chapter six

chapter six || ever been in love

"We need to talk to Meredith Walker. It involves a murder investigation," Deputy Parish informs Brunski, the headmaster of Eichen House.

.Well, you can talk to her all you want, but not this one," he says pointing to Lydia. "She's outta here."

Deputy Parish holds up his badge. "They are crucial witnesses in an ongoing investigation. I wouldn't have brought them here if it wasn't absolutely... crucial.

"Okay, Deputy, how about you come back with a court order, then I'll listen.

"But the police do help when you need a favor. Like, how a month ago, Canaan P.D. helped you get home after blowing 0.1 on a breathalyzer," Parish says, slightly blackmailing him,

"All right, all right I'm not against a little quid pro quo. Not at all, not at all," he says letting them in.

Both Lydia and Parish walk into Merediths room. "Meredith, we need help."

The other banshee shakes her head knowing why they're here. "I can't, I can't I can't help you."

"Meredith, what you mean you can't tell us? We just need the third key something that could help. You can give us numbers, letters, hieroglyphs, whatever you want. But I need it!" Lydia demands.

"I can't."

"Then why did you give us the second key?"

"I wanted to help. That's what I want to do, I want to help."

"Great!" Sge replies semi-cheerfully. "So help us now, okay? Give us the third cipher key."

Meredith shakes her head. "Things have changed," she whispers. "I... I can't..

Why not?" Lydia starts to yell.

"Hey go easy on her," Deputy says, putting a hand on her shoulder to try and calm her down.

"I'm sorry. I can't. He... he doesn't want me to."

"He? Who's he? Meredith," Lydia states her name through gritted teeth. "Who doesn't want you to tell us the third cipher key?

"The Benefactor."

Ariels eyes start to droop shut, pints of blood dripping off her tail and onto the floor.

"No no no, hey! Ariel don't close your eyes alright? Talk- talk to me, tell me what's on your mind just don't close your eyes."

Ariel sighs. "I'm so tired."

Liam nods. "I know so am I but I can't go to sleep and I don't want to sit in silence," Liam tells her, knowing that the protective instict will force her to keep up.

She takes another long sigh. "Have you ever been in love?"

Liam looks at her in surprise, when he said he wanted to talk he wasn't expecting this. "Uh-- uh no but I've watched a lot of movies with my mom."

Ariel chuckles. "Then I suppose you're an expert."

Liam grins. "Oh definitely."

Ariel leans her head back and stares at the old ceiling of the warehouse. "When you're panicking and on your death bed, about to die-- but you can only think of one person, do think that's love?"

Liam furrows his eyebrows and contemplate'her words. He nods his head slowly. "I think so-- yeah, I think it is."

Ariel nods her head. "I think so too," she whispers.

Liam gives her a cheeky grin. "Is this about Stiles?"

She rolls her eyes, wincing from the pain in her head. "Is it that obvious?"

He snorts. "Clearly not to him."

"What's his name? What's the Benefactors name?" Lydia demands an answer from her. "You could just tell us his name."

Lydia sighs in annoyance. "Okay, you're shaking your head. What's that mean? Does that mean you don't know? Or you don't want to help us?"

"I can't... I can't help anymore," Meredith whispers.

"How do you know about him?"

"Lydia," Parrish warns the strawberry blonde infront of him. "I think we better stop."

Lydia shakes her head stubbornly, determined to get answers. "Meredith, a lot of people are going to die if you don't tell us."

"I don't... I don't know. I don't know."

"Please..." Lydia begs, now desperate. "Meredith, it's okay. You're gonna be all right, just please tell us.

"I don't... I don't... I don't know."

"Meredith," Deputy Parrish warns her.

"I said, I don't know!" Meredith screams.

Lydia bends over in pain, blood coming out of her ears. Parrish quickly escorts her out of the room. "What happened?" He asks.

Lydia shakes her head. "I don't know, but I heard one thing."

"What Lydia? What did you hear?" Parish asks her.

"She doesn't belong here."

"Hey Liam?"


"Do you hear that?" Ariel asks the beta.

"What? You mean the owl?"

"How did in owl get here?" Ariel wonders out loud.

Liam groans. "Oh please don't tell me there are were-owls too."

Ariel chuckles. "I don't think that's the case, but isn't it sort of relaxing?"

Liam rolls his eyes. "No, it sounds like a repeatedly weird howl."

Ariel smiles before her eyes widen. "Oh my fishes, howl, why didn't I think of that." Ariel turn her head towards Liam. "Liam, howl."


"Howl Liam, howl!"

Ariel smiles as Liam's howl fills the room. Her smile widens more when she hears a familiar werewolf howl back.

Scott calls his best friend as he runs to the warehouse where his beta and friend are trapped at. "I know where they are," Scott tells Stiles.

"What?" Stiles asks in disbelief, not fully comprehending that he's getting Ariel back.

"There is the abandoned warehouse, remember? The one where Kate shot Derek."

Stiles nods. "I'll meet you there."

Scott tries to open the door but its locked. A locked door is not going to stop him from getting the two people who have grown on him.

Ariel's eyes widen as she hears a constant pounding on the door to the warehouse but Liam stays calm noticing his Alpha's scents. The door swings open and Ariel squeezes her eyes shut.

"Ariel?" She hears Stiles' voice cracking. She looks up at him in relief tears filling her eyes much like his. He quickly runs over to her untying her from the chair and hugs tight. Scott doing the same to his beta, minus the hugging.

Scott turns to Stiles. "I'm going to take him to Deaton."

Stiles nods. "I'll take her to my house."

Scott nods and he leaves with Liam.

"Come on, let's get you up," Stiles says taking her tail out of water, her feet now replacing it. She attempts to stand up but falls, Stiles not hesitating to catch her.

"Here," he says giving her his jacket to attempt to cover up blood soaked legs. "God, what did he do to you?"

Ariel shakes her head. "It doesn't matter, you're here with me now."

He smiles at her words and carries her bridal styles to the car.

Scott shakes his head while looking at his sleeping beta on the metal table. "I don't want to keep watching people die."

"I'm not sure you have much choice about that," Chris tells the Alpha, knowing full well that death will always happen in the supernatural world.

"Maybe I do," Scott replies not wanting to believe that he can't save everyone.

"That's a lot of burden to carry, Scott," Deaton tells him.

Scott shakes his head and purses his lips. "I don't care, no one else dies-- everyone on that list, everyone on that Dead Pool, it doesn't matter if they're wendigos, or werewolves, mermaids or whatever. I'm gonna save every single one."

"Hey Stiles?" The freshly bathed girl calls out to the freckled boy.


"Can you hold me? Please?"

"Sure," he tells her calmly, even though he's internally screaming in joy.

The red headed mermaid scoots over to him as she buries her face in his chest. "Thank you Stiles," she mumbles.

"All I am is holding you?"

"No no, thank you for everything-- thank you for helping me and coming into my life, thank you for making me smile, thanks for everything."

Stiles smiles at her, a huge grin on his face. "I'd do anything for you, Ariel," he tells the mermaid homestly.

Ariel grins at him and slowly start to lean her heads towards the caring boy infront of her, Stiles does the same his heart rapidly beating as he knows what's about to happen.

People say kisses are like fireworks, cannonballs, atomic bomb but for them it was electricity. It was their hearts beating fast like an electric shock, pleasure and happiness vibrating their bodies, the simplest touch heating up their skin. Everything about it was electrifying.

They slowly pull away both slightly out of breath.

"Wow," Stiles pants.

Ariel bites her lip and nods her head slightly. "Yeah, wow."

ok ok i know this chapter is horrid and lets not mention the terrible kissing scene but it needed to be done

anyways please

even thought i probably don't deserve it bc this chapter is so ew
