Troublesome Maid [Part 1] (Sebastian)

"And here is where you'll be staying. You will be sharing a room with the other maid here since you are new."

"Thanks. I mean. Thank you, Mr. Sebas--"

"Please. Just call me Sebastian. Now. If you would follow me so that you can freshen yourself up to meet the master. I'm sure you wouldn't want to meet him with bloodstained clothes."

I nodded my head and followed him out the door.

The butler in front of me was strange... yet handsome. But most importantly, he was strong. Inhuman almost. This coming from a test subject modified to fight and kill.

After a quick bath, I put on the uniform that was laid out for me and put my hair into two braids.

Mey-Rin, the only other maid in this estate, greeted me and showed me the way to my new master's study.

When I entered the room, Sebastian stood next to a young boy who sat on a chair. The master, most likely.

We conversed for a little bit. Well. It was more of an interview/ interrogation.

However, in the middle of it, Sebastian whispered something to the Master and left the room, but not before placing a hand on my shoulder and telling me there were some pests he had to take care of. He also told me to take care of the master since the pests were very persistent, almost like cockroaches.

I nodded my head and continued answering the Master's questions as best I could.

A few moments later, I noticed a small, familiar glint from the bushes outside the Master's window.

By instinct, I shielded my new master, grabbed his pen, and threw it at the sniper.

"Is there a place with few windows??"

"I'll be fine here."


The look in his eye told me he was used to this kind of danger.

A smirk had made its way on my face.

"Very well, Master. May I have permission to--"

"Very well."

"Shall I hold back?"

"Do what you must. Just don't make a big mess."

"Yes, Master."

I quickly leaped out the window, but not before securing it.

"I'm starting to like this kid. This new master of mine..."

And so begun my killing spree. Sebastian was right about one thing. The pests are like cockroaches. They just never seem to go away or die so easily.

After a few minutes, I ended up in the garden, where Sebastian was. As we continued to cut down enemies, we somehow ended up face to face.

"Aren't you supposed to be with the Master?"

"He gave me permission," was all I said.

"Very well," he said as he threw a knife at an enemy right behind me as I lashed my chain whip at the enemy.

"Wait. Are those knives... aren't they cutlery???"

A sudden feeling of worry washed over me. "Master..."

"If you don't mind... I'm going to take my leave now."

Sebastian looked at me questioningly.

"The Master might be in trouble soon," I said as I sprinted towards the study.

In a matter of moments, I busted through the door to the Master's study.

"Are you hurt!?"


I looked around the room and as I carefully made my way towards the desk, the window shattered and in came intruders, the bullets barely missing me.


I grabbed the broken pieces of glass and proceeded to cut down the enemies. The Master looked unhurt, but there was a man sneaking up behind him.

Ignoring the pain of a knife slashing my eye, I dashed over to the young master and as the man pierced my side, I broke his neck.

"You're not hurt are you?"

"Shouldn't you be asking yourself that???" he asked dumbfounded.

"Oh this? I should regenerate in a little bit."

"It seems you made quite the mess,"

"Ah! Sebastian? I'm so sorry... I was a bit reckless... I'll clean this up immediately!!!"

"I'll take care of it," said Sebastian as he peered at my wounds and at what was left of my left eye.


"This guy... is way too close!"

I could practically feel him breathing on me. It felt... weird.

"We-Well. If you'll excuse me!" I stuttered as he moved closer towards my face.

Sebastian's POV
"She's an interesting one, isn't she?"

The master sighed and gave me a look.

"You seem to be interested in a way I'd rather not think about," he said exasperatedly.

"Whatever do you mean, my Lord?"

He sat back in his chair and turned around. "Now hurry up and clean this mess. Elizabeth is staying for dinner."

"Lady Elizabeth? Very well, my Lord."

"Sebastian? Do keep an eye on her. There's something she's hiding from us..."

"Yes, my Lord."

Not much action here but I wanted to make something longer.

Part 2 is on the way~

I apologize for any mistakes made. Please point them out kindly and I will fix it as soon as possible.

Thanks for all your support~

Anime/Manga: Black Butler

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