You/Mavis Vermillion - Gone

AN: I've never watched the anime or read the manga so this might be entirely wrong.

Zeref had convinced you to leave Mavis. He claimed that good things never lasted and that it was just better to leave before either of you got hurt. You didn't want to do it but he was right, you weren't deserving of her love. So one morning, you took off and didn't look back.

"(y/n), it's been months since you've left. When are you going to get over what happened."

"I'm fine, Zeref. I have no idea what you're talking about."

He walks around you so he could stand in front of you.

"I don't know. You don't seem fine to me. It looks like you're forcing that smile."

You roll your eyes at him and walk away from him. Sometimes you would often feel like an idiot for listening to him. He loved to manipulate people to do his bidding and you couldn't help but feel he had done the same thing to you. The two of you were best friends, surely he wouldn't do that to you.

"What do you want, Zeref? You're not always this pushy."

"I don't always bother you to ask for favors." You give him a look, letting him know that you knew that wasn't true. "Alright. Since you brought it up, I need you to come with me on this short mission."

"Define short. You always claim that it's short but it's never like that."

"I swear! It's short this time. Just a simple in and out situation."

"Fine. If it's any longer then that, I'll kill you."

"You can certainly try."


You gripped his coat to pull him back before he takes another step.

"Are you fucking serious? Is this some kind of joke?"

"What? I told you, it's a quick in and out situation."

"Why did we come here specifically? Out of all the places that we could've gone, this had to be the specific one."

"You know why. I need something that Mavis has. I thought you could give her a surprise visit to keep her distracted so I can get it."

"No way. Why would you even think that I would agree to this. What the fuck is wrong with you Zeref?"

"Me? There's nothing wrong with me. Now are you going to help me or not? I can easily do this myself. I just thought you might want to pay Mavis a visit. You know since it's been a while since the two of you have seen each other."

You wanted to hit him but you refrained from doing so. He could easily kill you. As the days passed, the more you believed there was some truth to your theory about him manipulating you.

"Just go. I'll wait for you here."


Mavis was just making her way back when she heard people talking. She was planning on just continuing to make her way back home but she stopped herself when she heard you speak. She waits until Zeref is gone to reveal herself to you.

"So that's why you left."

You nearly cut off her head in surprise.

"Mavis! What are you doing here?!"

You whisper harshly at her as you put away your sword.

"I could ask you the same thing. You leave without a single trace and then you come back with Zeref. I spent all this time searching for you. Thinking that someone had taken you or even worse, killed you but you've been fine all this time!"

The more she talked, the louder she was getting. You knew Zeref would hear her if you let her continue. Without thinking, you reached over to cover her mouth with your hand.

"I...I had a good reason. I never wanted to hurt you and I'm sorry but we can't do this right now. Zeref is going to come back at any moment and he'll try to kill you."

Mavis sighs as she takes off her ring to throw it on the ground.

"I guess I won't be needing these anymore. It's obvious what side you've decided to pick."

Zeref had lied. He had told you that cutting her off early would ease the pain but it didn't. Your heart felt like it had been ripped off when you saw how devastated she was.

"I made a mistake! I listened to Zeref and let him get in between us. Please..please give me another chance."

She was already walking away but stopped when she heard your pleas. In all her time since she's known you, she's never heard you sound so broken.

"So you can listen to Zeref and leave again? We exchanged vows, (y/n). Did they not mean anything to you? Was his friendship more important to you than our marriage?"

"No! Nothing is more important than our marriage. I love you, Mavis."

"Then why did you leave?"

You reached down to grab her ring before making your way over to her.

"Because I was a scared idiot that thought that I didn't deserve the happiness that you brought me. I let Zeref get into my mind and I'm sorry."

She looks down at your hand that held the ring and then back to you.

"How do I know that this isn't one of his plans?"

"You don't. You're just going to have to trust me. If I ever betray it again, kill me."

Mavis wraps her arms around your neck and leans in to kiss you.

"You know I could never kill you."

"I know. That's why I'm never going to betray you again."


All characters are 18+

Send me prompts and suggestions on request page. If I didn't reply to your prompt request, send me a message with your prompt.

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Erza Scarlet - Secret Part 2

Najenda - Over

Aiura .... - New

