Part 48

If Echo thought it had been difficult to get away and see Luke before, now it was nearly impossible. 

Somehow the fact that their relationship was now out in the open, official and formal, made it so that her parents were more suspicious. By parents, of course, she meant her father and also, her brothers. Brothers, plural, because both Ben and George were acting suspiciously jealous. It started with a congratulatory call from George that quickly turned into a game of 20 questions. Later that evening, Ben and George both arrived unannounced for dinner and sat on either side of her, goading her with questions that her father supported would need an answer. 

She sighed, she laughed, she teased, she tried to tell them, in the most polite way possible, that most of it was nobody's business. She shared what she could- they'd met by accident, she'd granted him his assistance and from that point forth, they'd just continued to meet. She tried to be vague, firstly because there was a lot that they could not know and secondly because she wanted to wait until she'd spoken to Luke so that they could agree on the details together.  She had certainly not been prepared to be interrogated at dinner and so she called Luke immediately to ensure they could speak before his visit. 

But when she told her parents she would be having dinner with Luke, she didn't expect them to come down so hard. 

Where are you having dinner?

Is it just the two of you?

How late will you be?

Are you driving all the way to North Town?

I want you home by midnight!

Echo had intended to drive to North Town and spend an evening with Luke going over the details carefully, spend some time alone with him even... But how could she possibly accomplish that by midnight? She'd have to drive home by 9! And she was absolutely certain that her father would be waiting to make sure that she made it home on time.

She could have fought the newly imposed curfew but as it was, she was under fire because Luke would not be coming to pick her up. She told them that she had insisted on meeting him halfway but Michael just didn't like it. He didn't seem like he was even open to the idea. 

Luke had been very accommodating to her- insisting that it was no problem to meet in the city for dinner, he'd even suggested they meet a bit earlier so as to not have to rush and so that she could make sure to be home before curfew. 

So here she was, meeting her fiancee at a nice restaurant for an early dinner at 6 PM.  

"I'm a little surprised they let you leave the house like that." Luke's voice startled her. She'd been so lost in her thoughts that she hadn't noticed he'd pulled open her door. She frowned. 

"What's wrong this time?" She asked, letting him help her out of the car. She pulled her dress down a bit, wondering if she'd worn the wrong thing. He handed her keys to the valet.

"There's nothing wrong with what you're wearing." He said, reaching out and taking her hand. He slid his glasses down for a second, taking her in from head to toe. "But from what you've told me..."

"Right." She said, allowing him to lead her towards the restaurant door. "Well, my mother didn't say anything but my dad... he made a comment or two."

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize that this would cause so many problems." He replied and she shook her head. 

"If there are any problems it's only because I insisted on keeping this a secret. They just have to get used to it." She said, "They'll get used to it. We just have to give them time."

"How much time?" He asked after they'd been seated. Echo raised her brow. 

"I don't know..." She said but he sighed. 

"Echo, there's a lot going on right now... with my business." He said, kissing her hand gently. 

"I gathered as much, especially after the incident." She said. 

"Which is exactly why..." He said, locking his eyes with hers, "I'd like us  to have the wedding as soon as possible."

"How soon is that?" She asked.

"Before Christmas." He said. Echo dropped his hand, staring at him dumbly. 

"You're joking, right?" Echo asked but he didn't flinch. 

"We... can't plan a wedding... be married in two months!" She said, reaching out for her water glass.

"George and Karen were married in less than four." Luke said with a shrug. 

"George and Karen were dating for almost a year." Echo said, "And my mother was still going on and on about how it was too soon." 

"I know it's fast..." He said and Echo shook her head. 

"It's more than fast. My parents just found out about us, are still trying to process the engagement... top it off with a shotgun wedding... my father is going to have a heart attack." Echo said. 

"We'll talk to them." Luke said, reaching for her hand, "We'll convince them."

"Can you convince me first?" She said, "I don't see why we need to rush."

"Because... when we're married, you and your family become untouchable." Luke said simply, "It will be a lot safer."

"Do you..." Echo began, getting nervous. "Do you think they're in danger?"

"Hey, hey... look at me." He said, reaching out and grabbing her chin. He turned her face towards his and smiled. "Your family is not in danger. I'm taking care of them, promise. You are going to be fine. But I think it might be a good idea for us to get away- take a trip down the coast, go sailing."

"Sailing?" She repeated. 

"You and me, get out of town. Get some time to ourselves." he said, flashing her a grin, "besides, I don't see a need to wait. I want you, I'm certain of it. I want to marry you."

"I guess I understand but I'm not sure my parents will."  Echo said and Luke nodded. 


"Grace?" Nadia slowed her pace, her clipboard in hand, as she approached the nurse's station. 

"Nadia, Hi!" Grace said with a big smile, opening her arms dramatically to hug her. 

"What are you doing here?" Nadia asked, "feeling okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. No worries." Grace said, "I got a job."

Nada sighed, had Grace really come by her work place just to tell her this? They were pretty busy today. Nadia leaned against the counter, reaching out and picking up another stack of medical charts. 

"Are these the ones for Dr. Harris? I'll take 'em up." Nadia said, turning back to Grace. "That's great, Grace."

"I know! I just thought about what you told me and decided I needed to take control of my life and take care of business." Grace said enthusiastically. 

"I'm so proud of you." Nadia said sweetly. She glanced at her wrist watch. "I'm sorry I can't talk right now but... we should have dinner to celebrate."

"Absolutely, of course, you're busy. Dinner it is." Grace said.

"Great, I'll give you a call when I get home." Nadia said, turning to walk away. 

"Ms. Santos?" 

Nadia slowed down as she saw the HR director walking past her and waving towards Grace. She stopped, following her with her gaze as she approached her. 

"Yes?" Grace said with a smile. 

"Do you have some time to fill out a few forms? We were going to wait until Monday but, if you're free..." The HR Director smiled at Grace as she patted a folder she was hugging in her arms. 

"Of course." Grace said, "Lead the way." 

Nadia watched the scene in confusion. Grace was not a nurse, or a medical assistant... or anything of the sort. It couldn't be that she'd gotten herself a job at the clinic. This was an ER clinic, one of the busiest.

"Oh, Nadia- how are you doing?" HR said as she passed by. 

"Busy, like always." Nadia, said, pushing her glasses back on her nose. 

"That's why we're hiring, trying to get as many hands on deck to help out." HR said, turning to Grace. 

"Yeah, that's great. Grace, I didn't realize you were going to work here." Nadia said, completely stunned. 

"That's so funny. Well, you were busy and I didn't want to take more of your time." Grace said with a smile. "I was telling Sandra how much I admire you and your work ethic."

Did Grace just call the HR director by her first name?

"Grace is going to be our new receptionist. I'm sure you two will enjoy working together, being friends as long as you have." Sandra said brightly. 

"Right. Well, I do really have to go now. Dr. Harris is waiting for me." Nadia said, signalling towards the double doors in the back. 

"Talk to you later!" Grace said, waving at her as she disappeared. 

Nadia was in a daze, trying to figure out what in the world had possessed Grace to take a receptionist job when she would probably do much better in sales or going back into the Hotel industry.  The receptionist job might pay well but as ambitious as Grace was, it was surprising she would settle for something like that. Besides, Grace would be on a rotating schedule, might have to work nights... she might get paid well but probably not enough for the nice apartment she was in. 

Then another thought bothered Nadia. 

Grace had used her name to get the job. Nadia stiffened. Grace didn't have the right kind of experience for a job like this. She shouldn't mind, after all- if Grace had told her that she wanted a job at the clinic, Nadia probably would have made the introduction herself.  But to just go behind her back like that and use Nadia's connection to Luke to get a job. It was something that Nadia herself had refused to do. Grace had told her time and time again that she should request a better schedule, but Nadia had never wanted to use her family to get ahead like that. 

Nadia frowned, thinking that Grace had finally crossed a line.  Things were going to get messy, especially when Grace found out what was coming next.  Grace was going to flip out when she found out about Luke and Echo. Nadia wasn't completely surprised when Luke broke the news to her. She had seen the way he was changing, he almost seemed like his old self, like the Luke she'd grown up with. 

Echo was good for him. That was why Nadia had agreed to help Adelia prepare Echo for her new life  with Luke. Grace was going to be furious, she might not forgive her, which would make things quite awkward if they were going to be working together.  

Nadia was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she hardly noticed as her shift ended and she walked out of the clinic in complete zombie mode. 

"Hey... Nadia!!!"

She looked up- it was Grace. She had waited for her.  Grace waived excitedly to Nadia, moving towards her as she did. Nadia took a deep breath. 

"Wanna go grab a drink and celebrate?" Grace said with a grin.

No, what Nadia wanted to do was go home and take a shower but... She had to talk to Grace. She had to tell her that Luke was going to marry Echo and that Nadia was going to help her learn the rules and adjust. 

"Sure, let's go." Nadia said, trying to sound enthusiastic. No time like the present.
