f o r t y

I HAVE ONLY cried four times in my life. 

The first time was when I arrived in this world and realized how utterly shit it was. The second was in grade two when I punched a boy for stealing my Fruit Roll Ups, breaking his nose in the process, and bursted into tears when a teacher came near to make it seem like it was his fault...which it was. 

The third was watching the Titanic because that shit hit hard. And the fourth was when I found out my mother was considering death during the worst part of her cancer. 

And god forbid that number rises, because this mascara is too damn expensive to cry.

My mother was getting married and she looked happy. She also looked fucking hot but happy is the more sentimental adjective. David stood beside her, looking as dapper as ever while Pastor John stood between them. 

My mother wasn't religious but definitely a woman of spirituality. David, however, was and hence why this marriage was taking place in the most beautiful church I have ever seen. The soft, midday light was streaking in through the large windows and the open doors allowed the ocean breeze to ripple through softly. 

I sat on the front wooden bench with the two other bridesmaids who have been my mother's best friends since college and Mikey; David's ten year old son. 

He's so freaking adorable and could definitely be my brother with his snarky attitude and sarcastic comments. I may have cursed a few too many times around him and now his favorite word is "fuck." 

Great job Hayden. You will totally nail this whole parenting thing...not. 

"Now, the part which everyone has been waiting for." Pastor John smiles as he straightens his shoulders. He then pauses and his smile falters as he scratches his bald head before whispering to David, "Uh....what am I suppose to say next?"

The crowd laughs lightly in unison as Pastor John laughs, my mother and David both sighing from relief. Mikey wriggles beside me. 

"That wasn't even funny." He whispers as he leans closer to me and tugs the skirt of my dress. I wipe my mouth with my hand to stop the snort urging to burst from my lips. "Why did everyone laugh. Have they're brains been replaced with aliens?" 

"You, mister, are watching too many Sci-Fi movies." I whisper down at him as I nudge him with my elbow, "And it's polite to laugh when someone makes a joke." 

When the hell have I ever lived by that rule? If someone makes a bad joke, not only do I not laugh but I inform them how shit it actually was. I'm just nice like that. 

"Oh." Mikey nods in understanding before proceeding to shout loudly, "HA HA! HA HA! HA!" 

Pastor John pauses half way through his speech as the room falls silent. I glance over my shoulder slightly, noticing everyone in the large hall was staring at us. I mean, the crowd was huge as if the entire town had showed up for this wedding. People were literally standing outside of the door. 

I was not expecting this and I knew how much my mother's social anxiety must've been going through the roof. That explains why I saw her drinking from a bottle of champagne on the floor of the kitchen at three this morning. 

I then slowly turn back to the front, finding it so damn hard not to laugh. 

"Like that?" Mikey questions. 

I nod, "Exactly like that." 

After that, Pastor John continues on with the marriage. 

"Okay, okay. David, lucky for you I remember!" Pastor John exclaims and the crowd laughs lightly again. I slap my hand over Mikey's mouth as he breathes in deeply. Like I said, this troublemaker could literally be blood related. "I can now, with the utmost happiness, pronounce you Mr and Mrs David Abbott. You may now kiss the bride!" 

David holds my mother by the waist and pulls her in for a kiss. The entire crowd erupts in a boisterous cheer and clapping. Whistles and congratulatory shouts echo through the hall. 

After they had stepped apart, both of them smiling like crazy, the photographer beckoned Mikey and I from our seats to take family pictures. Aunts, uncles and cousins soon joined the pictures. Friends, co-workers and some random people also ended up in the pictures. 

I swear I was temporarily blind by the time it was over from the amount of flash that tiny evil device created. David leads my mother back down the isle as those still in their seats through rose petals in to the air and they slowly rained down on the happy couple. 

I held Mikey's hand as we followed them, my other hand holing onto my mother's bouquet of flowers. The parking lot was overflowing with cars. Some even going as far as parking on the lawns and a few blocks down the road. It was a beautiful day for a wedding and the sun was beating down on my shoulders. 

I ran up to my mother and throw my arms around her.

"Hayden, dear, I just got married. Can't you bulldoze me over later?" My mother jokes as she pats my back. I step back and grin at her. 

"Sorry, I'm just so happy."  I squeal excitedly while holding her hands in mine. She laughs at me before pulling me in for another hug. 

Mom and David then go and start chatting to guests who were exiting the church. Mikey ran off the god knows where, most probably wrestling in some flower bed. I stand to the side awkwardly, perking up onto my toes as I pear over the heads over the massive crowd, searching for my friends. 


I turn around, noticing a familiar hazel eyed boy leaning against a tree. A smile stretches across my face as he walks toward me laughing. 

"You're looking very dapper, Everett." I grin as I turn to face him. He was dressed in a suit that was navy blue but so dark that it could pass for black. The jacket that hugged his arms and shoulders perfectly was left open, exposing his black tie and crisp white button up shirt that was so deliciously tight. His slacks stopped at the ankle fashionably, and he wore sleek black dress shoes.

"And you're looking very beautiful, Jones." Chase returns that compliment and I look down at my dress. My straightened blonde hair falls in front of my face like a curtain and covered my blush. What the fuck? When does Hayden Jones blush? 

Apparently since she's met Chase Everett. 

"I know." I smirk and straighten my spine and flip my hair behind my shoulder. Where that confidence came from, I have no clue. Whenever I'm around Chase, my entire system shuts down. 

I smooth my hands down the front of the dress. I was my mother's maid of honor and as a result I was in a bridesmaid dress. It was a dark navy silk, with a drooping cowl neck and the tight material hugged closely to my body. The back was open, dropping to my lower back and I was pleased that my bacne phase in middle school was long gone. Now it was just smooth, golden skin back there. 

"We're matching." I note as I point between our two outfits. My dress was only slightly lighter than his but the colours were almost identical.

"Copy cat" Chase smirks at me as he pulls at the lapels of his jacket arrogantly, "You just wanted to look fucking cool like me, right?" 

"Oh my god, yes! You figured it out Everett!" I look up at the sky, feigning remarkable relief, "My life goal has been completed." 

Chase laughs as he steps closer to me, "You're so funny." 

"Do you think I could make it in the stand-up-comedy-industry?" I question, raising a dark eyebrow that was filled in by a very talented make up artist. I do remember that the pencil was fucking sharp and I thought he was going to dislodge my eyeball with it. I also remember screaming when I saw it in his hand. 

"Oh yeah." Chase nods along as I grin cheekily and pump my fist into the air. It turns quiet, the tension crackling between us two as Chase's hazel eyes drop down my frame and scan me from head to toe. "I do feel bad though. I was paying more attention to the maid of honour than the actual bride." 

What—why was he looking at the maid of honour—oh wait—shit—that's me.

You're an actual idiot Hayden. 

"Understandable." I shrug with a grin as Chase chuckles before running a hand through his brown hair. I watch the biceps tense under the material of his jacket and my eyes were literally glued to the very sexy movement. I need a glass of champagne.. Actually, fuck the champagne. I need a glass of vodka. Specifically ten. 

"Let's party motherfuckers!"

Chase and I, both startled by the sound, look over the crowd to see Noah standing on the hood of someone's car, his arms in the air. People then begin cheering at him as he continues to hype them up.

Of course.


"You better be careful." I hum, resting my chin on my hand as I nudge Chase with the toe of my heel. He glances at me were a curious expression. I gesture my head across the room, "Nana Rose is checking you out." 

Chase follows my gaze, staring across the ballroom to the eighty-seven year old woman sitting at a table. She grins widely, batting her eyelashes through her large glasses and waves her fragile hand at us. She always was a spinster. 

"Should I go over there and deliver who the irresistible Everett-charm?" Chase questions jokingly, raising an eyebrows as he leans towards me. Did I also mentioned he smelled amazing? As in I wish there was no other sent in the world. 

I laugh lightly and play with the steam of my champagne flute, "Please don't. The last thing my mother needs his her grandmother having a heart attack at her wedding." 

Chase chuckles and leans back in his chair. I had spent most of the reception at the main table with my mother and David. However, when the party really started, I migrated to the round table where all my friends were seated. All of them had ditched the table, leaving only Chase and I, and I can't help but feel that they did it on purpose. 

Levi and Noah were both looking very handsome in their suits, as well as Spencer in his pastel blue suit. But he always looks good in literally anything. Don't tell him that I said that though. Vera and Penn looked beautiful with Vera in a gorgeous deep maroon gown while Penn looked pretty in pink champagne. 

The venue was situated right on the shore, with windows looking out over the ocean. It was dark now but the large patio outside was lit up with fairy lights and lanterns. The hall inside however was packed with smiling, happy faces. A portion of the dance floor had been taken over by the kids and of course Noah and Mikey were in the middle of it all. I can't help but laugh as I watch the two. 

Noah claims that the song playing was his "fucking peanut butter and jam", but that was six songs ago and he still has not returned. 

Penn was on the dance floor being twirled by Spencer while Vera was chatting away to Levi while they danced together.  Somehow she actually got him to dance and I am genuinely impressed. 

Soon the fast-paced, pop music blaring from the speakers transitions into a slow song. As "Make You Feel My Love" sweeps across the room, mixed with several annoyed groans from the children, couples begin to rise from the seats and crowd around the dance floor. 

I stand up and smooth my dress out before extending my hand towards Chase. He glances up at me, confused. 

"Come on. Let's see what moves you've got Everett." I grin before he rolls his eyes, nevertheless taking my hand and we both head out to the dance floor together. When we stop, Chase turns to face me and places his hands on the curves of my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck as we begin swaying in time to the music. I glance up to see Chase staring at me with an unknown expression. 

"What's wrong?" I question, smiling from too much happiness. 

He pauses before shaking his head, "Nothing." 

I go to press further but suddenly Penn and Noah sweep past us softly. Penn was giggling at how professional Noah was attempting to be and I join her at the sight of his straightened spine and his arms held so far up in the same. 

"Awwwwww, look at you two lovebirds." Noah coos at us with a cheeky grin. In return, both Chase and I hold our middle fingers at him simutenouesly. Noah's jaw drops in offence and he covers Penn's eyes, "There is children in the vicinity." 

We laugh at him before the spin off and we loose through through the crowd. The song turns slower in to "You Are The Reason". I'm honestly so surprised they haven't played any Ed Sheeran songs yet because god forbid a wedding goes without it.  

Chase tightens his grip on my slowly as I step closer to him and rest my head on his shoulder. I could feel his heart beat against mine, his chest rising and falling against mine. And as fucking cliche as it seems, the rest of the room seemed to disappear for a while. I'm just gonna blame it on the champagne running it's course through my veins. 

"What are we doing, Everett?" I mumble against his shoulder. 

He snorts, "We're dancing, Jones." 

"No," I mutter as I lean back so I was looking up at him, "I mean this, us." 

"Jones, you don't want to do this." Chase shakes his head at me and I frown in confusion, my grip on his shoulders loosening. 

"What do you mean?" I question as I drop my arms completely, the both of us frozen in the middle of the dance floor. Chase sighs heavily and runs a hand through his hair before grabbing mine and guiding me out side. The temperature had dropped and no one was outside. My heels click against the cobble stone as I walk behind him. I rip my hand from his,  "Jesus Christ, Everett. Slow down." 

"I know what you're going to say." Chase explains as he turns to face me, his expression turning angrier by the second. I don't know why, but I felt like he did actually know what I was going to say. I mean it wasn't rocket science. 

"And?" I question as I fold my arms from the cold, "I like you, Everett. As in I like you so much that every second thought is about you. So what?" 

"So what? So fucking everything, Jones!" Chase exclaims loudly and I grow more confused, "You can't like me." 

"Of course I can!" I reach out and wrap my fingers around his cold hand. He pulls back and somehow, I become colder, "And I know you like me too." 

"Yes, I do. But I like you too much to not see you get hurt which you inevitably will with me." Chase tries to look anywhere but me, "I'm fucked in the head Hayden! I fucking killed a man and yet you seem to not realise the gravity of that fact." 

"Stop, Chase. You're not a bad guy—" 

"For fucks sakes, Jones,  I am. Don't you see that? There's a reason why I've never had a roommate at Caldwell, why I've slept with half of the female population there and why I only have two friends." Chase explains and I watch as the space between us grows wider and wider, just like the crack in my heart, "You shouldn't want to be with me." 

"That's not your fucking decision to make, Everett!" I burst out suddenly, my anger and frustration getting the better of me, "What? So you're just going to say that dancing in there, the subtle touches, the kisses we've shared and the long nights in the dorm together was just you fucking leading me on?" 

"Fuck no. I wasn't leading you on." Chase shakes his head before he grumbles once more, "Shit, I can't control myself when I'm around you. You're in my fucking head, in my veins and when I'm with you I forget all the reasons why I shouldn't be."

"Then forget. Forget about everything and just be with me." I close the space between us and wrap my arms around his shoulders. I pull him down to me and press my lips against his. He kisses me back ferociously and I fall victim to his touch once more. 

But suddenly he pulls away and rips his body away from me, "Fuck, you're not making this easy." 

"I'm not suppose to !" I shout because, highly enraged and my emotions flying everywhere and in every fucking direction. This boy makes me crazy. 

"What will I have to do to  make you understand?" Chase steps forward, "Do I need to kill another man in front of your fucking eyes to make you realise that I'm not good enough for you. Do I have to go sleep with another girl to make you see that I'm the heartless bastard that everyone says I am." 

I was almost crying, this asshole was going to ruin my expensive mascara, "Stop it, Chase. You don't mean that—"  

"Then what do I mean? Because ever since you barged into my life, I literally have no fucking clue what anything means anymore." He holds up his arms and chuckles darkly, "Sorry to disappoint Hayden, but this is just who I am." 

I sniffle as I fight the tears back. I tilt my chin up defiantly, "I fucking hate you Chase Everett." 

We stare at each other for a good couple seconds in tense silence. I clench my fists at my side, using all my self control not to run forward and wrap my arms around this broken soul in front of me. 

Then, Noah runs outside with Spencer barreling out behind him. 

"Guys! I caught the bouquet." He cheers loudly, holding the flowers up in the air. He then stumbles to a halt as he notices the situation, causing Spencer to tumble into the his back. 

"Yeah because the adorable asshole cheated—" Spencer the pauses suddenly as his eyes dart between Chase and I, "Ooh, trouble in paradise?" 

"Good." Chase talks directly to me regarding my previous statement before walking off into the darkness. 

I was tempted to run after him but instead I sigh heavily, my shoulders slumping and I glance back at the two guys. 

I force a smile across my face. 

"I'm so sad I missed it." I carry on, pretending like my heart wasn't splitting in to as I walk towards the two towering boys. I reach up, wrapping my arms around each of their shoulders as I guide them back inside, "Tell me everything." 

I glance over my shoulder as Noah begins to tell me his most epic achievement of the night. My eyes linger on the direction Chase had stormed off in. 

Please be safe. 

so they had their first fight......well is it still a first fight because they're not even a couple yet? 

eh, i don't care. 

i know it's a bit of a bummer ending to the chapter but it just makes for some fucking good tea.

so sip sip my lovely readers. 
