Protective Boyfriends (ReiBertEre)

Eren was being talked about in a harsh tone, by the other soldiers saying he is a freak, until it all stopped when Reiner and Bertholdt entered the room. Eren said, "Babe!! Guess what". Reiner smiled and said, "What is it, my little titan?". "Ta da", Eren said, showing two flower crowns made of yellow and blue flowers. Bertholdt chuckled and took one as Reiner took the others. Eren said, "Do you like them?". Bertholdt said, "Like always darling". Eren kissed them suddenly a guy smacked Eren's ass. Eren squeaked and looked to see it was Taro, a commander of the Garrison. Bertholdt said, "Hey watch where you touch our baby boy". "Yeah right", Taro said. Eren said, "I would turn around...before something happens". Taro rolled his eyes and took Eren. Eren struggled and smirked as he yelled, " PAPA!!!". Reiner smirked as Bertholdt did as well. Levi soon came down and said, "Yes Eren". Reiner took Eren close to his arms. Eren explained as Levi glared at the guy, who turned white. Eren hugged Eren and smirked. Hange said, "I heard yelling". Eren hugged Hange and smiled. Levi told Pixis about Taro as he said, "I will deal with him". Eren smirked. Bertholdt said, "So innocent, but Cleaver and Devilous". Eren giggled and said, "Why thank you". Reiner smirked and kissed Eren on the lips. Eren kissed back and said, "Let's go see the others in the mess hall". They nodded as they entered the mess hall. Eren sat by Mikasa and Armin as they talked. Reiner and Bertholdt.

Eren was not an innocent child, he is the devil at times, and very manipulated to some things. Eren was yelling about something as no one could talk him out of it. Reiner said, "Baby". "We aren't killing Annie!!", Eren yelled. Reiner said, "I know Honey, and we won't". Eren grumbled and said, "I love Annie as a sibling much as everyone else". "We won't do anything to harm you and your family", Keith Shadis said. Eren nodded.

They went on a mission as Eren transformed into his titan and walked with the squad as he was soon surrounded by many titans. Eren was annoyed and fought as many as he could, he grew exhausted and annoyed by each titan that was trying to eat him out. Eren was cut out soon enough by Bertholdt and held him close.

The mission was successful until they saw a tall monkey Titan. Reiner thought, 'Damn it Zeke Yeager!!'. Bertholdt looked at Reiner and nodded. They went back to base as Eren was on Bertholdt's back and he woke up and said, "H-huh?". "Hey baby boy", Reiner said. Eren said, "Are we almost home?". "Yes we are", Levi said. Eren nodded and soon saw blood on the ground and looked at Bertholdt. Bertholdt said, "Blood? Yeah...I got injured". Reiner said, "We are close to the walls".

After the entire mess, of Reiner and Bertholdt being the traitors. They got to Marley, Eren was looking away as he saw Bertholdt and Reiner and Annie. He was quiet for a bit. Bertholdt said, "Eren?". "Uh...H-hey...", Eren said, faking a smile. Reiner said, "Can you give us a moment?". Levi nodded and said, "Do something to him, I will-". Hange dragged Levi away and smiled. Eren sighed and rubs his arm. Bertholdt hugged him and said, "We missed you too darling". "I-", Eren went to say, but only to tear up and hug Bertholdt tighter. Reiner said, "Hey, calm down". Eren sniffled. Reiner sighed and hugged Eren and kissed him. Eren kissed back and said, "Forgive me, for freaking out?". "We already had Darling", Bertholdt said. Levi said, "Oh goodie, you three are back together". Eren chuckled and said, "Yes Dad, we are". Bertholdt smiled and kissed Eren's forehead. Gabi said, "You do realize that they are enemies here?". "Sure Gabi", Reiner said, kissing Eren's cheek. Eren laughed and said, "Reiner, Bertholdt". "We know, baby boy", They both said. They dragged Eren into their room. Eren giggled. Gabi said, "Mom!!!". Jean laughed as Levi was pissed.

Eren soon became a parent to a baby girl, with brown hair, and a hazel eye and a green- blue eye.

The End
Word Count: 711 words
