Seriously?! Kidnapped again

Quinn let her friends through the door led them to the kitchen with her crutches, where the ingredients for pizza were laid out on the counter
"Where's grey?" She asked as she grabbed some juice
"He'll be here soon I told him you wanted to show him something" Miles answered and took the juice from her hand
"Why you little-" but she was cut of by the bell, Miles chuckled as he hid behind Scarlett and Quinn hobbled to the door
"Saved by the bell!" She called over her shoulder
As everyone hid behind furniture
She opened the door to see grey smiling at her
"Hey Quinn what is it you wanted to show me?" He asked and she took his hand and pulled him inside
"Quinnn!"he whined but then everyone jumped out and yelled "surprise!' And he shrieked

The party was going great! Quinn had just finished the last song when her brothers came running in with Damian holding Quinn's sword and holding Jason at sword point whilst Jason held Damian's knives, Tim and jack were yelling at them to calm down
"BOYS! What the hell is goi- hold up.... is that my sword?!" She yelled and they stopped
Damian turned pale and tried to hide it but she already knew he had it, she ran at him as fast as she could with her crutches which was surprisingly fast and pinned him to the floor ignoring the pain in her leg
"Don't steal my weapons!!" She shouted before dragging the boys out by the ears and hitting them with her crutch.

Four hours later

The others had gone home leaving Quinn and Miles who was helping clean up
"You sang really well" Miles said as he shoved some paper plates in a black sack Quinn blushed violently
"Thanks! You did Great too!" She said and they looks at each other for long while
"You know I'm thirsty" she chuckled nervously and grabbed them both a drink.
They continued to clean up when they both got dizzy. Quinn's tongue felt heavy and her eye lids were weights pushing her eyes closed. She felt herself sway before she
collapsed onto the floor and Miles fainted on the sofa.

Quinn woke up and felt a pain in her head, she got up slowly to find she was in a dark cell with a stone floor that had bones in the corner, she shot up onto her feet but immediately regretted it  when white hot pain shot through her leg and she fell back down, she looked around and saw a figure in the corner, she crawled over to see it was Miles with a cut lip and a black eye
"Miles!!" She whispered yelled and he started to stir
"Wha-" he started to say as he opened his eyes
groggily but he was cut off when Quinn pulled him into a tight hug
"Where are we?" He asked looking around
"We seem to have been kidnapped" she said casually
"What?! Oh my god! What do we do?!" He panicked
"Just let me do the talking and try not to seem like you care that you could die" she said and his eyes widened
"Batman will find us right!!?" He asked and she nodded before moving towards the cell bars and placed her hands on them and tried to heat them up but nothing happened and she growled in anger before limping back to Miles who was shaking
"First time being kidnapped?" She asked and he looked at her in disbelief before nodding, she shuffled closer to him and he placed his head on her shoulder
"We're going to be fine" she soothes him whilst playing with his blonde hair

"How nice!" Came a voice an all too familiar voice
There was movement in the shadows and the figure stepped forward but they split into two more people
"Mum, dad... and person i don't know. You were really going for a tangled vibe there weren't you!" She said smirking, the three people entered the cell then Harley Quinn grabbed her by the throat and threw her into the wall making Miles gasp.
Quinn got up and lent against the wall holding her side and a cut on her forehead that was bleeding badly
"So why did you kidnap us?" She asked through gritted teeth and the joker laughed happily
"We didn't want the boy but he didn't leave you alone so we just took him. As to why you're here is because we need to keep you from the aliens because you well....can't be around them." Said the hooded figure who she had realised was the man from the warehouse
"Who are you?!" She yelled and he smirked like Harley Quinn
"Why sis I expected better from you!" He said pulling down his hood to reveal her brother's face that looked a lot like hers staring right back at her.
And that was when her world came crashing down, they left to go get something or other but she couldn't hear... everything was a mess
"My own brother!" She cried and Miles hugged her and she cried into his chest
"He's the guy! That's why there was blood! It was him all along" she rambled and Miles frowned but couldn't say anything before the the cruel family walked in with a trough of water, jack grabbed Quinn by the hair and dragged her to the water and shoved her head in, the water turned green as her hair dye washed out and she felt her lungs burn and her eyes scream, her head was pulled out and she sucked In lungfuls of air but her head was once again shoved under. After about this happening about twenty times she was thrown next to Miles
And she looked up at her brother " w-why?" She whispered and he crouched down and pulled her chin up so she looked him in the eyes
"Because you are a freak... we don't have powers, yet you do which means you don't Belong" he whispered grinning madly and his eyes full of malice ( malice- intent to hurt and cause pain)

"What did he mean powers and how come your hair Is white?!" He asked and she fingered her wet white hair
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you..." she said before leaning close and whispering in his ear "I'm Phoenix you know the new superhero?" Miles's eyes widened
" use your powers to bust us out of here!" He said and Quinn sighed and tried to produce a flame but nothing happened
"They're blocking my power somehow" she said and they heard the rattle of the door opening with joker's face looked back at them with Psychotic eyes.  He grabbed Quinn and began beating her with his crowbar and with each hit Miles produced another wave of tears as he listened to her ribs crack and her groans of pain. After her father had gone Miles ran over to her as she tried to breathe normally but it only became a wheeze.
"Q-Quinn!!" He stuttered tears running down his face and he hugged her tight before trying to help with the wounds but to no avail.

Bruce walked into the kitchen with the boys to check on the mess to see no one there and it being a mess!
"Quinn!" He yelled as the boys snickered
"Probably went on a date!" Damian cackled but Bruce just went up to the sofa cautiously and and notice something that shouldn't be there, something that gave him dread In his stomach, something that made the boy's' laughs cease.

A joker🃏card

They ran down to the bat cave and pulled up the schematics of the city searching for the tracker they put on Quinn. it's not weird it's just called being cautious. They didn't even notice when the league came through the zeta tubes
"What's going on?" Asked Barry making the boys jump into their defensive stance
"Quinn's been captured along with her friend" Robin deadpanned and the JL tensed
"By who?" Asked Wonder Woman, Jason turned
"The joker" he said and the JL sighed collapsing onto the sofas except for hawk girl who didn't know Quinn all that well
"Her tracker says nothing!!" Tim cried running a hand through his hair in frustration
"Well we think the joker took Quinn because she's powerful enough to stop the aliens" explained green lantern and Bruce turned around his face full of worry which shocked the JL seen as his face was always set in stone.
"What do you mean?" He asked as he fiddled with his cowl
"Quinn's powers come from a Nebulae which exist in the space between the stars, also known as interstellar space. The closest known nebula to Earth is called the Helix Nebula. It is the remnant of a dying star, possibly one like the Sun." Manhunter explained as he walked to the computer and pulled up a picture of a nebula
"This mean her powers come from space but in particular an extremely powerful nebula, we don't know how she got her powers but we know she has had them since birth" green arrow pitched in
"She absorbed this nebula it's still there but it is no longer as powerful" superman explained "she's more powerful than any being in space... that's why he has her he works for them and so he's taken her"
"Does she have a weakness?" Asked Dick
"Yes and her early stages of life so when she gets to 300 she'll no longer have a weakness but right now it's the essence of a black hole." Manhunter illustrated
"I still can't believe she's immortal" Tim muttered and they all nodded in agreement
"So we know why they took her now we need to know where" said cyborg and Tim turned to the computer
"Ok so her tracker isn't destroyed so she's either out of range which would mean she's off world or she's underground" he said and pulled up blueprints of the city's underground tunnels
"Cyborg can you do a thermal scan?" Tim asked and he nodded before him and superman headed outside, after a few minutes they came back
"We have many groups of people down there but there is one person giving off a large heat signature which would be Quinn" said cyborg projecting the heat signatures on one of the screens.
"Let's go"

Quinn watched as Miles stumbled towards her with a beaten up face and a few broken ribs, luckily her parents didn't hurt him too much
"Oh bear!" She whispered "I'm so sorry"  but he just sat down wincing as he did.
"It's not your fault! And I'm not going to leave you! I'll be here right beside you" he whispered as she lay there, she had just gotten beaten pretty bad and just moving hurt so he slowly lifted her onto his chest and held her close.
"Everything hurts" she whimpered and he stroked her hair
"I know, I know...It's ok! it'll be fine trust me" he whispered and they both drifted off to sleep too beaten to stay awake.

The JL and the bat boys stood outside a small sewage pipe and started to climb in
"Eww" Barry moaned before Diana slapped him on the head, they traveled through the dark tunnel until they reached a large space with computers everywhere and tunnels sprouting off
"Cyborg thermal scan" Batman ordered and cyborg's eye lit up red
"There are three people to the left just sitting there laughing and to the right is Quinn and her friend" he explained and Batman turned to the group
"Ok me and the bats will go for the kids you go for the three others and we'll join you after." He said and they split up. The bats headed down a dark tunnel that was only lit by Robin's watch, they took a sharp left and saw a light at the end of the tunnel
"How ironic!" Damian muttered as he pulled up his hood so he couldn't be recognised.

They ran down the tunnel avoiding any traps and they jumped out of the other end landing outside a large cell with blood splattered on the walls some old, some fresh. In the corner was a large lump.
Jason/red hood kicked Down the door startling the lump and making them shuffle away, Nightwing brought out his torch and shined it at the huddle Revealing Miles holding an unconscious Quinn who had a beaten up face and a bruised neck from being strangled, Miles also had a beaten face and several cuts.
"So you came!" Miles muttered "get us the hell out of here" Batman nodded before leaning down and picking up Quinn
"I think she has broken ribs, her lungs will be weak and probably punctured, her leg is infected, a broken arm and god it looks like she drowned!" Nightwing cried as Tim helped Miles get up and walk
"Yeah they almost drowned her used a trough and all she was gasping for air" he muttered and Damian balled his fists in anger "if only she had her powers" They stopped and looked at him.
"How'd you know?" Asked Tim
"Her hair went white and they mentioned it plus she was in too much pain to lie" he said before he passed out and Jason had to carry him bridal style.

The JL minus Batman headed down the tunnel to hear maniacal laughs echoing into their ears that sent a shiver down their spines. They snuck down the tunnel and jumped out into what looked like a lounge room, there on the chairs were Harley Quinn and the joker teasing the man in a hood from the warehouse.
"Oh they you are!!" The joker laughed standing up with a glass in his hand "I'd like to make a toast!
I have terrorised Gotham for so long! And it makes me happy it really does. But now I've kidnapped my daughter from her stupid, rich, LeGaL guardian! And I love to torture her so! Some 'professionals' say I don't want to admit I'm psychotic, that to me I'm not!
But I am! So I'm making his toast to being psychotic!
To psychopaths! To torture!" He yelled and the two others cheered, the JL growled before charging at them.

The hooded figure pulled out his sword and charged at cyborg who dodged his attack and grabbed him by the neck he threw him into a wall making it crack, the man recovered quickly and raised his now snapped sword and feigned going for the head before he quickly ducked and took his legs from under him, he was about to make the killing blow before his phone grew hot in his pocket and it started to burn, he screamed in pain, cyborg swung his legs up and kicked him in the face shooting up he punched him with a right hook and then an uppercut to the chin.

Superman flew toward the joker with Wonder Woman at his side, he grabbed him and flew joker first into the ground making him go through down three floors, he threw him to Wonder Woman who punched him about twenty times.
"You know y-you two s-should totally date!" He cackled pulled out a Grenade, he threw it at Wonder Woman and superman caught it as it blew up causing him to be thrown into the wall which must have had a water pipe behind it because the room started to fill up with water and soon they were knee deep in water. The joker pulled out a snorkel from god knows where and dove into the now very deep water and he very indiscreetly swam to Wonder Woman, he then pulled her legs and pulled her down underwater along with himself and he held her down as she struggled but her vision was was going black, the joker then pulled out a glowing green crystal and shoved it in superman's face who jerked back to try and avoid it but it didn't help. Wonder Woman scowled and as a last ditch effort she kicked the kryptonite out of his hand and it sank to the bottom letting superman regain control and pulled the joker off her and she swam up to get air.

The Flash and Green Lantern charged at Harley Quinn, who raised her sledgehammer and swung it at green lantern knocking him into the wall but the flash pulled her hair back and she yelped as he grabbed her pigtails and swung her around
"I feel like Mrs trunchbull!" He yelled and Green Lantern shook his head, flash threw Harley Quinn into the wall but she recovered fast
"No one tell you not to touch a girl's hair?" She screamed and swung her sledgehammer at Green Lantern hitting him in the stomach she then threw hundreds of bombs at the blur that was the flash but he dodged all of them then gave her an uppercut and a left hook, but she grabbed his arm and judo flipped him into the floor
"So this is what Percy Jackson felt like" he muttered before Harley Quinn swung her sledgehammer and hit him over and over again and making a small crater in the floor with Flash in the middle, but what she didn't see was green lantern's green baseball bat
Swinging towards her.

They thought they just might get out you know with the JL fighting who they thought were the only people down there. Oh how naive! They ran through the tunnel they came through and got back to the room with all the computers to be met with hundreds of barrels of oil and Batman's blood ran cold.
"Do you remember it?" Came a voice from the shadows which was accompanied by the sound of metal hitting a nail, they heard the tunnel behind them cave in and so they walked forward to avoid the rock missiles.
"Two face" Batman sighed
"Come forward!!" He yelled as he came into the light revealing him wearing a suit which was black in one side and white on the other, his face was perfectly normal until you looked to the other side to see his flesh all charred and his eye prominent and seeming like it looked at your every move. They obayed and he pulled out his gun and pointed it at Robin
"Heads he lives, tails he dies" two face chuckled and the coin flipped again and they heard a chuckle, two face moved his finger towards the trigger but Batman pulled Robin aside when the bullet left the gun
"No fair!!" Two face whined and pulled the gun out on Quinn "what about her?" He didn't even flip the coin before shooting her in the stomach twice, Batman placed her down and Tim ran over and applied pressure to the wounds but there was a lot of blood that seeped through his fingers.
We're out the others ran like cowards! Came Barry's voice in their head
"No fair!" Batman growled before running at one of the barrels and pushing it over which caused a dominoes effect
"How'd you like to be just burnt face!" Damian yelled his voice full of anger, he lit a match and threw it into the oil, the bats and their passengers threw a bomb at the ceiling and grappled to the hole and pulled themselves up but not before they saw two face run through a tunnel and escaped from the flames.

They got out of the hole and were met with a slightly beaten up justice league, Batman placed Quinn on the ground and checked her pulse
"It's weak" he muttered as the justice league stood there in shock at the state of the girl they liked so much
"Oh kid.." Oliver muttered as he adjusted his hat who had stayed on the ship with aqua man and Manhunter to prepare basic medical supplies and watch over them. He bent down and picked her up gently as Manhunter who had flown down picked up Miles. As they sat in the ship green arrow and Aquaman checked the kids over
"Miles has some broken ribs, a broken arm and a fractured leg" informed Arthur as he sat down and let Oliver talk
"If only she was that simple: she has most of her ribs broken, her lungs are weak from being half drowned and punctured...again, she has a broken jaw, her throat will be sore from being strangled, she of course had two bullet wounds, a concussion, internal bleeding, a broken arm, an infected leg, a broken collar bone, several cuts and it seems she was electrocuted so she has quite a few burns, she has many entry wounds from the end of the crowbar, and it think that's it" he said and everyone went silent
"Another punctured lung?!!" Flash cried "I think that makes it at least four times!"
"The problem is she's always getting injured...she needs more training even if she's good...she needs to better" Batman replied after they landed at the mountain.

Green lantern made two stretchers and they wheeled them into the med bay
"What's going on?!" Asked aqualad as they saw the bloodied people going into separate med rooms
"These two civilians were kidnapped and tortured by the joker, Harley Quinn and the man in the hood. One of them is injured badly but Uh Quinn Wayne is....hardly even alive." Victor explained and the young superheroes sat down in astonishment.
They knew her.

Batman wheeled Quinn into the med room and Manhunter set to work. It took about five hours of stitching and stuffing wounds with cloth to absorb the blood, and sometimes she flatlined just when her brothers snuck in via the vents
"Oh my god Quinn!" Jason cried tears in his eyes and they all flinched when the defibrillator shocked her about 4 times until her heart started to beat once again.
They all sat down around her bed as Manhunter tried to figure out where the black hole essence was
"H-how's Miles doing?" Asked Tim wiping away the tears in his eyes
"He's ok unconscious for now though" Manhunter muttered before yelling "I need superman!" After he left they looked at Quinn lying there she had a cut that was stitched up on her head, her lip was cut and bruised and she had a black eye. Manhunter came running in with superman
"Can you feel it's presence?" Manhunter asked and superman concentrated and something inside Quinn started to glow a bright purple in her stomach
"Ok I'm going to get it" Manhunter muttered and turned himself intangible and placed his hand in her stomach making the boys cringe.
"Got it!" He exclaimed and he pulled out a small vial of colourful gas
"I thought black holes were black" said Damian said
"Well they actually aren't they are very colourful" Tim said but Jason covered his mouth before he could start a nerd rampage
"Ok Siri!" Dick sighed, Manhunter placed the vial in a metal box and chucked it out the door, Quinn gasped and her eyes fluttered open but they were an orangey red. Flames encircled her and she was lifted off the bed, the heroes backed away into the wall and her cuts seemed to heal leaving just scars, after about 6 minutes she was placed back on the bed and the flames died down.
"Quinn!?" Bruce cried and her eyes once again opened
"Miles?!.......Bruce?...what happened? How am I here?" She asked as she got up
"She's not hurt?!" Tim cried jumping up as Manhunter checked her over
"We rescued you from the joker and Miles he's ok" Dick explained holding her hand
And she nodded hugging her family.

Miles woke up in a hospital bed and the lights bore into him like lasers, everything hurt like hell but he still managed to look around what caught his attention was the man in green
"Hey kid you're awake!" The man said as he pulled off his bow from his back, Miles frowned but then his eyes widened
"Quinn! Where is she? Is she ok?" He cried wincing as he pulled himself up
"Woah ok! I'll take you to her just be careful" the man said (who he realised was green arrow) Led him to the room with Batman and the bats sitting by Quinn, Miles limped over to her and pulled her close
"You're ok!" They said in unison
"Wait you're ok? Why are you not injured? I saw you get half drowned and beaten half to death and here you are with only scars and bruises!" He said and she laughed
"Turns out my powers healed me when they were released" she explained and he nodded before hugging her again
"Don't do that you really scared me!" He cried and she patted his head
"I'm just glad you're here" she whispered and he lifted her chin so she looked him in the eyes
"I said I'm not you to leave you, so I'm not gonna leave you" he said and they blushed but that worsened when the bats cleared their throats.
