Hotel (They Did Not Use Trivago)

I'm giving you more updates then usual cause I forgot to post so much-

Dabi pulled himself up the final balcony to Hawks' apartment building, arms sore and breathing sporadic. Lugging himself over the edge and onto Hawks' balcony, Dabi broke into a fit of coughs, trying to clear his lungs of the ashy feeling that was always there. Perhaps he shouldn't have smoked that cigarette earlier.

After a few moments of struggling to pull oxygen into his lungs, Dabi rose to his feet and entered the apartment, using the key Hawks left out for himself. Hey, if the hero didn't want anyone to find it, maybe he should have hid it better.

After returning the key to its not-so-secret hiding spot, Dabi walked over to the couch and sat, waiting for Hawks to return home so they could be on their way.

Dabi didn't think that this plan of Shigaraki's was a very good idea. In all honesty it wasn't that the idea itself was bad, in fact, it was a good plan to get these specific heroes out of the way, but the idea of taking Hawks wasn't quite as good.

The plan was to go out to some old village near the edge of Nabu Island, where three supposed heroes were working on some top secret mission. It was some form of tracker that was- according to the League's sources- able to track powerful quirks, such as Cremation, which may or may not be Dabi's quirk. If the heroes were able to track Dabi they'd be able to find the League, so it was actually a good idea to make sure the heroes couldn't finish their little project.

But taking Hawks?

While it was true that the only way Dabi would ever be able to enter the building the heroes were working at was if a hero showed a hero license, the idea of taking the Number Two Hero on a mission like this seemed like a test of luck, one that Dabi wasn't too keen on taking.

Dabi had asked why he and Toga couldn't just go, with Toga using Hawks' blood so she would look just like him, and Shigaraki had expressed worries that maybe they had some sort of quirk dampener inside and/or that they would have some sort of 'secret password/test' that only Hawks would know.

Dabi had to admit that his boss had a point, and that if either of those were true he and Toga would be in a very tight situation, he still couldn't shake off his worries that the actual hero might have some secret code word for 'this-guy's-a-villain-and-you-need-to-arrest-him-for-me'.

Maybe he was just being paranoid.

About an hour later the balcony doors flew open, and a man with blonde hair and bright red wings flew through the apartment doors, landing quietly in the apartment.

Dabi eyed the hero out of the corner of his eye, waiting patiently for him to notice him.

"What the hell?" Hawks squeaked. "How did you get in here? Why are you- is this about the mission thing?"

Dabi chuckled. "Did you get the time off?"

"Yes- but-"

"Let's go then."

"Wait what?" Hawks held up a hand to stop Dabi even though he hadn't moved. "Where are we going? For this mission I mean. And I have to get some clothes together, unless you want me wearing my hero costume."

"Take the costume, and go change. Bring like, two other clothes so you don't bring too much attention to yourself." Dabi instructed, ignoring Hawks' other question. He eyed Hawks' wings wearily when he said the part about attention- those things kind of commanded people's eyes to look at them.

Dabi rose from his chair. "And I need your phone."

Hawks gaped at him. "What? Why?" he asked, hand sliding toward his pocket protectively.

"So you can't call the heroes." Dabi answered impatiently.

Hawks groaned. "After all this time, you still don't trust me?"

"Always." Dabi mumbled, the Harry Potter reference just slipping out. "And no, I don't. You can't fool me, hero. I haven't trusted you for a second."

"Good to know," Hawks rolled an eye at Dabi. "Fine, I'll go change." he walked down the hallway and walked towards his bedroom.

Dabi was up in a flash, placing himself directly in front of Hawks. "Phone," he demanded, one hand held out for the device.

Hawks sighed and pulled his phone out of his pocket, handing it to Dabi before slinking away. Dabi flipped it over and rolled his eyes at the Endeavor popsocket before pulling it off.

Dabi took the offensive phone holder to the sink and dropped it in, turning on the garbage disposal and the water, sending down a wisp of blue flames for good measure when he was sure the disposal couldn't demolish the refuse any more.

Hawks came out of his bedroom with a small bag floating next to him, supported by a feather. "Did you turn on the garbage disposal?" Hawks asked, furrowing his brow slightly.

Dabi shrugged. "You had some trash in your sink."

Hawks didn't say anything, simply gestured for Dabi to lead them out.


Dabi led the hero down toward a shadowy alleyway where Kurogiri could safely transport them to the old run-down hotel they would be staying at. Hawks was being strangely quiet, but Dabi didn't say anything, hoping deep down that his luck would last and the hero wouldn't talk. He talked a lot.

Dabi pressed the button on the small remote like thing in his pocket lightly. The seams of his jacket caught on one of his wrist staples and tugged lightly, causing the villain to grunt and fiddle with it, ignoring Hawks' curious stare.

A wispy portal stretched to life in front of them and Dabi nodded to Hawks, gesturing for him to go first.

"Do I just step through it?" Hawks asked hesitantly.

Dabi rolled his eyes. "No, do a summersault. Go."

Hawks' wings flicked in annoyance before he stepped through the portal with a gasp of surprise. Dabi stepped in after him, the darkness of the portal enveloping him in a shadowy hug, a familiar chill that he always felt when he went through Kurogiri's portals running down his spine as he reappeared in the hotel, taking a step to balance himself.

Hawks had tripped and was currently getting up himself, muttering a steady stream of colorful curses as he dusted himself off. Dabi chuckled lowly, side-stepping the hero and examining the room. It was fine, fairly large with a large window on the wall. The desk, couch, and bed were dusty- oh shit.

There was only on bed.

I am not sleeping on that couch. Dabi thought to himself, eyeing the tiny footprints in the dust that were most likely from rats. 


I litterally thought I was so funny with that title plz-

Dabihawks stuff coming soon, I litterally promise, like, in the next chapter (kinda) you'll see ;)


Today's quote: "Just keep moving forward and don't give a shit about what anybody thinks. Do what you have to do, for you." -(why yes, it is) Johnny Depp

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