Captured by one of my adopted dad's flames

She was supposed to be in bed just waking up but instead she was tied to a chair in a white room in her pyjamas, luckily she didn't wear embarrassing ones.
She took in surroundings it wasn't much but it was worth it because when she looked into the corner behind her there was a lean woman in black with cat ears "It is highly rude to kidnap kids you know" she commented, the woman cackled and walked to crouch infront of her "you're funny kid" she said her voice smooth yet cruel and mischievous.
"So what do you want from me? Is it a autograph? Because I'm tired you'll have to wait till tomorrow" Quinn smirked
"Oh no I want Batman and the league to come try save you and then I can take them out with my new gas it will knock them out then kill them slowly !" She smiled
"Why do villains always say their plans to people? Why not let it be a secret?!" She asked, the cat lady frowned and silently agreed with her. Then she pulled her self out of her thoughts and pulled a computer from a compartment in the wall, after typing a few buttons a huge projection showed up on the wall opposite in which Quinn was facing, on it was Batman and a group of people in different costumes
"What do you want now cat woman?" Batman sighed but his eyes widened when he saw Quinn
"Oh nothing much just wanted to show you my prize! Why don't you come and... save her?" Cat woman purred
"No you guys are good, I'm fine"Quinn objected her face bored
"No your not I... won't feed you!" Cat woman cried
"Lady I can go a week without food my parents were quite forgetful" Quinn said cat woman was growing impatient so she slapped her
"Ow that really hurt! I have crumbled under your all too powerful slap!" Quinn yelled her voice dripping with sarcasm Cat woman screamed and kicked the chair over and kicked the girl at least forty times and a few punches to the face for good measure.
"Well as you can see, no need to come her punches or kicks aren't that bad she's got to work out more"Quinn chuckled as Batman face palmed, cat woman then pulled out a long black stick with sharp spikes on the end and a battery at the bottom, "I'll show you pain!" She yelled and plunged the spikes into Quinn's stomach, the teen gasped as pain surged through her but it wasn't over because she flipped a switch on the base and an electric shock was added to the mix, the pain was unbearable and Quinn screamed and blood come from her mouth causing her to frown
"Oops I think I may have punctured lung!" Cat woman cooed,
"Batman don't come, idiot, she has ga-" she tried but cat woman stuck her claws into her back causing a yell,
The call cut off.

Batman leaned back In his chair and took off his mask and stared at the black screen
"We need to get her" he uttered
"Yes I agree but I think Quinn was trying to say she has some sort of weapon and that's a trap" manhunter warned
"That doesn't matter j'onn we- we need to get her" Batman objected
"We can't be too hasty, we need a plan... we have to wait" superman advised, Batman slammed his hand on the desk and span his chair so he was facing the group
"She is my daughter! You saw what she did to her... Quinn has been through too much for a girl her age. she already has a punctured lung! She could die" Bruce yelled
Diana placed a hand on his shoulder "ok we are going to get her, cat woman has sent us her location (so this is obviously a trap) but I think Quinn was trying to say that she has a gas... we go in get Quinn then we're out" she ordered taking charge "Bruce we will get her home"

Quinn was in her seat whistling a song she had heard her father sing once, she was still in a lot of pain but she couldn't be weak not now, she looked up to see a camera to her right she turned her head to face it "I'm really bored you know wanna play hide and seek? I'll seek" she yelled grimacing at the pain ,there came a cackle from a hidden speaker "oh no that isn't gonna happen but we can play cat and mouse I'll be the cat and you'll be the mouse!" Quinn rolled her eyes and tapped her feet to a song only she could hear.

In the distance she heard a shout of alarm and a gunshot "yay your friends are here!" Came cat woman's voice "but oh no they caught on to my plan and have gas masks! No fair!...well you don't have a mask" she cried a pout evident in her voice, Quinn's eyes widened and a red gas spilled out of the vent beneath her, the gas hit her like a train and her vision became blurry and her breath ragged she could just make out two men in green and masks on rushing in towards her and the sound of a fight over the speakers.

The facility was small but well guarded, Batman didn't go for stealth instead he stormed in taking out two the terrified guards at the door, " green arrow, green lantern go get Quinn,  Wonder Woman and flash take out the rest of the guards, manhunter and superman destroy this place slowly until we're all out.... I'll get cat woman" he ordered the group separated to their tasks and Batman went to (what his map told him) the camera room. There he found cat woman looking at a computer and smiling to herself "you're under arrest" Batman growled but he knew it was useless
Cat woman tutted and lunged at him claws out, he grabbed her wrists and sent her flying into the computers, she quickly recovered and sent a few punches his way sending him back, he went to throw his own but she threw a smoke bomb on the floor in between them and so she was gone "coward" he muttered before he ran out to the rendezvous a few miles away where Wonder Woman and flash stood arguing on who took out more guards " cat woman's gone again" he called flash sighed
"Bad luck!" He grinned winking At Batman whilst Wonder Woman slapped him around the head.
"We got her!" Came green arrows voice, Batman span around and tensed when he saw the bloody, unconscious body of his new daughter, then there came a boom of the facility blowing up, the last two members came flying in "it's down, all of it" they concluded. They entered the ship and placed Quinn on the medical bed as manhunter examined her, "I'm afraid it's not good... she has a punctured lung and a deep stab wound plus she has been exposed to a gas that is slowly killing her... I think we have a machine at the base that can take out the poison but it will take a week and it has to stay at the base." Bruce sighed and they left to go to the base
