44-nick meets emily

I was in my and Nicks room the next day packing up my stuff. Our friends weekend getaway has come to an end and we would be heading back home today. I was bummed. The weekend went by so fast and I wasn't ready to go back to school tomorrow. How many more days till summer?

I heard a knock on the door and said come in to whoever it was. I continued folding my clothes when I heard Phillips voice. "Hey, Tay."

I look up at him for a second then go back to my task. "Hey. You all packed?"

"Yep. I can see that you and Nick still have quite a bit left." He points out looking around the room to see clothes laying everywhere. I think Nick and I are both kind of messy when it came to picking up our clothes. If my mom or dad seen this mess they would scold me and tell me to clean it up immediately.

"I know." I sigh.

Phillip notices my mood. "You okay?" He asks with concern lacing his voice.

"Tired." I mumble.

"No sleep for you and Nick?" He asks.

"We slept." Among other things. "I'm just feeling tired today." And sore.

"Maybe you can get some sleep in the car." He suggests.

"Maybe. Did you need something?" I ask wondering why he came in here.

Phillip scratches the back of his neck and comes to sit down on the bed. I stay standing up and continue packing but I give him my attention.

"I kissed Catherine last night." He confesses quietly.

I gasp. "What?!"

"Yeah. I went down to the kitchen last night for something to drink and she was already sitting at the counter eating cookies and milk. We talked about football and I asked her what her interests were. She didn't mention anything about Emily and I liked it. Before she went back up to her room, I kissed her." He explains.

"Wow." Its all I can say. I'm speechless. I never thought he would kiss her so soon. "Did...did you like the kiss? Did she kiss you back?" I question.

A pink tint appears on his cheeks as well as a smile. "I did and she did. It only lasted a few seconds but it was something. I'm just scared, she's like two and half years younger than me and Charlie seems very protective over her. I know he and I aren't that close but I do have to respect him."

I understand where Phillip is at. The age difference may not be a huge gap but it's still there. I know Catherine has expressed feelings for Xander and he's 20 years old. But she never pursued him. And she said she likes Phillip a lot, this is a difficult situation. I would hate to see them both give up because of the age gap.

"Maybe talk to Catherine. She seems to like you and I can tell you like her. If you are both in, then I say go for it. I'll support you so will Lacey. You deserve some happiness for once." I advise and walk over to give him a hug.

Phillip hugs me back. "Thanks Tay. I appreciate your honesty. Maybe I should try with Catherine."

We hear someone clear their throat and we let go seeing Nick standing in the door way with his arms crossed and that scowl. Huh. I haven't seen that in a while, I kind of missed it.

Phillip stands up to leave. "It's not what you think. Taylor was helping me out. I promise." He tells Nick.

Nick nods his head at Phillip who smiles and exits the room. Nick shuts the door and looks at me.

"Wazzup?" I ask laughing awkwardly.

He raises a brow at me and tries to hide his amusement. "Nothing. How's the packing coming along?"

"I've got almost all of mine packed. But your stuff is still scattered around." I tell him.

Nick doesn't say anything in reply, he just goes into the bathroom and grabs his toiletries. next he grabs his bag and starts picking his clothes up out of the floor and folding them and placing them in his bag. I give him props for folding them neatly. We continue cleaning up the room in silence. Yes, it's been like this between us since we woke up this morning in the tent. Don't get me wrong, last night was the best ever but now there's this tension. Awkward and sexual.

We haven't had the chance to talk about last night either. When we woke up we kissed, got dressed and took down the tent and folded all of the blankets and put them back in the garage. During breakfast we chatted with our friends, luckily none of them asked about our camp out. I did see Lacey give me a few looks but I ignored her. If I didn't want to talk to Nick about it then there was no way I was talking to her about it. A conversation with Nick comes first right?

Not being able to stand the tension and silence Nick breaks it. "Taylor."

"Hmm?" I respond not looking at him.

"You said you were ready last night. Are you feeling differently now?" He gets straight to the point.

His question makes my body heat up. "No. It's just different now. I mean I've seen you umm...in your birthday suit and vice versa. I'm not entirely sure what I feel at the moment."

Nick stops his task of packing and sits down on the bed. He pats the spot next to him. I groan but comply and take a seat next to him. "Okay, if you aren't sure how you feel emotionally, then how do you feel physically?"

Crap. I knew that was coming. How do you tell your boyfriend who took your virginity twelve hours ago that the pain you feel down there is excruciating? But also at the same time, you feel exceptionally pleased and satisfied?

I squirm uncomfortably. I look down at my socks and mumble my answer. "Sore but satisfied."

Nick has to lean close to hear my answer. I'm really hoping it was the right one. He's quiet for too long for my liking. So I look up at him under my eyelashes. I see a cross between furrowed brows and small smile. I know he's trying to hide his happiness with my answer but his furrowed brows tells me he's worried that he's hurt me.

Great. I didn't want him to feel that way. Aren't you suppose to be sore after the first time?

I sigh. "You didn't hurt me in the way I know you're thinking. It was my first time and I am not used to something that huh...different going to that particular place. I liked it a lot. That I won't deny." I try to explain it without sounding to dirty.

Nick looks at me and chuckles at my way of describing the situation from last night. "I was scared that I hurt you and you woke up this morning regretting what we did. I've been racking my brain all day thinking of everything I did and wondering what made you so distant ." He says relieve.

"Yes, I was distant and I apologize. It was my first time and even though I was ready it is still new to me. I love you and I don't regret it not one bit. You were very caring, patient and gentle with me. I thank you for that." I say and give him a small kiss.

"How was last night for you?" I ask.

Nick grins at me. That grins tells me all I need to know but I do prefer to hear the actual words. "It was great. I enjoyed a lot." Nick turns to me and buries his head into my neck and gives me little kisses that make goosebumps come alive.

I giggle at the feel of his lips on my neck. "Stop that tickles." Nick continues to do it for what seems like forever.

He pokes his head up to look at me. "I love you." He then crashes his lips to mine in a sweet kiss that I have to return.

"I love you." I mumble.


We got home late that afternoon and after we dropped Lacey and Logan off at Lacey's house, Nick then drove us to my house where my parents and brothers were waiting for us with pizza. They asked us how the trip went and we told them about it, leaving out the whole me losing my virginity part, of course. My parents don't need to know that part. I mean I may tell my mom later on but for now I will keep it quiet.

It sucked getting back to reality. I was more than ready for school to be over. The best part was Nick would come over to my house or I would go over to his and we would work on our homework together. Although that could be a bad thing because we did get distracted easily and ended up not doing our homework. One evening we were so close to having sex when his mom yelled from the top of the stairs that dinner was going to be done soon. Nick and I had to quickly dress and make ourselves look like weren't just about to do the naughty deed.

I don't think his parents noticed but Lauren did ask why my hair was a little messed up. I quickly said that I had ran my fingers through it because I was frustrated with my homework. She seemed to believe me. Since that little incident we decided to only go there when we were sure we would be alone. And if that didn't work there was always the bat-mobile. When I mentioned it Nick seemed to be on board.

Today was Friday and we were in my car for a change. Nick left his car at my house because where we were going needed me to drive. Well, not really. He knew where we were going but I felt better about driving to this particular location.

I pulled up to the curb and put the car into park. I looked to my left and seen the brass gate and the words "Kennedy Cemetery" above the gate. Nick mentioned to me how he was upset that he never got to meet Emily and I thought I could bring him here where she was laid to rest. It isn't the same but it is the best I can do.

I felt Nick lace my fingers with his when he sensed my hesitation. It's the first time I've ever brought anyone here, Lacey and I do come here together but this is completely different.

"We don't have to do this." He says squeezing my hand.

"I know. But I want you to meet her." I say back.

We both get out of the car and Nick immediately grabs a hold of my hand again. That alone gives me comfort. We walk through the gates and past the rows of tombstones where loved ones of others are laid to rest. Before I know it we are standing right in front of Emily's final resting place. The urge to play with my bracelet or rub my finger over the dainty tattoo inside my finger is strong but I refrain.

I lay the flowers we brought on her grave. They were Lillie's, her favorite.

I take a deep breath. "Hey Em. Sorry I haven't been here in a while. Um...I brought someone with me and they really want to meet you. This is Nick Ross aka Batman." I laugh a little. "You've heard Lacey and I talk about him a few times. He's my boyfriend and I've told him a lot about you as well."

"Hey Emily. It's me Nick or Batman. Cheerleader aka Taylor here tells me stories about you and your friendship it sounds amazing. I wish I could have met you sooner. I'm sure you're worried about Taylor but I can say that she's doing great and I'm treating her right. I did take her virginity in a tent but I assure you she was totally cool with it." He laughs when I nudge his side.

"Nick! You can't tell her that!" I scold him.

"Yes I can. Emily and I are cool. She's happy that I am making you smile. Which I can easily do." He says in a cocky tone. "Oh and I've met your brother Phillip, I was jealous of his and Taylor's relationship at first but in the end I found him to be a pretty good dude. And Lacey, boy she's a chatterbox but I ignore it because I know she's your bestie. If I was there when what happened I would have been right there with Phillip. I'm very protective of my friends. I mean I did beat up Johnny, that guy was a douche." He grimaced.

I can't help but smile at his conversation with Emily's grave. He's talking to her like she's been a friend of his forever when he's never really met her. I knew he would make an effort but I didn't expect this. I let Nick continue to talk to Emily while I text Lacey to let her know that we will be running late to Tyson's for dinner. She knew what we were going to be doing so she sends me a smiley emoji in response.

"No, I don't think Xander is better looking than me. He keeps saying that Em. The worst part is I showed his picture to my little sisters and they looked like that emoji with the hearts for eyes. I hate that emoji. Cheerleader sends it to me all the time which I love but when she practically does it when Chris Evans or Scott Eastwood comes on the tv it pisses me off. As you can tell I am a very jealous and needy boyfriend. I'm literally always touching Taylor. I'm always up in her grill. You can't blame me right? My girl is fine AF and I'm in love so it's natural." He continues talking to Emily.

I look at the time and realize that we need to leave before the rain moves in.

"Babe." I say causing Nick to stop his conversation to look back at me. "The rain is coming."

Nick looks up the dark gray sky and frowns. "Oh right. Emily I had a lovely time and thank you for listening to me. I think I shocked our girl with how much I talked to you. It feels like you're an old friend to me as well. Don't worry, I'll take good care of Taylor, pinky promise. Bye." He says then comes to stand next to me.

"You talked for a long time. Thank you for coming here with me." I tell him. "Em, I'll be back and I will bring this hunk with me. I love you for infinity, bestie. Goodbye." I say then hold Nicks hand as we leave the cemetery.

Another demon of mine conquered.


Okayyy. So there are only a few more chapters left. Which is veryyyy sad but it's also good because I've been working on this book for a while. Thank you to all who are reading it! I hope you are enjoying Batman and cheerleader as much as I do!

