chapter three

chapter three | he's not calm

"Economic disparity exists in all forms. Well, take sports, for example. Some teams have better training facilities. Some have better equipment. Unlike Beacon Hills that can barely afford the duct tape to keep our equipment together," Coach explains, walking around the classroom. "You know, Stilinski, if I could grade you on how profoundly you disturb me, you'd be an A plus student."

Ariel leans over Stiles to see what he's looking at, oblivious of Stiles' face flushing. She scrunches her nose in disgust as she looks at the pictures on his desk.

"Thanks Coach," he stutters, his cheeks fire-engine red.

As Coach starts to continue walking Stiles' hand shot out and grabs the lacrosse stick from his hand. He compares the end of it to the stab wounds on Carrie. His eyes widen in realization.

"Stilinski! The hell is wrong with you?" The Coach shouts, snatching his lacrosse stick back. "You know what? Don't answer that."

"It's a lacrosse player," Stiles concludes. "The killer is on the team."

"But you're on the lacrosse team!" Ariel shouts, concern drowning her eyes.

"This... this is pointless. Most of the team plays with their own gear," Scott says, throwing the lacrosse stick back on the floor.

"Shouldn't be trying to get the game canceled?" Ariel asks, her eyebrow raised.

Scott shakes his head. "The game's the best way to catch him red-handed."

"But what if he's red-handed because his hands are covered in the blood of the person that he just stabbed to death?" Stiles says, flailing his arms around. "Which, by the way, either of you guys could be on it."

"Or Liam."

"Or Ariel," Kira says nodding to the girl sitting on the bench.

"Yet," she shrugs. "I"m not on the list yet."

They all turn their heads to look towards her. Ariel lifts her eyebrow. "What?"

"How are you so calm about this?" Kira asks.

She shrugs. "Because I believe in you guys," she says while standing up. "From what I've heard you guys have fought and conqured so many things-- things that are supernatural, things that are supppsed to only exist in fairytales.

If you guys can fight those, then why can't you fight a bunch of humans with knives and guns?"

Scott nods. "You're right, we've gone through worse, we can do this," he says, with a new found confidence from Ariel's pep-talk.

Kira nods, determination filling her eyes. "I'm not scared."

Stiles looks at all of them as if they're crazy. "Well, I'm terrified. And I'm not even on the list," he exclaims. "Guys, these are professional killers. It's their profession. One of them's got a thermo-cut wire that cuts heads off. Who knows what else they have?

And don't even get me started on the fact that we know nothing about the list! To make matters worse, we don't have the whole list. There are two other parts. Two, okay? Dos." He says, holding up two fingers.

"Liam, wait. What, no, no, no, no. Liam," Ariel hears the young freshman call out to his best friend.

"Brett!" Liam yells the tall blonde's name, Ariel cocks her head to the side. "I just wanted to say... have a good game."

The crowd of boys laugh. "That's cute, Liam. Is that what they told you to say in Anger Management?" Brett mocks the new beta infront of him. "Apologize and everything's fine?" His face darkens. "You demolished Coach's car."

"I paid for it."

"Yeah," Brett nods his head. "You're going to pay for it. We're gonna break you in half out there. And it's gonna be all your fault."

Ariel looks down at his hands, noticing the blood dripping from them. She quickly taps Stiles' and Scott's shoulders. "Look," she says pointing to Liam.

Scott's eyes widen. "Oh, shit. Whoa, whoa, whoa, let's go," he says grabbing his 'brothers' shoulder.

"Hey, what's going on prep students?" Stiles quickly jumps in. "Welcome to our little public high school," he says spreading his arms out.

"How you doing?" he asks, putting his hand out for a shake. Brett looks at in disgust, irritating Ariel. "That's a firm handshake you got there," he says nodding amd retracting his hand. "Uh, we're very excited for scrimmage tonight. Uh, but Let's keep it clean, all right? No rough stuff out there. All right, see you on the field. Go."

Ariel gives the group of boys infront of her a deathly glare before following Stiles and Scott.

She walks in the boys locker room and sees Stiles and Scott holding a completely wolfed out Liam under the shower. Her eyes widen amd she quickly rushes over to them.

"No, get back!" Stiles yells not wanting the little mermaid to get hurt.

She shakes her head. "Close your ears."

Scott looks at her. "Are you crazy? We have to hold him back!"

She glares at him, her arms crossed. "Trust me!"

Scott looks over to Stiles who is rapidly shakimg his head no. Scott sighs before letting go and plugging his ears, Stiles does the same but not before rolling his eyes.

Ariel starts to sing.

I can't keep my mind away from my dreams
I hear them calling, calling, calling

Soon I'm gonna slip away
Soon I'm gonna slip away
Soon I'm gonna slip away
In the night, I'm gonna slip away
I wont fight it, I'll just ride it

Liam's body starts to relax, his face transforming back into its original human shape. Scott and Stiles turn to look at Ariel, their mouths wide open.

"How did you do that?" Stiles asks.

Ariel shrugs. "It's part of being a mermaid, our voice's can calm you."

Scott furrows his eyebrows. "You mean like a siren?"

Ariel's face darkens. "No," she snaps. "Mermaids are nothing like those sinister creatures."

Scott throws his hands into the air. "Alright, alright I'm sorry," he says, before turning back to his beta. "You okay?" He asks.

Liam takes a deep breath. "Yeah, yeah I'm okay," he assures him, nodding his head in the process.

"That car you smashed," Scott starts. "I thought you said that was your teacher's."

"He was also my Coach, he benched me for the entire season."

"What did you do?"

"I got a couple of red cards."

Stiles raises his eyebrows, his arms crossed his chest. "Just a couple?"

Liam opens his mouth, hesitating. Ariel sits next to the freshman, putting her arms around him in comfort. "You gotta be honest with us," she tells him quietly, noticing his struggle. "What else happened?"

"Nothing, I just got kicked out of school. They sent me to a psychologist for evaluation."

"What did they call it?"

"Intermittent Explosive Disorder."

Stiles' eyes widen. "I.E.D?" he says in disbelief. "You're literally an I.E.D? That's great. That's great. You gave powers to a walking time bomb," he says to Scott, while giving him a thumbs up.

Scott ignores him. "Did they give you anything for it?

"Risperdal, it's an antipsychotic."

"Oh, this just gets better," Stiles says.

"But I don't take it."

"Obviously," Stiles speaks up. Ariel glares at him, feeling very protective over the young boy. Stiles instantly shuts up.

"I can't play lacrosse on it. It makes me too tired," Liam attempts to defend himself.

Ariel rubs his arms in comfort, causing Stiles to scoff in jealousy.

Scott sighs. "Okay, I think you should bail out of the game. Tell Coach your leg is still hurting."

"No, no!" Liam quickly protests. "I can do this. Especially if you're there."

"But, Liam, it's not just about the game. We think whoever killed Demarco might be on our team."

"Who's Demarco?"

"The one who brought the beer to the party," Stiles informs him. "He was beheaded, remember?"

"We think the person who ordered the keg killed Demarco," Ariel tells Liam.

Scott notices a look on his face. "What? Liam? Do you know something?

"I don't know who ordered the keg. But I know who paid for it."

chapter three is finally up.

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im just wondering.

also check out my book Deleted Scenes, its scenes that didn't get added in my books.

anyhow please be a cool kid and vote or comment.
