You love me right? Naj Dust x Split Personality Fem Reader

Y/n had split personality which made life hard for her but she always got through it with her friend Naj Dust he was always there for her when she got bullied because of her disorder she sobbed her sad personality Olivia kicking in. She got pushed into lockers which made her sob more and get up to run off. Y/n was able to go home early because of being bullied almost every day so Naj walked home with her and patted her shoulder smiling at her happily she smiled back her happy personality kicking back in she tackle hugged Naj accidentally making his glasses fall off as Murderer came out she didn't say anything to Murderer and hugged him he glared at her and summoned bones making her shake her head and kiss his cheek putting his glasses back on him. Naj turned back to his normal self and looked at Y/n nervously she shook her head again "You didn't attack me, don't worry" she said continuing to hug him her grip on him tightening he smirked softly and messed with her hair messing it up Y/n giggled and smiled laughing with him. Their laughter echoed through the house and Naj helped Y/n control her other personalitys as she did the same with him and when they were done they would cuddle.
