Chapter Ten: dissaproval

Chapter ten: dissaproval

Bruce's POV:

I closed the front door quietly hoping maybe Alfred would be asleep and not catch me walking around in bright pink fuzzy socks, which I didn't realize I was wearing until I'd gotten in the car.

"Master Wayne, might I ask what you've been doing all night?" Alfred snuck up behind me. I sighed and turned around to face him.

"Work, in both the divisions I have a job in."

"Your bat suit is downstairs, you returned it at twelve thirty last night, don't try to convince me otherwise, you've been out with some woman have you not?" Alfred raised his eyebrows at my socks.

"Yes I was, but it doesn't mean anything."

"You haven't been out for almost two years and all the sudden your lying to me like a child."

"That's the problem Alfred I'm not a child, I'm a grown man and I don't need you to baby sit me." I walked up the stairs away from him and up to my room, I'm already late, if it hadn't been for this sock mishap.

"Who was it then?"

"Harmony Jackson," I said boldly, knowing it would piss him off.

"The woman from the press, your screwing the press! If I never see a news camera again it might be too soon."

"She's a photographer Alfred, she wasn't even after me she was taking pictures of the charity dinner."

"Why does it make a difference? She works at the news station, they're only after one thing." I opened my mouth to disagree when I realized that the way we met did seem a bit fishy. She spilled wine on my shirt? Then she started to play the abusive ex-husband card. I really felt bad for her, I was start to really like her, maybe love her? No, she couldn't be lying, not her.

"I think I would know if she was using me, I'm Batman after all."

"Don't you get cocky now!" Alfred yelled suddenly. I stopped just in front Of my bedroom door. Alfred hardly ever yells, at me especially.

"Mr.Fox informed me about how someone's put a bounty on your head, I thought you were dead, I want you to be careful master Wayne, I was out of hand telling you what to do but know that it was out of love not dissapointment."

"Is it not evident that you may not be dissapointed with me but it can only be the same as your disapproval."

"Are you trying to con me out of my own words Master Wayne?"

"I'm just saying that if you don't approve of this your obviously still dissapointed." Alfred sighed and walked away as fast as his old body could carry him. I went into my bedroom swiftly and quickly changed my socks. I needed to go to work now but more than anything I wanted to stay with Harmony. I wanted to hold her in my arms and kiss her until the world ended. I gave that all up when I became the Batman.

Being Batman didn't change the way I felt about her. She was everything I never had and nothing I avoided. She was sweet, compassionate, and most of all she put others before herself. At the same time I'd have to trust Alfred's judgement, he's been here for me through the thick and thin, the dusty and clear air, I may not even be here today if it weren't for him. It's just that in my gut I know, that she is the right one.

I couldn't disrespect Rachel, not after she died, but Harmony was her better, less confident version. There had to be something, there had to be a way. I have to give her a chance. 

Harmony's POV:

I walked into the recording studio for the GND, the celeb news section was on today so of course my boss was supervising the air. Don was stressing out in the corner of the room holding a single piece of paper and nearly ripping out his hair.

"Don, I got some pictures of the Christmas tree lighting," I gave him the flash drive. He nodded and took the drive from me.

"Thanks Harmony but this isn't going to help me much, the crime department already covered the story and I've got bearly enough news for fifteen minutes let alone an hour, we start in ten minutes," he poured out.

"I really wish I could help, but I can't change the intrest of the people."

"It's alright you've done enough, now go home it's your day off," he rested a hand on my shoulder. I felt bad for him he's been working hard on keeping the celeb news going for all these years, people didn't care what the rich and powerful were doing they cared for there own lives. Not that I couldn't blame them.

I left saying a few hellos' and giving a few waves on my way down. Maybe just maybe this day won't be a total drag and Bruce gets some free time. It finally felt like there was a light at the end of the tunnel. Especially after last nights activities, I couldn't be dissapointed. At the begining of this relationship I never thought it would work, but I think we have a chance now.

I jiggled the key around in my lock, not managing to open it.

"What the heck," I yelled to myself. Since I wasn't expecting an answer I was suprised when my landlord cleared his throat behind me.

"Oh god you scared me," I held onto my chest.

"I changed the locks while you were out, as a lesson not to be late with the rent."

"Well Fuck me," I said aloud. 

"That's right, now cough up the dough or stay outside for the night."

"I'd rather not walk all the way to the bank right now, please just let me in and I'll get it in a few hours."

"Absolutely not, it's now or never, I don't run a charity here," he grumbled. I rolled my eyes and shoved past him, what a dick. Bullshit he didn't run a charity more like a whore house, with that ass straight above me fucking day in and day out.

On my walk to the bank I'd gotten quite a few glares and people were pointing at me. As I wondered why I was getting the attention, thinking it might be my appearance, I was answered by a tv store airing the news.

"Who is this new woman in Bruce Wayne's life? Why is she being kept a secret? Stay tuned for more information on our very own news photographers affair with Bruce Wayne," the reporter announced. I put my palm on the glass in discust, and felt a tear of anger roll down my cheek. How could they do this to me? To him? All just for publicity. I trusted Don, he was one of my closest friends, and the best boss I'd ever had. So what do I get for asking him I'd he needed anything, I get betrayed. How dare he try to spin a story so clouded. 

I hailed down a taxi as quick as I could and jumped in the back seat. Bruce would find out about this soon enough and he'd have to hear it from me first, before he got the wrong idea.

"Wayne mansion, on the double," I gave the taxi driver whatever I had left in my wallet.

The car rolled up to the gate, where I got out and pressed the call button. I was contemplating what to say the entire way over. After a few more anxious button presses and nervous hair twirling I finally got an answer.

"Hello," a British voice I didn't recognize spoke.

"Hello this is Harmony Jackson, I need to speak with Mr. Wayne urgently about the news."

"What is this about?" Why did this British dude even care? I didn't have time for this. 

"It's a mistake I need to talk to him, please it's really important."

"He's not home, you'll have to try again later."

I couldn't wait til later, and he wasn't picking the phone.

"Where is he now?"

"At his office, I will inform him of this matter, you'll just have to wait to speak with him yourself."

Fustraited I left the gates of his extremely large home, running back down to the closest ATM. I needed to get another taxi.   

Bruce's POV:

Three times my phone had rang in the last half hour, it was Harmony every time. As much as I wanted to answer the phone I couldn't. So much paperwork and in just a few minutes a board meeting, I could call her afterwards.

Just as I left my office to go the meeting my phone made a different ringing noise, indicating that it was Alfred with urgent news.

"Yes" I answered hesitantly, holding my breath and always wishing for it not to be the evil voice of the joker.

"Master Bruce, so terrible of me to bother you but have you seen the news lately."

"No why?"

"I suggest you see for yourself, and don't say I didn't tell you so," Alfred warned. I quickly flicked through the news stations on my flat screen, one quickly catching my attention.

GND photographer having an affair with Bruce Wayne, secrets revealed.

"No I don't think it's a healthy idea for my employees to be dating their assignments," a skinny but stern man said to a blond woman. I dropped the remote in sheer pain, it hurt more then any physical pain imaginable, the pain that pierces your heart. So I really was just a story to tell. She used me and she did one hell of a job at it.
