Break Out

Chapter 22
Break Out
Cadmus Labs

Laurel Lance, Black Canary was Oliver Queen's wife and she got a call from Amanda Waller that she was in trouble at Cadmus Labs.

Laurel broke into Cadmus, she saw two Guard blocking the doorway and she knocked them out with her bow staff.

"Freeze!" A guard said. Five more other guard were behind him. Laurel knocked all of them out and saw Hugo Strange.

"Where is Waller!?" Laurel questioned.

"She's in there." Hugo smirked. Laurel knocked him out and walked to the cells.

Laurel saw Amanda, "Laurel, I'm so sorry," Amanda cried.

"About what?" Laurel asked.

"You don't know?" Amanda asked.

"Don't know what?!" Laurel asked.

"Oliver is dead, Slade killed him. Slade died too. He was hired by Strange, I remember that Strange hired him." Amanda said. She was telling the truth.

Laurel fell on her knees. Tears ran down her cheeks. "I'm going to kill Strange."

Amanda noticed red and blue lights coming from outside.

"Laurel you can't right now, the police are here, we need to go. The time will come." Amanda said.

Laurel and Amanda fled out of the Lab right before the Police showed up.
