A Certain Scientific Railgun

Alt. Titles: To Aru Kagaku no Railgun

Year: Fall 2009


Episodes: 24

Cat.:  Ecchi, Action, Sci Fi, Psychic Powers, Superpowers


In the technologically-advanced Academy City, millions of students study superhuman and psychic powers. Judgment, a group made up of specially-trained students and adults, helps combat threats to the city and its people by helping apprehend power-wielding criminals. Mikoto, Kazari and Kuroko are three friends who juggle school and Judgment, all the while learning how to best use their skills. Together, they will help keep Academy City safe from the bad guys and have plenty of fun in the process.


This is a spin-off and it's the type of spin-off I don't really care for because although it gives more information about Espers and different character, it is delivered as if the oringal doesn't exist. The main character for the spin-off is Misaka, who had an somewhat important part in season one, so I figured a spin-off about her wouldn't be so bad. And I was wrong.

The start is quite frankly  was boring since the first couple episodes are nothing, but episodic events of Misaka and annoying, under-aged lesbian fighting petty criminals. Naturally, since Misaka is level 5 esper, the grunts stand no chance against her and action scenes aren’t nearly as suspenseful or exciting as Index’s.

There was a lot of girlish talk and friendship nonsense throughout. The story did have some strong parts and has some pretty cool fight scenes that made watching this not a totally waste, but they just seem to be scattered all around anime and feel too far in-between since the pace of the anime is so off.

I knew Kuroko was a lesbian in the first season, but it was subtle, more realistic. In this she was a full blown psycho pevert lesbian in this and it became a running gag. With episode titles like "I Understand That Bikinis Make Eyes Wander, but One-pieces Bring Out Curves so They Match Thin Bodies Better" it got old fast.

I can’t really recommend this anime unless you’re huge Index or Misaka Mikoto’s fan, because its middle school girls running around playing hero.

I give this a 1.5 out of 5.
