XIV. The 'Special Service' of Her Majesty the Demon King

With the addition of a certain loli, the sound of screams in the alley echoed through the small space ...... Originally Eiya's

protection mechanism was only triggered for a split second, so for a while Erolu couldn't really determine the exact location of her sister's location, and could only fight blindly under the neighborhood

    The only way to find someone was to go around the area.  In the end, it was Gollum who did the trick, and when the situation became unpleasant, the big, clever cat scaled the wall and ran away.

    The cat was so clever that he ran away - to get help.  This is why cats are so clever, and their senses are so

    They are also very sensitive. It's like you're still downstairs and the cat can already sense that you're back ...... So it's not long before Gollum finds

    The cat was still wandering around in a hurry and brought her to the scene.  It is worth mentioning that seeing behind Erolu

When he saw the pair of wings and tail behind Eru, Lei Wu's first thought was - it's still an extra-human demon, which is a good taste, I can taste it.

    Because of his backward position, Lei Wu did not notice the intimidating attack that a certain loli had released at the beginning. In his heart, he still felt that he had

    He was still thinking that with so many people around, it would not be a problem to take down a strange power loli.  His friends, however, had already been awakened to the fear of being beaten up that day.

    The next scene was just like the previous one-sided beating.

    The king of the world, how can he be compared to a few punks?  "Tsk tsk, don't look, it's not suitable for children." Jia Qi smacked his lips and

    Both hands covered Eeya's eyes. After all, the scene was too violent and could easily have a psychological impact on a child like Eeya.  Yuhi, on the other hand

He didn't react too badly, just rummaging around in Lei Wu's bag for something ...... Anyway, it wasn't the first time he had seen Eru fight, but

The loli state seems to be really new?  "Did you find it? We'll send it to the police station by the way ......" With his hands around the necks of the two punks

, the little devil turned his head to You Xi and asked up.  "Found it, besides the yào, there's a book ...... you're not quite fit to read." You Xi held up a photo album that he had just turned out, and after seeing the contents inside, his face turned a little ugly.  "What the hell? What else is there that I

    can't look at?" With a direct roll of his tail, Eru swept the photo album out of Yuuhi's hands and swept it up to himself.  "This ...... this ...... this is

    , the so-called collection?" This photo album still rang a bell with Her Highness the Demon King, remembering when Lei Wu took it out in front of her and intended to show

    her a look at it.  The pile of unpleasant photos inside made Elu, who had never been exposed to such things, give her an untrue

    truthful feeling - this group of people, who had wrecked so many girls, and photographed them all as collectibles?  And scum like this, who even

    been going to school with everyone on the school grounds as if nothing had happened? In other words, something like this was actually happening all the time around oneself?

"That's why I said don't let you look at it ......" Yuhi was very calm and looked as if she was not surprised. Taking the photo album, he gently calmed down the obviously

Erolu, who was clearly shocked.  "Why are you so calm ......," the little devil's words were shivering a little, and

    I don't know if it was anger or panic.  Yuhi smiled and didn't say anything, just moved his chin, indicating the other party to pay attention to the group of

    The scum lying around on the ground. The meaning of the expression is also very obvious, is to ask Erolu how to deal with this group of guys on the ground ...... "

You guys take Xiao Ya out first ......" After taking a few deep breaths to calm down, Erolu had her own plan in mind.  Originally it was only

intended to collect some evidence and turn around and twist this group of goods to the police station ...... Now it seems that it was really cheap to do so.  "Hey

    , nothing's going to happen, right?" Carrying Eiya out of the alley with Yuhi, Jia Qi was still a little worried that something might go wrong.  "Relax.

Don't worry, Lu-chan has a handle on it ......" Yuhi still had quite a bit of trust in Elu, setting them off, compared to the scene at the back that was not suitable for them to see

    I guess.  "You you you ...... what are you doing?" Stammering, one of the punks being choked saw a certain loli's wings

    magic pattern on it lit up and a bad thought came to his mind.  However, all he got in response was a stabbing pain in his neck as the little demon in front of him

    spikes on its wings, sticking straight into both of their necks.  "You ...... you? You killed someone?" In Lei Wu's eyes, his

    two accomplices suddenly jerked, then their bodies went limp and stopped struggling, and for a moment he was so frightened that he didn't even know how to say the words

    He was so frightened that he didn't even know what to say.  The little devil king still did not answer, but walked slowly towards him step by step. Along the way, he grabbed a few other gangsters by the way and

    They were rendered incapacitated in the same way.  His legs were weak from the shock of the scene before him, and as he watched the silver-haired

    He crawled backwards with his hands on his feet. But soon he was up against a wall and could only watch as Erolu came to him

    s face and grabbed him by the neck.  "You enjoy this sort of thing? It was fun watching you go down on those girls in the pictures

    Well ...... still want to go down on my sister? Are you that thirsty, School~master?" The little demon king cocked her head inquiringly, but this cute look

was like the whisper of death to Lei Wu's eyes, making him not even dare to breathe a breath.  "Well ...... put it this way~ Since

    you like it so much, if I say I'm willing to satisfy you a little, will you agree?"

Showing a belly-laugh, the words that Erolu uttered made Lei Wu freeze in place for a moment, wondering if he had heard wrong.  "

Of course, they will also join in ...... after all, you are good at it~" Her Highness the Demon King pointed at the group of people lying motionless on the ground, "You

    Since you like it so much, it's not impossible for me to satisfy your needs a little~" "Really ...... really?" Lei Wu swallowed his saliva

    , being so hinted at by the other party, the nasty thoughts that had just been overwhelmed by fear, took back over his brain again.  "Really yo ~ you don't

    like it? As long as you nod your head, you can get my special ~special~ service~," the ventriloquist's little playful smile, coupled with that somewhat serious tone of voice

    made Lei Wu feel as if the little demon in front of him was not joking.  Perhaps it was the charm produced by the charm factor in Erolu's body, and Lei Wu in

    He had completely forgotten his fear. Dominated by the desire of yu, his mind filled with evil thoughts, he nodded dumbly at the other party ......

"OK, enjoy yourself then~" said Eru, tensing the tip of his tail, which had been strengthened by magic, and sticking it directly into Lei Wu's neck of

    The tail was taut and tense.  Like the others, Lei Wu only felt his body twitch, and then his whole body lost its strength. As Eru let go, he fell

    He fell to the ground and lost consciousness. ...... "This is the curse of the Demon King~ It will stay with you for the rest of your lives~" were the last words Leiwu heard before he lost consciousness.
