Chapter 9

During her time in the shabby cottage, boredom had seeped into Minji, leaving her heart filled with curiosity to explore the world she was currently in. Indeed, she wasn't exactly free to go around now that she was an escapee, but at least she was no longer bounded by the walls of Winston's residence and Jiu's identity. She decided to walk around the surrounding forest, making sure to leave a trace each time to lead her back home but on that particular day, she had stumbled upon something she had never witnessed before. Minji's heart pounded in her chest as she ventured deeper as if stepping into another realm. Whispers of ancient magic echoed through the towering trees, igniting a sense of wonder within her. The rustling leaves and distant whisper seemed to taunt her, urging her onward.

A soft, ethereal glow beckoned from a clearing up ahead, casting a captivating aura in the dim light. Intrigued, she quickened her pace, cautiously approaching the magical spectacle that unfolded before her eyes. In the center of the clearing stood a circle of enchanting figures, cloaked in dark robes. Their hands were raised in unison, their voices echoing in a melodic chant that resonated with the very essence of nature.

Mesmerized by the sight, Minji found herself instinctively stepping back and seeking refuge behind a nearby tree, hidden yet unable to look away. They moved with grace, their bodies swaying in harmony with the rhythmic cadence of their chant. Sparks of magic danced around them, illuminating the air with a dazzling display.

As Minji watched, a profound sense of connection washed over her. She couldn't help but wonder if these mystical beings held the answers she had been desperately seeking: a way back home.

Lost in her thoughts, Minji didn't notice the twig beneath her foot, which snapped and caused a faint crackle. The sound echoed through the clearing, catching the attention of one of the witches. Piercing eyes locked onto Minji, leaving Minji paralyzed and penetrating her very being, as the other witches turned their gaze toward the intruder.

The lead witch's expression appeared guarded and cautious, as she stepped forward to address Minji. Her voice cut through the cold air. "Who dares intrude upon our sacred ritual?" she demanded, her tone laced with a mixture of curiosity and wariness.

It caused Minji to step out from behind the tree, her eyes meeting those of the lead witch. She could feel the intensity of the witch's gaze, and it almost left her shaking in fear. Gathering her courage, Minji decided to speak, "I... I mean no harm," she said, her words carefully chosen. "I was drawn to this place, guided by something I do not understand."

The lead witch regarded her with a skeptical gaze, her eyes scanning Minji as if searching for hidden intentions. "You claim to be guided, yet you know not the path you tread," she replied, her voice cautious. "How can we trust you, an outsider?"

Minji felt a pang of disappointment, realizing that her arrival had not been met with immediate acceptance. She understood the witch's caution, knowing that her presence was unexpected and unfamiliar. But she couldn't deny the burning curiosity that drove her here, nor the longing for answers that stirred deep within her soul.

With determination, Minji met the witch's gaze, her voice earnest and sincere. "I may be an outsider, but-" Minji stopped her words, stuttering to let out a response. "I- Please, allow me the chance to prove my intentions."

"There is no need," The witch said, to which Minji nodded, gratitude can be seen on her face. As the lead witch stepped back into the circle, the other witches resumed their chant, their wary gazes shifting between Minji and their leader.

Minji stepped away from the ritual, leaving the mystical realm of the witches, where she found herself followed by a young girl, her eyes sparkling with curiosity and mischief.

The girl approached Minji with a mischievous grin, her voice filled with infectious energy. "Wait!" the girl called out.

Minji was surprised with the approach but she smiled warmly, appreciating the young girl's spirited nature. "Yes?"

"I'm Elara," Elara giggled as she introduced herself. "Oh! I hope you don't mind my sisters earlier. They're just not used to having outsiders around," she said, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "But I find you fascinating. Where do you come from? What brought you here?"

Minji hesitated for a moment, unsure of how much she could reveal. In the end, she decided to just tell the truth. "I come from a different world, far away from here," she replied, her voice gentle.

Elara's eyes widened with excitement, her curiosity intensifying. "A different world? That's incredible!" she exclaimed, her voice barely containing her enthusiasm. "Tell me more about it! Is it filled with magic like our realm?"

Minji chuckled softly, captivated by Elara's boundless curiosity. "In its own way, yes. There is magic in my world, although it may not be as visible or as grand as the magic here," she explained, choosing her words carefully. "But it has its mysteries and wonders."

They continued chatting, which led Elara to share tales of her own experiences within the realm, the wonders she had witnessed, and the spells she had learned.

Minji listened intently, finding solace in Elara's youthful spirit. She admired the girl's unwavering curiosity and passion for the unknown, a reminder of the innocence she had lost in her during the weeks she had spent in the dungeon. As the sun sets below the horizon, Elara's eyes sparkled with an idea. "Minji, I know someone who might be able to help you," she exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement. "Her name is Sua, and she's one of the most incredible witches I've ever known. If anyone can assist you in finding a way back home, it's her."

Hope flickered in Minji's eyes as she listened intently to Elara's suggestion. The possibility of meeting someone with such knowledge and power ignited a renewed sense of determination within her. "Do you think she would be willing to help me?" Minji asked, her voice tinged with a mix of anticipation and apprehension.

Elara nodded vigorously, her golden locks bouncing in agreement. "Sua is known for her wisdom and compassion," she replied. "If anyone understands the mysteries of inter-dimensional travel, it's her."

Gratitude washed over Minji as she realized the significance of Elara's offer. She knew that she needed a guide, especially one as enthusiastic and well-connected as Elara.

"Elara, I can't thank you enough," Minji said, her voice filled with sincerity.

"But... I must confess," Elara whispered, her voice barely audible, "Sua has withdrawn from the world. She has turned away from the rituals and the company of others."

Minji's heart sank, a deep sense of disappointment washing over her. The beacon of hope that had flickered within her was dimmed by this unforeseen revelation. Sua, the supposed answer to her quest, had retreated into her solitude, shutting herself off from the world.

"Why has she chosen to isolate herself?" Minji asked, her voice laden with a profound sense of longing. "Is there no way for us to reach out to her, to offer our support and perhaps find the answers we seek?"

Elara's lips trembled, her voice laced with sorrow. "There are whispers among the witches," she confessed, her words carrying the weight of uncertainty. "They say Sua carries a deep sorrow within her, one that has consumed her spirit. She no longer sees the world as she once did."

"Is there no hope for us?" Minji asked, her voice barely a whisper, as if afraid of shattering the fragile hope she had left her heart. It almost made her cry, the thought of being trapped in here, forever.

Elara's gaze met Minji's, a smile reappearing on her face. "We can still try," she said softly.

Elara led Minji through the dense forest, their footsteps crunching on the fallen leaves, soon enough, they saw a small cabin hidden away in between the towering trees. It was Sua's home, the air grew still as if holding its breath in reverence for the witch who resided within.

Just as they approached the cabin's entrance, a figure draped in a flowing cloak approached them from behind, startling Elara and Minji. The figure had their features concealed beneath the hood and mask, only their eyes could be seen, giving an air of mystery.

Elara's eyes widened, recognizing the individual. "Dami?" she whispered, her voice tinged with a mixture of curiosity and caution. She had encountered this enigmatic figure before, but her intentions remained shrouded in ambiguity.

Dami nodded, her voice a low, resonant timbre. "Elara," she acknowledged, her eyes momentarily glancing at Minji before returning their focus to Elara. Minji, unfamiliar with the identity of Dami, observed them both with curiosity. She sensed an unspoken tension between Elara and Dami, a history she was yet to uncover. Elara's gaze narrowed, "I believe Sua does not usually send intermediaries. Why now?"

"That is none of your concern, and I'm not here to greet you."

Elara hesitated, but after a moment, she nodded, reluctantly. Dami's gaze flickered towards Minji once again, a sense of guarded determination shining within her eyes.

"Well, I'm afraid I have to take my leave now, so guide her to Sua for me." Elara pointed to Minji.


As they entered the small cabin, the flickering candlelight cast eerie shadows on the walls, creating an atmosphere charged with anticipation. Sua, the renowned and enigmatic witch, sat in a chair by the crackling fireplace, her presence commanding and wise. Dami closed the door behind them, her gaze meeting Sua's.

"She's here," Dami said to Sua, her voice low yet filled with significance, referring to Minji. Her words carried an undercurrent of both caution and curiosity. Though Dami didn't stay for long, as soon enough she left the cabin, leaving Minji and Sua alone.

Sua's piercing gaze shifted towards Minji, Minji felt as if her eyes were seemingly able to pierce through the layers of her being. Minji's eyes widened in disbelief as she looked at Sua. The resemblance between her and Bora was unbelievable. The same gentle eyes, the curve of the lips—Sua bore a striking similarity to the person she held dear in her heart. Minji froze as the gears in her head turned, recalling that as of then, she had met the copy of almost all her friends, and the only one left was Yubin.

A mix of emotions swirled within Minji as she tried to process this. The memories of Bora flooded her mind, their shared laughter and tears, their unbreakable bond. How could she stay unaffected, when someone in this world resembles her cherished friend so much?

"Welcome, Jiu Winston," Minji's heart clenched. She knew that she now inhabited the body of Jiu, someone who was probably known for her twisted nature. But Minji was not Jiu. She carried the memories and essence of another, the weight of a life left behind.

The irony hung heavy in the air. Sua, with her perceptive nature, sensed the odd aura surrounding Minji. Yet, she was unaware of the true identity hidden beneath the facade of Jiu.

Minji found herself caught between two worlds—the world she had left behind unwillingly, where Bora's addictive laugh still resonated in her heart, and the unfamiliar world she now found herself in. The lines blurred, reality merging with the echoes of her past. With each passing moment, Minji's longing to go back grew stronger.

As Sua continued to speak, Minji pushed aside her conflicting emotions, her determination burning brighter. She would embrace this opportunity, aided by Sua's guidance and her inner strength, to seek the answers that she was desperately seeking. Minji and Sua delved deeper into their conversation where Minji explained that she had escaped the grasp of the royal family and the false accusation of murder. Despite her hopes to find answers, somehow Minji found herself not saying anything about her real identity and instead kept the facade she had on, posing as Jiu. Yet Minji couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. She couldn't bear the strange air surrounding them, so she attempted to joke with Sua as if forgetting that she was not Bora.

"You know, if I had known I'd be thrown here like this, I would have packed one hell of a wardrobe," Minji quipped, hoping to elicit a chuckle or a playful response.

However, Sua remained unfazed, her expression unchanged. There was a brief pause, and a flicker of irritation flashed across Sua's eyes before she responded. "Are you serious?" Sua replied, her tone serious and unyielding. Minji's attempt had fallen flat, and she inwardly cringed and cursed at herself. Feeling a wave of awkwardness wash over her, Minji quickly realized that her lighthearted approach had missed the mark. "Sorry," Minji meekly apologized, lowering her head in embarrassment.

Sua looked at Minji, her eyes narrowing slightly as if she was deciphering something hidden behind Minji's words. When truly, there was nothing to decipher. Minji had simply made the mistake of joking with someone who might not take it the way Bora would.

"Enough with the act, tell me what you're actually here for," Sua said with a resigned tone, her voice laced with a mix of weariness and curiosity. She had sensed that Minji was hiding something, but she had no idea that the failed joke was not a hidden message.

Minji took a deep breath, her smile fading as she shifted the conversation toward more serious matters. The air in the room grew heavy with anticipation, "Actually, I... I need your help to send me back home," Minji finally confessed, her voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability. She watched Sua's expression closely, searching for any sign of disbelief or judgment, and memories of Della's reply in the dungeon flooded into her.

"To Winston's residence?"

Minji shook her head. "To the world where I came from. My name is Minji and I'm not Jiu Winston," Minji could feel her lips going dry as she continued. "One day I woke up, and suddenly I'm here and there's all these things going on-" Minji halted her words, and she trembled as if she was about to cry.

Sua's gaze softened as she processed Minji's words. "I had my suspicions," Sua admitted, her voice gentle yet tinged with sadness. "There was always something about you, something that didn't quite align with... what I heard about Jiu. But I never imagined... another world?"

Minji nodded, her eyes filled with a mixture of relief and apprehension. She had feared that Sua would dismiss her, brand her as an impostor like a certain someone, but the flicker of understanding in Sua's eyes gave her a glimmer of hope.

"I know it's a lot to take in," Minji continued. "But I need to find a way back. This world... it's not where I belong. I have loved ones waiting for me, and I can't abandon them." Sua let out a sigh, the weight of responsibility settled upon her shoulders as she contemplated the magnitude of Minji's request.

"You're right," Sua finally said, her voice resolute. "We cannot leave you stranded here. But it won't be easy, and it won't come without risks."

Minji nodded, gratitude swelling within her heart. She had found an ally in Sua, someone who understood the complexity of her situation.

"If you don't mind, there's something I would like to do." Minji was confused, but she nodded her head.

Upon consent, Sua stood in front of Minji, her brows furrowed in concentration as she began to chant an incantation, her voice resonating with a melodic cadence that filled the room. She closed her eyes, reaching out with her magical senses, attempting to unravel the mysteries that surrounded Minji.

But as the words flowed from her lips and her power surged, she encountered an unexpected barrier, like an invisible wall that prevented her from delving deeper. Sua's eyes snapped open, her confusion evident.

"What...?" she muttered, her voice tinged with frustration. She couldn't understand why she couldn't penetrate the depths of Minji's being, why her spell seemed to bounce off an unseen shield.

Minji watched Sua, her expression was that of concern. She had hoped that Sua would provide answers, that perhaps there was a clue hidden within her essence that could guide them back home. But now, they were faced with another obstacle.

Sua turned to Minji, looking a little lost and confused. "I need some time to understand what might be causing it," she explained, her voice tinged with a touch of disappointment. "It's unlike anything I've encountered before. You should stay here for a while,"

Minji nodded, her trust in Sua unwavering. She knew that Sua's expertise and dedication would guide them in the right direction. "Take the time you need," Minji replied, her voice filled with quiet resolve. "I believe in you, Sua."

With a grateful smile, Sua set about her task, her mind racing with possibilities. She would consult ancient texts, seek counsel from fellow witches, and tap into her well of knowledge to unravel the enigma that surrounded Minji. They were bound by a shared goal, a determination to break through the barriers that separated Minji from her home.

As the days turned into nights and the sun arced across the sky, Sua delved deep into her studies, her every waking moment consumed by the quest to unlock the secrets that lay within Minji. She would not rest until she found a way to penetrate the mysterious barrier, to understand its origins and how to dismantle it.

Meanwhile, Minji waited patiently, her heart filled with a mixture of hope and apprehension. Each passing day brought them closer to the truth, closer to the possibility of returning home.


In the dimly lit grand hall of the castle, a heavy cloud of tension hung in the air, casting a foreboding shadow over the, once again, gathered nobles. The room buzzed with murmurs and whispers, obvious discontent that reverberated through the space. The nobles, their faces filled with anger and frustration, directed their rage not only at the queen but also at the two princesses who finally decided to take part in the meeting upon heavy requests. Della stood, her posture exuding confidence, and commanded attention with her commanding presence. Her eyes glinted with a subtle hint of cunning as she navigated the chaos, addressing the disgruntled assembly with persuasive words that sliced through the air.

"Your concerns are duly noted, my lords and ladies," she replied, behind her smile was a slyness that hinted at hidden motives. "Rest assured, the crown's legitimacy will be thoroughly examined, and the necessary actions will be taken."

Beside her, Rachel simply observed the scene with detached calmness. Her eyes scanned the room, capturing every subtle nuance and hidden agenda- aside from Della, that is. Amidst the storm of rage, she remained a silent observer, her intentions and motivations remained as hidden as Della's to prying eyes.

The queen, once a figure of wisdom and authority, now appeared vulnerable. Her voice, laced with a plea for unity, struggled to rise above the tumultuous sea of discontent and distrust that surrounded her. "My noble peers, let us remember the importance of unity and the strength it brings to our realm," the queen implored, her voice quivering with desperation. But the accusations and insults hurled by the nobles pierced the air, their words cutting through the room like shards of glass.

"While the queen pleads for unity, we demand answers!" another noble shouted, his voice filled with righteous anger.

While the princesses bore the brunt of the nobles' anger, their reactions remained a puzzle, their true emotions shrouded in mystery. Della reveled in the spotlight, relishing the power and control it afforded her. As if it was where she belonged all along.

"I assure you, my lords and ladies, every decision made has been in the best interest of our kingdom," the cunning princess retorted, her voice dripping with honeyed persuasion. "The late crown prince's lineage will be examined thoroughly, and if any doubts arise, the truth will be revealed." Despite the altercation they had the night before, Rachel offered no outward display of defiance or retaliation to Della's words.

However, the tension only thickened. The queen's attempts to restore order fell on deaf ears, her voice drowned out by the collective dissatisfaction that permeated the hall. While the first princess weaved an intricate tapestry of words, the second princess remained silent.

Finally, unable to contain his frustration any longer, a noble decided to confront the silent princess. "Princess Rachel, why do you remain silent? Are you not concerned for the crown's integrity?" Rachel's gaze, filled with a quiet intensity, scrutinized the nobles' expressions, dissecting their emotions and deciphering the tangled web of their motivations.

"Silence does not indicate indifference," she replied, her voice measured and composed. "I am as committed to the truth as any of you. But words alone cannot resolve this matter. Action must follow deliberation."


After days of staying in Sua's cabin, Minji's curiosity about the kingdom burned brighter than ever. The allure of the town's lively marketplace and bustling streets tugged at her like an invisible thread, urging her to explore and uncover the truths of this world. With her heart pounding in her chest, Minji stood before the mirror, donning a dark cloak that concealed her true identity. She requested to be sent to town, to which Sua simply nodded and handed her a jewel. "Just break it, and you'll be back here," Soon, Minji was no longer in the cabin.

Minji felt a shiver of anticipation race through her veins. The cobblestone streets of the town lay before her, ready to be explored. Her steps were cautious yet purposeful, her senses on high alert, keenly aware of every flicker of movement and distant whisper.

The town unfolded before her like a vibrant tapestry. Colorful market stalls lined the streets, their tantalizing wares enticing passersby. The air was infused with a symphony of voices speaking in a multitude of languages, mingling in a harmonious chaos. The scents of freshly baked bread, exotic spices, and the faint perfume of flowers wafted through the air, creating an intoxicating blend.

Beneath her cloak, Minji clutched a small pouch containing some coins Rachel had given her during her last visit. Minji refused to fall victim to robbery as she did before, as this time, nobody would be there to save her. Lost amid the bustling town, Minji's footsteps faltered as she collided with a small figure darting past her. Startled, she watched as a ragged little boy stumbled, his desperate eyes darting around in search of an escape.

Without a moment's hesitation, Minji instinctively reached out to steady the boy. Her gloved hand grasped thin, dirty fabric, but the boy resisted, wriggling free with a panicked expression. His torn clothes bore witness to a life of hardship, while his haunted eyes revealed a fear deeper than words could convey.

"Wait!" Minji called after him, she hastily stood up as she hurriedly followed, her cloak billowing behind her as she weaved through the crowd, determined to catch up to the boy for some reason.

Amidst the chaotic jumble of voices and footsteps, Minji finally caught up with the boy at a secluded alleyway. Gasping for breath, he cowered against a wall, his small frame trembling with exhaustion and fear.

Kneeling, Minji spoke softly, her voice laced with gentleness. "Hey, it's alright. I won't hurt you. I just want to help." She kept her distance, sensing the boy's apprehension, but her eyes held a glimmer of empathy, a silent promise of safety.

The boy's gaze flickered between Minji and the distant street, his breathing ragged as he struggled to find words. His small hand clutched a threadbare piece of fabric, his only possession in this unforgiving world.

With careful steps, Minji approached, her movements slow and careful.

There was a flicker of hope in the boy's eyes, a hesitant realization that perhaps he had found someone who could offer solace in this harsh reality. He finally spoke, his voice trembling yet filled with a determination born out of necessity. "They're after me... I can't let them find me."

Minji nodded, her expression unwavering. "Then let's find a safe place together. Somewhere they won't think to look." There, Minji broke the jewel.


Sua sat in her small cabin, deep in thought, her eyes fixed on the flickering flames of the fireplace. Beside her stood Dami, who observed her with curiosity. The weight of her recent discovery rested heavily on Sua's shoulders, and she knew she had to share her thoughts.

"Dami, there's something I need to tell you," Sua began. "The barrier surrounding Minji, the strange aura that surrounds her... It all points to a connection with the dark forces."

Dami furrowed her brow, "If that's the case, then breaking through the barrier requires more than just any magic." Dami paused for a moment before scoffing. "We may even need to delve into the forbidden arts, the very reason why our sisters were being hunted."

Sua's gaze hardened with determination. "I'm afraid it's be our only option... but perhaps this is our only chance. She might be just what we need to stop those who were destroying the kingdom using our names,"

They sat in silence for a moment, the weight of their conversation hanging in the air. Sua contemplated the path that lay before them, the risks and sacrifices they would have to make. "We'll need to gather more information, consult ancient texts, and seek guidance from those who have walked the line between light and dark," Sua declared, her voice resolute. "We need Jiu, and the only way to get her is to send this lost soul back." Dami nodded in agreement.
