
