Chapter fifteen: Gordon

Chapter fifteen: Gordon

Harmony's POV:

I walked back into the police station, this time for something hopefully much better than a box full of my ex lovers ashes. A job offer? A forensic photographer? Could I even get near a dead body, or whatever the hell else they wanted me to do?

The station was filled with crazily buisy officers, scattering about, even the three people at the front desk seemed flooded. Two of them were on the phone, so I was left with one woman who had an obvious coffee stain on her casual dress.

"Pardon me," I announced.

"Harmony right?" She already knew me?

"Yes that's me."

She stood up and point right down a hallway "Gordon is a bit buisy with last nights insanity, but if you knock on his door I'm sure he'll have time to show you around."

I walked down the hall to the first door I could see, it had Commissioner Gordon written neatly across the top half of the door.

I opened the door half way and knocked, Gordon was facing away from me in his chair. Somehow it reminded me of Don, and I expected to see his smug face as Gordon twisted his chair to face me.

I wasn't sure before but now I definately remember meeting him, I mean how could I forget that mustache.

"Harmony, it's good to see you here, are you willing to take the job?"

"Still not a hundred percent about the whole thing but honestly I think this may be my only option."

Gordon walked around his desk and put a hand on my shoulder "I know it isn't the easiest job but we are desperate."

"The woman at the front told me that you were buisy with something that happened last night?" I asked curious.

Gordon took his hand off my shoulder and faced away from me. He looked distressed, and I think his forehead started to sweat.

"The joker placed an attack on the theater uptown, Batman showed up and ended the whole ordeal but not without some unfortunate deaths."

My heart sped up and my palms started to sweat "you don't mean the Christmas Carol play do you?"

Gordon raised an eyebrow at me seeing that this was no ordinary concern. I swore that I could puke right here, right now in utter shock. Who was that guy yesterday, Edward Nigma. How did he know about the joker? Why did he tell me? What was he doing at Bruce's party?

"How did you know it was the Christmas Carol, we haven't even released anything to the press yet?" Gordon looked curiously. My suspicions were clear, it was true. I wasn't even intending to go to that play, why was I warned.

"Are you alright?" Gordon asked again.

"Not really," I answered honestly "somebody told me yesterday at the Christmas party at Wayne enterprises not to go to that play."

Gordon's eyes wided and he pulled me into a seat. He immeadiantly got to work on the computer typing stuff in.

"What did he say to you, tell me everything."

"Well I was alone at the party and he came up to me and asked if I wanted a smoke outside, so I agreed and went with him, we had a nice chat, and he told me his name was Edward Nigma. Then when he was done smoking he walked away, and turned around and warned me not to go to the Christmas Carol play last night."

Gordon quickly typed in everything I said.

He placed a book full of people faces in front of me.

"These were the people we found at the crime scene, it would be nice if you could look at them while I look up this name you gave me."

I scrolled through the many pages of different criminals with their offenses and names underneath their photos. None of them were familiar, they all looked rugged and drug addicted. Edward was a clean and slim man, not a muscle. The good criminals didn't get caught, that's even if he is a criminal.

"You get anything?" Gordon asked.

"Nothing, how about you?"

"There's a birth certificate for Edward Nigma, he should be around twenty five right now, but that's about it, this guy is a ghost."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Why me? It was probably Harold's fault, this whole thing. Somehow, someway he had caused the Joker to come after me.

I'd seen and heard of the things he'd done, but what would cause him to want me? All of this couldn't be a coincidence, could it?

"Are you alright to start working?" Gordon looked at me, putting down the phone. I didn't even realize he'd gotten a call.

"Yes I am."

Gordon directed me to a police car that was all black besides the two orange sirens at the top, which looked detachable. I figured it was his car seeing as he was head of the police, and detectives and other people that don't drive the black and whites.

Never would I have thought I'd be dating a billionare and working for the police department. Honestly from what I've heard about the police working for them wasn't the best. They were all corrupt, maybe even Gordon, though I didn't get that vibe from him. Really the only law enforcement I trusted was our resident vigilante.

"Where are we going?" I decided to ask. Gordon nervously checked his rearview mirrors and then made a sharp turn left. He didn't seem to hear me, but that was the least of my worries.

"Gordon!" I tried to catch his attention. He seemed as if he snapped out of a dream or something close to it.

"Yes, what is it," he refocused on the road ahead.

"Where are we going?"

"Crime scene in the south central district, right next to the bridge."

"A crime scene of what," my mind wondered to different and gruesome dead bodies.

"It's a drug bust, nothing too bad," he acknowledged my worries.

I watched the buildings pass by in the window as we got closer and closer to the familiar bridge, right next to the harbor. My blood ran cold when we pulled up to a warehouse at the harbor, right next to a very large boat.

Gordon got out of the car and I followed closely behind him.

"Luthor says he has no idea what his boat is doing in Gotham," an officer informed Gordon. I knew who he was taking about, Lex Luthor, a man even richer than Bruce Wayne. He was a weapons manufacturer for the military.

"I didn't think he would, I want you to keep an eye on him," Gordon instructed.

He took me over to the warehouse, and inside the huge open doors. There was money and bags of drugs everywhere, along with a tent that on the outside read biohazard.

"What is this place?"

"Roman Sionis's drug ring, aka the black mask. We've been trying to bust this guy for years, after the Joker took him down his ring fell as well. Do you remember a few weeks ago when that boat was destroyed?"

I nodded.

"That was Lex's boat, we've also been trying to find out if he's in on this scandal, appearantly that new stuff the Joker has been using is from his company. He denies everything though."

"I would too," I replied honestly. Gordon seemed unamused.

Someone came over to us and handed Gordon a camera, which I presumed was mine.

"I want you to take pictures and samples of the stuff inside that tent, put a biohazard suit on before entering," he instructed.

I took a large gulp "is that what I think it is."

Gordon sighed "this so called happy juice is making the city mad, I can't know how to stop it if I don't know what it is, especially with Luthor being stubborn and not owning up to his own weapon."

I proceeded slowly into the tent, now covered in a thick layer of plastic. This stuff freaked me out, undoubtedly it freaked a lot of people out.

"You can do this," I reassured myself.

I moved the white sheet-like pastic away from my face and entered the tent. There was no one else inside except for me and two dead rats.

A chill ran down my spine as I remember the horrific images of the happy juice victims. As fast as I could I took pictures of the lab, dead rats, and viles upon viles of green liquid. I loaded a tray full of them into a biohazard cooler, and sealed it appropriately.

That wasn't so hard, yet I still hadn't been to a murder scene, or anything worse.

The poison was immeadiantly taken on an armored car, with three police cars escorting it. I could feel that Gordon was still unsettled.

"Gordon don't you think this is all a bit much?"

"I never take chances with the Joker," he replied sternly. The way he watched his back when he drove, and how he took every detail into consideration conserned me. What if I became so absorbed with fear that I ended up just as paranoid as Gordon.

"I'll drive you home  and that's when you can decide if you really want this job, besides it's Christmas."

Christmas was today? I had almost forgotten with everything that was happening. Maybe I should get Bruce something, because even if I told him not to get me anything undoubtedly he did.

"Gordon, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to be dropped off at the GCND."

"You thinking about getting rehired, I didn't know I was that bad."

"No, I just have some unfinished buisness."


I took a long hard breath before stepping out of the elevator onto the twelfth floor, the pop culture division of the news.

When I entered I saw the place in shambles. The place was vacant, even for Christmas, and more than half the desks were emptied of their contents. The only place I could see a stir from was Don's office.

I held my head up high and without knocking I stormed into his office. Don looked shocked beyond belief to see me of all people standing in front of him.

I noticed three things right away about him. He had a bottle of scotch in one hand, his wedding ring was gone, and on the computer was a picture of his wife and son. Honestly he looked pretty pathetic. I wanted to say he deserved it but he really didn't, just like I am, he is trying to make ends meet in a stressful life.

"Harmony," his voice slurred.

"Don, I didn't come here for anything except my photos, where's the drive?"

He looked at me drunk and puzzled "you could very easily have gotten those photos off the web, you don't need to come here for them."

He was right, but the whole point in coming here was to get the photos that I took with my camera, not the relay of what the internet had done to them.

"Do you have them or not?" I placed a hand on my hip.

Still confused he opened his desk drawer and dropped the small drive on his desk. Quicky I picked it up and turned to leave without another word.

The sound of him jumping out of his chair stopped me in my tracks "Harmony-"

"Yes," I acknowledged.

"I'm sorry."
