All Sanses x Bullied Insecure Fem Reader x Naj Sanses

All the Sanses were hanging out and telling puns which was annoying Blueberry but he didn't want to yell so he stayed quiet that was until the door opened revealing a bruised and badly injured Y/n Blueberry quickly helped Y/n to the couch she sobbed on Blueberry's shoulder he rubbed her shoulder comfortingly making all of them jealous Fell stood up and asked angrily "Who did that to you?!?!" "I'm gonna kill the person who did that!!" she put her hand in a stop motion "Let me explain" "I'm being bullied but I don't need anyone involved" "HoW caN yoU bE sO cAlM aBouT tHiS?" Error asked putting a hand on Y/n's shoulder "Been bullied all my life, I'm gonna make dinner" Y/n got up and limped to the kitchen to make tacos which when they were done Y/n grabbed plates and handed them to the others they ate happily and had seconds. The next day all the Sanses including the Naj ones went with Y/n to see her grab her phone and earbuds only to get slammed against her own locker Y/n hissed in pain Naj growled and took off his glasses letting Murderer take control as he threw the girl out of the school making Y/n smile as she kissed Murderer's cheek which made him blush "And don't worry I didn't forget you guys" Y/n said kissing the others' cheeks she walked with them to class the teacher did role call and Y/n answered when she was called on "Y/n I know that you like to play piano so would you like to play for us?" the teacher Mrs Hill asked Y/n blushed embarrassedly and cupped her hands nodding to herself "O-Of course!" the teacher made the piano appear Y/n smiled and sat down starting to play you don't know and started to sing "I know you got the best intentions" "Just trying to find the right words to say" "I promise I already learned my lesson" "But right now, I want to be not okay" "I'm so tired sitting here waiting" "If I hear one more "just be patient", "It's always gonna stay the same" "So let me just give up.." "So let me just let go..." "If this isn't good for me, well I don't wanna know" "Let me just stop trying" "Let me just stop fighting" "I don't want your good advice or reasons why I'm alright" "You don't know what it's like, you don't know what it's like" "Can't stop these feet from sinking" "And it's starting to show on me" "You're staring while I'm blinking" "But just don't tell me what you see" "I'm so over all this bad luck" "Hearing one more "keep your head up" "Is it ever gonna change?" "So let me just give up" "So let me just let go" "If this isn't good for me, well I don't wanna know" "Let me just stop trying" "Let me just stop fighting" "I don't want your good advice or reasons why I'm alright" "You don't know what it's like, you don't know what it's like" her bullies looked at her with regret in their eyes "Don't look at me like that just like you understand!" Y/n looked back at her bullies "Don't try to pull me back" "Let me just give up.." "Let me just let go.." "If this isn't good for me, well I don't wanna know..." "Let me just stop trying" "Let me just stop fighting" "I don't want your good advice or reasons why I'm alright..." "You don't know what it's like, you don't know what it's like" "You don't know.., you don't know.., you don't know" "You don't know what it's like.." "You don't know what it's like!" "You don't know,you don't know, you don't know" "You don't know what it's like" "You don't know what it's like!!" "You don't know.., you don't know, you don't know" "You don't know what it's like" "You don't know what it's like...." Mrs Hill wiped tears from her eyes and clapped "That was beautiful wonderful job Y/n!" Y/n bowed and went back to her seat that's when the bell rang and it was time to go home which Y/n would always walk home so they all walked with her. Y/n hugged them and kissed their cheeks again before going off to bed to sleep. The next day it was the weekend so Y/n spent time with all of the Sanses.
