Hope you enjoy this oneshot


You began walking in snowdin. Until a skeleton approached you.

He wore a purple jacket with a blue fur attached on the jackets hood. He wore a tank top.

"Interesting clothes..." you felt creeped out. You were timid at nature. You didn't trust anyone.

Especially what happened to you. The scars you've gain.

"Hello what's your name?~" "Y/N" you answered.

"Oh, such a cute name, wanna be in my house tonight?~"

He slowly touched your wrist. You flinched. "OH MY GOSH PLEASE DONT HURT ME! I WILL DO ANYTHING I SWEAR!" You shouted covering yourself with your arms.

Sans looked shocked and surprised. Had this girl been abused?

"Why would I hurt you?" Sans asked. "People would hurt me back on the surface..." you answered. Sans eye sockets went out.

"SANS! OOOOHHH IS THAT'S HUMAN~" you looked at a skeleton that wore black tank top with a pink skirt.

"Wait paps she's like mettaton she doesn't like what we do around here"

"Oh ok! Come on human!" Said paps. His voice wasn't seductive anymore.

You followed him. You felt timid at first. But you begin to trust them.

You and Sans kept telling puns. Even bad ones. You both kept laughing.

You slept but tossed your head. It was a nightmare. You woke up with your eyes widening. You kept sweating.

You felt afraid, alone. You thought your parents would come back to you. Abuse you. Hurt you.

You ran to Sans room. You kept sobbing. Sans soon woke up. "Hey? what's wrong?" His voice wasn't seductive it felt concerning.

"I-I had a nightmare..." You said sobbing wiping your tears.

"Tell me"

You sat on Sans bed. "I was at my parents house. And I got hurt... and beaten... everyone thought I was useless... hated me on the surface... I didn't want to go back! I don't wanna go back there! Never!" You explained.

You begin sobbing. Sans wrapped your arms around you. "It's ok. Your safe, you will never go back. And I will hurt them if they hurt you."

He leaned in but hesitated. Asking for permission, you nodded.

He kissed your lips. You had to admit he was a PRO kisser.

He stopped. He slowly lay you next to him. You cuddled and snuggled your head in his jacket.

"I love you Sans" you said as you closed your eyes.


"I love you too" I softly smiled at Y/N sleeping with her head snuggled into my jacket.

I slowly began to close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

"Aww so cute" Said ReaderReads10.


AKA: authors POV

"Underlust isn't just where people are lusty! Sans is so misunderstood,"

Anyways thank you for reading this oneshot. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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