The son of Lust

Warning! This story consist of rape and bloody murder. Have fun.

(Ignore my gorgeous(😛) fingers)
You can also just look up "Lurro sans" and you'll see what he looks like.

My name is Lurro, I am the youngest son of Lust and Horror Sans.
This is my story...
I was 12 when it happened...

I woke up on a bench outside the mall.
I don't remember how I got here, last thing I remember is being inside the Mall just buying... Food? It didn't really matter.
I stood up from the bench and nearly fell back down on the bench again. I felt soar?
I let myself fall back onto the bench, I can't get home without a portal anyway. Our parents mansion is all the way in Dreamtale.
I took out my phone, I saw multiple missed calls and texts and... The date! It was the next day!
'Did I just sleep on this bench through the night?!' I questioned myself. 'Maybe that explains why I'm so soar but, how could this have happened?!'
I quickly called Samael.
"Lurro!? Are you okay?" Samael asked.
"Ya I'm perfectly fine, I'm just outside the Mall. Can you open a portal?"

Time skip

"So you're sure you're alright?" mom asked.
"Yes. I'm fine. I just went to a friends house, and my phone was dead." I lied. "I swear I thought I sent you a text, I'll be sure to tell you on the phone or in person next time."
It's probably better to lie for now, at least until I can remember what happened.
Knowing my parents and my uncles, they'd go on a full on hunt for anyone who would hurt any of us.

I walked to my room and hope on my bed, I look at my phone and see an unknown phone number send me a video.
(Here's where shit gets real triggering(?))
I look at the video for a few seconds and automatically turn it off.
It's me and... Just some other monster doing... Things. I want to puke. That would defiantly explain what happened yesterday.
The video goes on for almost an hour. Tears build up in my eyes.
I'm only 12! Who's sick enough to even do that to a kid?!

Then I remembered what happened, everything that I was awake for anyway.
I was in the Mall buying lunch, after I walked outside someone grabbed me and knocked me out. Then I was naked with my hands above my head in a dark room... Thankfully I don't remember everything they did. The guy in the video wasn't the only one there too, but the others just watched while recording.

I was quiet at dinner, I wasn't even hungry anyway. Mom was eyeing me the whole time though so I ate so he wouldn't ask.
The next day I staied in my room mostly. I looked the door so no one would come in, well no one came in through the door at least, but my mom is crazy enough that he just climbed through my window instead.

"Mom!? What the hell!?" I yelled. He laughed,
"Your door is locked what else am I supposed to do?" He said.
"Maybe take a hint and leave me alone! Or if your going to try to get in here, use a portal!" I yelled at him.
"Oh ya... Portals..." he straightened his shirt, and set of the edge of my bed.
"Are you okay?" He asked with a slight smile, maybe to re-ensure me.
I take a deep breath.
"Ya I'm fine. I already told you."
"Don't lie!" he yelled. His face sodenly went from friendly to dead serious.
"I grew up in Underlust. Don't you dare think I don't recognize that look!" he said. Mom has always been sensitive on the subject of rape, I should have know he would figure it out quickly.
I start to cry again, my mom softens his expression and hugs me tightly.
"I'm so sorry that you ever had to experience that." he whispered to me.
"T-that's not all..." I stuttered. I slowly gave my mom my phone with the video, he looked at it and his expression changed again, his expression showed pure rage.
"I recognize him..." he said.
I looked at him a little surprised, he turned off the video and gave me back the phone.
"Um... Mom?" I looked at him concerned, he looked like he was about to kill someone.
"I'm fine." He said smiling re-assuringly,
"I'll take care of it. I know there's nothing I can do to undo what's been done. But I know what it's like, and you're not alone. If you ever need to talk, I'm here for you." he hugged me again. I whispered a thank you.

(800 words)
Lusts pov

I never thought that I would ever have to visit my AU again.


looks like I'm gonna have to visit some old friends~!

"Hey tall dark and grumy!~" I teased.
"What do you want Lust?" Nightmare asked bluntly.
"Can you open a portal to Underlust?" I asked. Nightmare looked at me with a confused and slightly surprised expression.
"Please~" I asked again. Nightmare sighed and opened a portal without asking any more questions, he could tell that I wasn't going to tell him why anyway.
I thank him and skip through the portal. I end up in Snowdin,
a bit far from where I actually wanted to be but the river prison can help with that.

I walked to the river and thankfully saw the river prison with their boat.
"Where to?"
"As close to Muffet's little whore house as you can get me." I said sternly.
The boat started to move up the river.
"It's been a while Sans, we never thought to see you again."
"Save it. I'm not in the mood and I'm not staying long."
The river prison chuckled.
"No. I didn't think you where."
The river prison hummed their usual tune the rest of the way there.
I pulled up my hood and walked the rest of the way.

No one's pov

Underlust Muffet was the most successful pimp in Underlust, most of the whores that worked for her(voluntarily) where also rapists. Lust recognized the monster as someone who worked for Muffet.

Muffet was sitting at her desk doing some paperwork, mostly stuff that would get the police off her back (if there where any.)

She heard a noise come from outside, she had two bodyguards out side her office at all times. Suddenly the door creeked open, Lust walked in and closed the door behind him.
"You're not supposed to be in here, if you're a customer then go down stairs." she requested.
"Believe me, I'm no customer." Lust said with a slight smile. She looked at Lust again.
"Oh Sans! It's been so long! How are you?" She asked, Lust pulled down his hood still slightly smiling, though it wasn't a happy smile or a sadistic one, it was a neutral smile.
"Truthfully, I'm a little pissed." he said. Everyone in Underlust new Sans in someway, Muffet once had him in her monster trafficking business, but Papyrus got him out of it. Sans was never known to be dangerous, he fought back but, he wasn't very physically strong.

"What's gotten you so pissed?" Muffet asked,
"Yesterday, one of your guys fucked some kid." Lust placed one hand on her desk.
"R-really? I wouldn't know. And what's it to you what my people do on their spare time?" she questioned.
"Don't lie. Did you tell them to record it?" he asked, Lust's smile disappeared. At this point, there was no point in lying, she was starting to get impatient and just wanted Lust to leave so she can work.
"Fine. Yes, I new about it. I told them to find a kid that would make a good whore. I ask again, what's it to you?" she asked.
"That kid is my son. And I'm afraid he's too young to work." Lust's smile re-appeared, but now it's more sadistic than before.
"I've had enough of this. Security!!" Muffet yelled toward the door. No reply. Lust laughs, Muffet looks at him confused. His expression is full on sadistic now, wide smile.
"Aw~ you though they where still alive? They where in my way from getting in your office." Lust said. Muffet stands up from her desk. There was a rumor that he was hanging around the Bad Guy Sans's, but almost no one in Underlust thought it was true.
Muffet slamed some of her hands on her desk and yelled,
"Get out! Your not supposed to even be in here!-"
Lust put a finger on his lips(?) Muffet stoped yelling for a second, she was breathing slightly quicker than before. Before Muffet could move her hands two of them where pined to the desk by Lust slamming a knife down on each of them, She let out a scream of agony as she looked at her two hands. Her other hands tried to get the knifes out but it made them hurt more, she looked at Lust in horror.
He just smiled.
"A-a-are you g-going to ki-kill me?" She asked with a lot of stuttering.
"Nah. 'Cuz my son's still alive, and it's not like you fucked him." He slowly started walking towards her again, the taping on the floor from Lusts heels just made her want to run away more, but moving would be futile, and painful.
"But tell me..." He leaned against the desk and got close to her face, his expression turns pissed,
"Where is the son of a bitch that fucked my son?" he asked.

"H-h-home, it's his d-d-day off."
(I bet Muffet wants a day off)
"I-i think he l-lives in W-W-Waterfall."
She stuttered.
"Name?" Lust asked.
"Of course it is..." Lust glared at nothing.
"Thank you Muffet, but I'm still pissed." Lust smiled again. "Don't worry I already said I wouldn't kill you, but you need to learn that you never mess with a mothers child."
(Sorry to any Muffet fans)

Lust called Nightmare, it was late so the kids are all in bed. Nightmare opened a portal and Lust came through dripping with blood and dust.
"Shiiit, what where you up to?" Horror asked.
"Pulling off spider legs.❤" Lust said.
"Have fun?" Nightmare asked, he probably misses doing that kind of stuff.
"Yep!" Lust smiled.
"Looks like you also killed someone." Killer pointed at the dust.
"Ya I killed a guy after force feeding him his own dick." Lust laughed.
"Stop, you'll make me jealous." Nightmare wined. "It's been too long since I've tortured anyone!"
"Then why don't you just go out, close your eyes and point in a random direction, who ever you point at, you can torture to your heart's content!" Killer suggested.
"It's more fun if I have a burning hate for the prison I'm torturing." Nightmare complains, "wait, why do YOU have a burning hate for who ever you killed and cut the arms off of?" Nightmare asks Lust.
"That's my secret," Lust winked and started walking away.
"Wait! You need to tell me all the bloody details! I need to know what you did!" Nightmare yells at Lust.
"I need to shower before the blood permanently stains my clothes!" Lust yells back.
"Don't worry Night, it'll probably be on Underlust MTT news by tomorrow." Killer said to relax Nightmare.
"Ya, but they never give the really good details..." Nightmare whimpers.
Killer starts massaging Nightmare's back, he relaxes a bit.
"Plus, if we're lucky we'll get to see the spiders broken expression!❤" Horror smiles. Nightmare relaxes more and lightly smiles to himself.

"I'm beginning to think that we're a bad influence on Lust."


(1980 words)

I think I need help.
There is almost definitely something wrong with me... 🔘〰🔘
