Batman Beyond

Chapter 22

Batman Beyond

Cadmus Labs

Amanda Waller the owner and CEO of Cadmus Industries, stormed into the Lab located in Sterling City. "Ms. Waller, it's nice to see you again." A man with a white lab coat said.

"Shut up Strange, I told you to shut down project Batman Beyond, but you didn't." Waller said. Hugo Strange is the CFO of Cadmus.

"Why? Neo Gotham was safe during the Purge, only a few civilians died." Strange said, "Cobblepot is dead now, and the Jokerz are dead, what's the big deal?"

"It's not right, Terry McGinnis didn't ask for this life." Waller said.

"Then he could blame you, after all, this was your idea." Strange said.

"It may be my idea, but you were the one who went forward and did it after I said to shut it down!" Waller said, she turned to the guards, "Guards take him away."

The guards didn't do what she said. "I guess you haven't heard Amanda, you must have been in Neo Gotham, I bought Cadmus, Guards instead of taking me away, we don't you take my old friend here away instead."

The two guards grabbed Amanda Waller and brought her to a cell.

Amanda got her phone out of her pocket, the guards forgot to search her. "Laurel, I need you to get me out of the Cadmus Lab in Sterling, we need to take down Hugo Strange."

She hung up her phone buzzed. It was a notice from the news. The notice said, "Oliver Queen Dead."
