Trust Us

Dabi had slipped a substance out of his pocket and downed it quickly- a glamour. Why the hell would he risk a glamour? Keep the hood up and around me no one would have questioned him- was he stupid? What if he got hooked?

Those things were dangerous and so easy to overdose on. The ones you got from the streets weren't powerful enough to change your whole appearance, something that had been outlawed for ages.

Dabi had definitely changed his whole appearance.

Bright red hair with a single streak of white protruded from his head and his scars disappeared. A few freckles were splayed over his nose and his staples were gone. Instead it was just a nose piercing, lip piercing, and piercings all the way up his ears. He also had an eyebrow piercing and a deep purple tattoo swirling up his neck.

Hawks shook off his uneasy feeling about this transformation and scrambled after Dabi and the woman who he didn't know the name of. Hopefully they had contacted Kenji (they most likely had, whenever a hero offered up a name to check their business they usually checked it) because that man's intelligence- however low it may be- was Hawks' only chance at giving the Commission the information they needed.

Hawks had his fingers crossed that Kenji would put two and two together and realize this was the mission the villains needed him for.

"Here we are," the woman said, holding a hand out to a clear door where three heroes were crowding a table, fiddling with some sort of device and arguing back and forth. "I contacted Kenji," the woman did a double take when she saw Dabi's new form but she hid it well. She turned to Hawks, her eyes searching his for permission to speak more freely. He shook his head slightly and she smiled, dropping the subject there.

"Can we go in?" Dabi asked, somehow not sounding the slightest bit tipsy. His voice was a little higher than usual, but that was probably just a part of the glamour.

Hawks shivered, remembering old lessons in which he had been subjected to a forced glamour. 'You have to be able to fight in every possible situation.'

"Of course!" the woman beamed.

Dabi and Hawks entered the room, the woman leaving as soon as the door was safely locked behind them.

The three young pros swirled around to face the intruders. Hawks remembered them from their licensing ceremonies the year before- the top three heroes always had to attend, but Hawks hadn't minded it too much except for that exact day being his and Mirko's failed date. He shook away old memories of pushing each other into a punch bowl and accidentally trapping Endeavor and All Might in a golden net designed to represent Aphrodite and Ares' little moment in Greek mythology.

Needless to say it was an interesting situation and it was NOT Hawks' fault, however much Mirko may burst out laughing randomly every time they hung out saying 'Remember that one time you tried to make All Might and Endeavor kiss like Aphrodite and Ares?'

One had bright bubblegum pink hair. Her hero name was Bubble Gum and her quirk was called Stick. It allowed her to create multi-colored sticky substances from her hands. The pink one had a bubble gum like texture and taste- or so she claimed- hence the name.

(Quick A/n: (kill me for this lmao) "BuNgEe GuM hAs ThE pRoPeRtIeS oF bOtH rUbBeR aNd GuM!" I'm obsessed with that show- anyways-)

The one in the center's hero name was Gaea. Their hair was a deep, dark, green color and their skin was a rich deep brown. Their eyes were bright emerald green and their quirk was earth- they could create mountains and control plants.

The final one looked pretty basic with light brown hair and dark brown eyes. His skin was light brown and his hero name was Arrow. His quirk allowed him to shoot arrows from his hands.

"What are you doing here?" Bubble Gum asked sharply, her eyes scanning Dabi and then Hawks.

"Mission," Hawks answered simply.

"Bubble, don't you know who this is?" Gaea demanded. "Pro Hero Hawks, we're very sorry if we came off as rude-"

Hawks shook his head. "Don't worry about it, you're fine."

"We're supposed to take over this project." Dabi said. "Your assistance is no longer required."

How he was able to sound so normal under the influence of a glamour Hawks didn't know.

Arrow hesitated, as though he wasn't sure he should say this. "We were told to not let anyone take over..."

Hawks smiled brightly. "We have special orders from the HPSC."

Gaea frowned. "They told us-"

"-To trust no one," Bubble Gum interrupted, earning an annoyed glare from Gaea, which she ignored. "Not even another hero."

Dabi rolled his eyes. "You don't trust your number two hero? You know he can get you out of a job, right?"

"Da- Touya," Hawks switched to the first name that popped into his head. He didn't even know a Touya. He felt Dabi tense beside him but paid no notice to it. "I'm not going to do that. But please, for security reasons we can't present you with proof, but the Commission told me and Touya to take over this project for you."

"If you fail, we're running the risk of losing the only way we have of tracking the League." Bubble Gum explained sharply, tone dangerous. Hawks fought the urge to shiver. If he failed his actual mission... he'd most likely be dead and the League would be out of their reach forever.

"I understand that. But we're supposed to take over." Hawks explained.

"How do we know we can trust you? How do we know you'll succeed where we're failing?" Arrow asked, dark eyes scanning Hawks'.

Dabi answered for him. "You don't."

Hawks shivered.


Ok so there's this chapter... Idk how I feel about it, it's okay. The next one should be better *wink wink* you'll see...

Any who~ today's quote:

"I've always done whatever I want and always been exactly who I am." -Billie Eilish (Not Johnny Depp! Two in a row we're on a roll!)

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