Drunken Love: the Truth [Side-Story]



Yusuke's POV

I loved her. Believe me. I did. But the fact that she had an identical twin made it hard.

Though they were identical, they had very different personalities and interests. However... when they acted the same... it confused me even more.

And somehow, I ended falling in love with her. Just her. Only her. That specific one...

Then I lost her. And as time went on, I became lost, too.

Kurama's POV

I was always watching her. Specifically her. Not her twin. Just her.

The way she laughed. The way she fought. The way she smiled. The way she worried about others.

No I wasn't a stalker. I was just an overprotective friend. And as we spent more time with each other, we became closer. More intimate. Much like lovers.

Yusuke's POV

It was because of him. I lost her because of HIM. But he was my friend. My comrade. And for all those times he saved my ass... I let it go. At least I thought I did.

Kurama's POV

But that one night. That one dreadful night. He took her. He took something precious away from her... from me.

Because of the anger I was feeling... I-- I--

Yusuke's POV

That night. That one night is when I truly lost the person I loved. And the person I thought I loved.

The person I thought I loved was killed by a demon. And the person I truly loved was in love with another demon... and that demon loved her back.

Who was that demon you ask?

Kurama's POV

Come to think of it, that dreadful night was on the one-year anniversary of [Name]'s sister's death. Keiko-san... according to [Name], Keiko-san and Yusuke were "madly in love with each other."

That was probably why Yusuke was absolutely drunk. Because he was remembering that one night.

The alcohol finally got to his head and convinced him [Name] was Keiko which would explain--

Yusuke's POV

It was exactly one year since Keiko died. I knew [Name] was going to visit her grave and so I decided to drink a little at the bar about two and a half blocks away from her house.

I don't usually drink but... after not being able to see [Name] for a year made me nervous. And almost guilty.

I forced myself to fall in love with Keiko so I wouldn't have to think about [Name]. Even though they were identical, it just wasn't the same with Keiko.

I knew. I knew that she couldn't be mine once I saw the way Kurama looked at her. So why?

It was getting late and I had drank a little too much. Though... I was sober enough to think about and control some of my actions.

But all that alcohol made me think of doing terrible things. And after a one-sided battle, I knew what I was going to do.

Kurama's POV

On that night, I was at our secret place. Ever since I arrived there, I had a terrible feeling. That feeling told me something bad was going to happen to [Name]. But I ignored it. After all, she should've been home already.

But she wasn't. When something in the back of my head nagged at me, I quickly left to find her.

And when I did, I was too late...

I saw her... in his arms. Half-naked and blood dripping down her now-bruised thigh. With him inside of her.

She had dried tears on her face. Her eyes begging for help. And in that moment, I lost control of myself. I quickly took her from his grasp before he decided on impregnating her. I took her and ran.

Yusuke's POV

I felt the urge to vomit and so I tried to make my way to the restroom. I stumbled over a chair then felt a hand on my shoulder. It was [Name].

From the look she gave me, she thought I was completely wasted. Yeah. I was. Just not completely.

I decided to put my plan in action.

She guided me out of the bar and as we continued walking, I quickly pushed her onto the nearer alley wall.

I continued acting like a total drunk and tricked her into believing that I thought she was Keiko.

It was then did I make one of my deepest, darkest fantasies come true. And of course, I was sober enough to feel and savor the moment.

And after what seemed like a few minutes in heaven, I was pushed to a wall and was barely conscious. Right when I was about to relieve myself too.

I then saw him take her away before I could even process what had happened.

I sat on the ground, back up against the wall, and realized what I had just done. I had taken her virginity. I had taken it away from her and from him. Yet... I didn't really feel any remorse. None.

Kurama's POV

The day after, she apologized to me for "allowing" that incident to happen.

I felt guilty. Wasn't it supposed to be me who should be apologizing?

And within a few minutes, we cleared up our negative feelings and soon we were fast asleep in each other's arms.

I swore to her, and to myself, that I would never let her out of my sight again...

One week later, I walked [Name] home to make sure nothing bad would happen again. And before we even reached the doorstep. I saw Yusuke sitting out front. Nervously waiting.

The moment he heard [Name] whisper his name, his head snapped up and tried to talk to her. Tried.


A little side story before we get to the confrontation. The next one of the Drunken Love series will be the last.

Please look forward to it~

Thanks for all the reads and votes guys~!!!

Sorry if there are mistakes.
