[Un]Fortunate Evening (Kishinuma x Nakamura Akira {OC})

Kishinuma's POV
"Yui-sensei... do you happen to know where Nakamura is?"

"Nakamura Akira??? If it's this late, she's probably getting off her Thursday night shift at the clinic. Why do you ask? Wait, you're still here?"

"Seiko texted me asking where she was. Something about a girl's night since there's no school tomorrow... and yeah. I had to finish something... anyways, thanks, sensei. See you Monday."

"Goodnight Kishinuma-kun. Be sure to get home safely."

"I will..." 'Night shift??? What the hell is she thinking having a night shift, especially if she's interning at a clinic!? Tch. I told you to wait for me damn it!'

Akira's POV
*sigh* 'Finally... I can rest... I still can't believe that damn Minoru forced the night shift on me, a high school girl! Tch. I forgot to tell Kishinuma... if he ever finds out he's so gonna kill me...' *yawn--* "Hmph!" 'Damn! I knew something like this was going to happen! If I'm still alive and a virgin after this, I'm so gonna kick Minoru's ass!!!'

"Hey there, girly~"

'Ew... the smell of alcohol and vomit is practically radiating off of him... oh god... I'm so not going to get out of this a virgin and untainted... HELP ME, KISHINUMA-KUN!!!'

"You gotta a nice body~~~ how 'bout you show me what you got underneath that short skirt of yours~~~ c'mon~ you like it rough, don't ya~ naughty gi-- oof!!! Tch. Damn brat."

"Oi. Get your damn hands off my girl, you bastard!"

Kishinuma's POV
"Oi. Get your damn hands off my girl, you bastard!" He stumbled back as I punched him. 'What the hell does he think he's doing!? Damn old pervert. Damn it, Akira! you will be the death of me!'

"Yoshiki!!!" Nakamura cried out as she ran into my arms.

"Oi! Akira! Calm down! I'll be back. Just let go for a minute, 'kay? I just need to take care of something first..." I said as I draped my jacket over her while glaring at the old man... "You got a lot of guts tryin' to take my girl..."

~Bloody Time Skip~
"Let's go, Akira... I'll stay at your place tonight... I don't trust you to be by yourself after what happened..."

"...hai... thank you, Kishinuma--"

"Yoshiki... call me Yoshiki..."

~At Akira's Apartment~

Third Person POV
"If you don't mind me asking," Akira began, "'your girl' huh?"

"You got a problem with it? From now on you're my girl. Only. Mine," he said firmly as he caressed her face.

Flustered, Akira closes the space between them. Millimeters apart from his gaze, she replies, "...no... I'm all yours..."

Yoshiki firmly holds her waist as both close the gap in between them.

Akira pulls him deeper into the kiss and taking this as a sign, Yoshiki lays her down on the couch whispering three words before kissing her again. "I love you..."
