LXXXI. Yuhi's feverish daily routine

"Whew ...... Stupid Xi is off to class again ......" A certain loli, who was alone in her dormitory during afternoon class time, wrapped herself in a quilt and puffed out her

    her cheeks in a whiny manner ......

    "But he has a life of his own and I can't have him with me all the time ......" said the little loli wrapped in her blanket

The little devil, wrapped up in a loli curl, rolled back and forth on the not-so-large bed.

    "Say, am I clinging to him too much? I'm a fierce man, why do I need his company?" After rolling back and forth a few times, Her Highness the Demon King

    noticed that something was wrong.

    "Get up! Go out and play! I'm a good, independent, new age loli! I don't need any company!"

As she said the inexplicable words, Erolu jumped right out of bed. Opening her wings behind her, she flew off the bed and prepared to leave the house.

    She went to her wardrobe and picked out her clothes ......

    The little devil finally slipped into a sky blue checkered halter dress with a white lining to match. As the skirt was above the knee, for ease of movement and

    For ease of movement and aesthetic reasons, she also had a soft marshmallow skirt support ...... This everyday lolita dress was given to her by her dear sister herself

Today she is wearing it for the first time.

Sitting on a chair over a pair of opaque plain white leggings, Erolu honestly tends to wear dark black socks more than white on a regular basis.

    The socks ...... but there is no way around it, the dress just looks relatively good with the white silk.

    Because of the winged tail and the pair of horns on her body and head, it's the shade of black and blue that suits her better compared to white

    ...... Of course it's also possible that the white silk looks too juvenile on her, right?

    With a rare cute double ponytail, the little devil stepped into a pair of small light blue round toe leather shoes and turned in place in the mirror -

    Now she looks like a little princess in a fairy tale, sunny, cute and full of vigour ......

    After all, she is a demon king, and she can fly.

    flying, how could she walk out of the doorway like an ordinary person? It was too degrading!

    --Splitting line --

"O Xi, you've been looking at your mobile phone there after class these days ...... What are you looking at?" In between classes, Ji Xian patted his tablemate

in the seventh middle school is not lax on the issue of checking the phone, usually you have no special circumstances, until the dormitory he will not

take out his mobile phone until he was in the dormitory.

    Of course, most of the special circumstances here are when someone's best friend sends a message. Before the identity of a certain loli was established, ei Lu had long been Yuhi's

    She was a special contact.

So whenever Erolu had something to say to her dear friend, she always got a reply within two minutes - after all, Yuhi's phone would only reply if he heard from her.

only when Yuhi's phone would vibrate in distraction-free mode.

"Nothing, just something that's been on my mind lately ......" Scratching off the webpage on his phone, Yuuki put it away in his bag.

On the subject of Erolu's body, Yuhi had already asked his father to enlist his contacts to find out information about some evil stone - after all

    After all, he was essentially just an ordinary student with limited abilities and contacts, so he would have to rely on the adults for that.

    But even so, he couldn't really do nothing. Apart from spending time with his little girlfriend, Yuhi spent his time on the internet or asking his friends.

    He was also tempted to buy a ticket immediately.

    Although he was also tempted to buy a high speed train ticket immediately and run to the location where Perkyung was before she disappeared to investigate the clues, he promised a certain loli not to let

    her business, affect his normal life ......

    And because of Erolu's dependence on himself during this time, he didn't dare to subject the sensitive loli to the slightest irritation at all. What's more

Even the two of them are just getting started in their relationship, so even if it's for her, what's the point of leaving your wife and running away?

    But in theory this completely unscientific stuff is best left to a certain loli who is supposed to be an expert in the field ...... but

Yuhi wasn't at all comfortable with that girl investigating this stuff right now.

The reason is that he knows his stupid loli best friend too well, this girl's ability to do things reliably is only based on the premise of carrying other people's expectations.

She has to be able to do things that are expected of her ...... about herself, but often she has to pull the strings and drop the ball.

The more I get to know the other person, the more worried You Xi will be about this girl - the frequency drop and drop intelligence are out, who knows what else she can do

    What else can she do?

In view of the above, You Xi can only press down his various thoughts, usually have to focus on taking care of and accompanying his little girlfriend, until there is

In his spare time, he tried his best to investigate and compile information on the subject.

    "Thinking about the little princess again?" Looking at You Xi's dumbfounded look, based on the way she had been behaving, Ji Xian could guess with his knees

    what this tablemate of his own was thinking about again.

"Yes,......, I was thinking about her,......," You Xi admitted openly.

    It's not something to be ashamed of. "I really don't want to leave her for a moment ......"

    "Pfft, if you miss her so much, why don't you just bring her here? The little princess is with you anyway, and you two keep each other company.

    It's fine ...... Besides, doesn't she have the ability to hide her face?"

"She has health problems and using those abilities comes with certain risks and costs ......," You Xi sighed and explained briefly.

    "That's why I wouldn't dare let her use them, it's better to keep her honestly in her dormitory."

    "Keeping her in the dorm all the time, you're not afraid that something will go wrong? If you're really unsure, it's better to bring her around to keep an eye on her, right?" Ji Xian scratched his

    "Besides, she's a little girl, she's at an active and playful age, so it's not a good idea for her to be cooped up in the dorm all day without going out for some air, right?"

    "You don't say it like you're much older than her, Lu is already sixteen ......" Yu Xi slapped Ji Xian's back a little harder, "Stupid is stupid.

You should not treat her like a child."

" Again, what can go wrong in the dorm? There' s still Gollum to keep her company if she's bored ...... although she may have run out? This girl now

is such a variety of troublesome problems and a physique that is easily found by things ...... I dare say that whenever she leaves the dormitory, there will be definitely be problematic


" Besides, you don't know that if I hadn't gone out to look for her yesterday ...... she would have been abducted by someone with bad intentions because she couldn't turn her head around.

    I'm a little scared now that I think about it ......"

You Xi was a little tired of telling his tablemate about what happened last night, but what he didn't know was that - his heart was pining for that

    He didn't know that his girlfriend, who hadn't listened to him at all, had already sneaked out of the dorm and gone off to get high ......

(At present, the book still owes thirty-five chapters, Meng war little devil 24 into 12 once to advance, resurrection once to advance, so a total of ten additional

    Chapter ...... total is forty five chapters.)

    (Tomorrow will start to add more, strive to pay off the debt within this month ...... owe too long, fierce author also conscience can not be over qwq.)
