Chapter 19: We Are a Family, Pt. 1 (Reign)

Vikings have a strong sense of community. It's important for us to be a part of a family, and to celebrate that connection.

I ran my fingers through the water in the lake as Hiccup taught the other riders about dragons calls. He did his own to demonstrate, and in the distance, you could just barely hear Toothless roar.

"That's why you brought us out here?" Snotlout groaned. "To honk into the wind?" I shifted my position to lie on my back and rest my hand in the water.

"Just wait, Snotlout," Fishlegs sighed.

"'Dragon calls.' Pfft. Whatever." He hopped up onto a rock to sit, bored with this lesson. The sun was just starting to come up over the walls of the cove, coating my skin in warm sunshine.

"Uh, guys?" I looked over to see Snotlout holding a metal disk and reflecting the sunshine off of it, somehow distracting the twins.

"Haha, idiots."


"So stupid..."


"What? It's fun." Hiccup glared at him until he caved. "Fine."

"Oh! Gone again!" Hiccup sighed before calling out for Toothless again.

"And, nothing! Can we go now?" Snotlout whined. At that moment, the sound of Toothless whipping around above us got louder.

"You were saying?" Astrid smirked. Toothless landed and roared happily, the closest thing to a smile crossing his little face.

"Fine. I hate to admit it, but that was pretty cool."

"Not as cool as that disappearing, shiny thing. You can never catch it," Tuffnut laughed.

"Fishlegs, want to show us your dragon call?"

"I thought you'd never ask. You see, the call of the Gronkle is as unique as the dragon itself: raw, guttural, intense, but with a subtle lilt."

"Just do it already!" Fishlegs let out a deep roar that almost sounded like it would scratch up his throat, and Meatlug descended down to her rider.

"Well done, Fishlegs," Hiccup complimented.

"Oh, I'm not done. Watch this." He roared again, much deeper and more intense this time.

"I don't want to know what part of his body that came from. Or do I...?"

"Whoo. I gotta take a knee." Fishlegs leaned over in exhaustion as large group of Gronkles flew overhead. I slowly sat up, fascinated with what he had done.

"Whoa. Nice herd."

"Be home for dinner!" he called to Meatlug as she took off with the other Gronkles. "You're having granite! That's her favorite."

"Okay, anybody think they can beat that?" Astrid stepped up confidently.

"I'll give it a shot. Watch this." She hopped up onto a rock and let out something that sounded like a howl, summoning a group of Nadders flying in a perfect V-Formation.

"Good job, Astrid. First try."

"Uh, I have an important question." Everyone looked over at Tuffnut.

"Is it actually important this time?" Hiccup sighed.

"Uh, yeah, it always is. Why are we even doing this, anyway? I don't get it." I rolled my eyes and laid back down.

"Well, first of all, you never know when you're gonna be separated from your dragon, and the only way to communicate is to call it."

"Sorry, didn't get it."

"And, second of all, it's Bork Week, and my dad asked us to put on a Dragon Air Parade."

"Why do we care about this Bork guy anyway? Wasn't he a dragon killer?"

"Hey, Bork only killed dragons in self-defense," Fishlegs interjected. "He studied them, wrote about them, lived and breathed them."

"That sounds familiar," I muttered with a smile on my face.

"Without him, there would be no Book of Dragons."

"And without the Book of Dragons, there would be no-"

"-reason for you to live?" Snotlout teased.

"Dragon Academy, actually," Hiccup grunted. "And there would be no really cool Dragon Air Show."

"So when we do this 'really cool Dragon Air Show,' who's he going to fly with?" Snotlout pointed in Toothless' direction.

"I'm working on that." He sighed and turned around to look down at me, offering a smile before addressing the others. "That's it for today. You can all go home." They all flew away, leaving Hiccup, Toothless, and I to our own devices. After a few moments of hesitation, he laid down beside me. "What's up with you?" I smiled and turned my head to face him.

"What do you mean?" He reached out and grabbed my hand.

"Well, I don't think I've ever seen you this quiet. Unless you're tired, you always seemed so bouncy and alive, and maybe a little angry." I laughed and reached my other hand into the water, scooping some up and flicking it into his face. "Hey! That's not fair, I can't reach the water!"

"Oh, no, do I have the advantage?" I poorly feigned sympathy. "That's terrible."

Suddenly, he jumped up and reached over, scooping up a bunch of water on my head. I lept up and laughed at him, before taking off my sword, metal belt, and chest armor, then reached around and pushed Hiccup in.

"Aah!" Quickly, I jumped in after him and swam down, trying to find him under the water. But I couldn't find him, and I started to panic. I could feel my lungs started to burn, however, so I had to go back up for air. Frantically, I looked around.

"Hiccup? Hiccup! Hiccup!"

"Hey, hey, Reign, it's okay." I whipped around to see Hiccup wading right behind me. "I'm right here." The pressure on my chest released as I turned around and saw him smiling at me. "I'm here, I'm okay."

"Oh, thank the gods." Some anger surged through me, and I shoved him. "You scared me!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

"Ugh! Sometimes, you... you really..." I was having trouble finding a way to express my feelings at the moment, so I just screamed and pounded my hands against the water.

"Whoa, whoa, Reign, hey... What's going on?" My head began to ache and my nose stung as tears rose to the surface. "Hey, come here." Hiccup took my hand and led the two of us out of the water, sitting down on the shore by the lake. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders as I wiped the water from my eyes and moved my hair from my face.

"I'm sorry, it's... it's Bork Week."

"What do you mean?"

"Well..." I sighed. "Before I knew where my family was, it made me upset because I didn't have family to celebrate, and now that I do... I really don't want to celebrate him." I laughed at my own misery before leaning against Hiccup. "I just... I kinda know how Toothless feels." He seemed to be struggling with what to say at first, because he was stuttering like a madman, before reaching out to move more of my wet hair from my face.

"Hey, but Bork Week is also your birthday week! Doesn't that make it better?" I shook my head.

"You're supposed to celebrate your birthday with your family. No matter what, I lose." He sighed and rested his head against mine.

"I'm gonna try and make this the best birthday you've ever had." I smiled at him, something he was always so determined to make me do. "Come on, let's start to head back."

We watched as the flock of Gronkles flew over us, making another lap as Fishlegs trained them for the show. Toothless whined sadly as he watched them fly together, and Hiccup sighed in defeat.

"I wish there were other Night Furies for you, bud." I finished wringing out my hair, then reached out and placed a hand on Hiccup's shoulder. He looked over and smiled at me, when the cry of a Nadder came from above our heads, and we looked over to see Astrid landing.

"There you two are!" She raised an eyebrow as she climbed off of Stormfly. "Why are you wet?" Hiccup and I looked at each other and blushed.

"Never mind. What's up, Astrid?" I diverted.

"Okay... Hey, check out my Nadders! I finally got them flying in perfect formation!" Right on cue, Astrid's Nadders flew overhead, everything perfectly in sync.

"Oh, wow, yeah. That-that's great." Hiccup was faking his enthusiasm, and really wasn't trying that hard to hide it.

"Hiccup..." I turned around and gestured for Astrid to leave us. With an understanding widening of her eyes, she hopped on Stormfly and took off.

"Hiccup, now it's your turn to talk to me." He sighed and turned to look at me.

"I-I've just been thinking."

"Ah, something new for you," I joked. He looked at me with a lowered brow, and I held my hands up in defeat, allowing him to continue.

"You know, Stormfly has other Nadders, Hookfang has a whole herd of Monstrous Nightmares, and Toothless has... Toothless has no one." A sympathetic pang struck my heart, and I reached out to take his hand again.

"He has you," I pointed out, "and he looks pretty happy, if you ask me." I gestured my head over to Toothless, who was rolling around on his back in the grass, playing with his own paws.

"You know what I mean. You said it yourself."

"Hiccup, Toothless will be fine." I reached out and was about to kiss his cheek, when Stormfly squawked again, drawing our attention back to Astrid.

"I almost forgot! Hiccup, your father and Gobber were looking for you. They wanna see you in the Great Hall. They looked serious."

"Yeah, great. Happy Bork Week to me," Hiccup deadpanned. She too, took off again, and we looked at each other before hopping on Toothless and Shriek and heading off toward the Great Hall. I wanted to wait outside, but Hiccup refused to let go of my hand, so I was forced to follow him inside.

A few people were gathered around the fire pit in the center, including Chief Stoick, Gobber, and Spitelout. They were all murmuring to each other, until we walked in. They turned and looked at us with grim, serious expressions on their faces.

"Okay... this is weird..."

"Hiccup, come forward." Chief Stoick's voice was booming and authoritative scaring me into stepping back and waiting in the shadows. Nervously, Hiccup stepped forward and swallowed as his father loomed over him. "And hold out your hands." He did as told for a second, but quickly drew them behind his back, clearly scared and curious about what exactly was going on.

"Uh, Dad, Gobber, other scary-looking Vikings. I'd just like to say, in my own defense, that I cannot control Snotlout or the twins twenty-four hours a day."

"This isn't about those jokers, Hiccup," Gobber assured him. "Hiccup, it's something really good." Chief Stoick sighed and glared at Gobber for breaking the intensity, before deciding to explain.

"Now then... Hiccup, as you know, Bork Week has begun; the first one since we made peace with the dragons. So it has been decided, that from this moment forward, all things dragon related- including Bork's life's work- will be entrusted to you, and the academy." My eyes went wide as a smile broke out on my face. This was a huge step for Hiccup, and one that I knew had to be important to him. Gobber pulled out a chest from underneath the table and set it down.

"Reign, come here," he whispered. Carefully, I stepped forward and stood by his side as Gobber opened it up.

"This is where the Book of Dragons started. Everything he ever wrote on the subject is in these notes." He used his real hand to pull out the bundles of journals and pieces of paper and set them down in front of us. "Personal thoughts, feelings, fears. Even some delicious recipes."

"Whoa..." Hiccup removed one of the scrolls from the bundle and looked at it in awe for a moment, before setting it back down. "I-I don't know what to say. Thank you, Dad. This is-"

"Son, this is a big part of our history. You, and Reign, and the dragons are a big part of our future." I stopped and raised an eyebrow.

"What do I have to do with any of this?" I muttered.

"It's now up to you to take care of both." Gobber put the notes back in the chest and reached out to hand it to Hiccup, but he seemed regretful to let it go, because Hiccup couldn't manage to pry it from his hands. "Gobber," the chief warned. "Gobber!"

"Right." He let go of the chest, causing Hiccup to fall back slightly. "They're yours now..." Hiccup smiled proudly, and the two of us took the chest back to his house to start reading the notes.

Night had now fallen, but Hiccup and I weren't planning on giving up at this point. We were knee-deep into Bork's notes, and learning so much about the dragon species we knew, and about ones we didn't even know existed. But it was a strain on my eyes to read under the light of just one candle, and as soon as I leaned my head against Hiccup's shoulder, I could feel my eyelids starting to shut.

"Whoa." With a protesting groan, I opened my eyes and looked at the page Hiccup was reading. "Toothless, look at all of this, bud. It's amazing." Toothless purred, before nodding and settling back down to sleep.

"Oh, me too, bud," I sighed. "Me, too." Hiccup reached over to set down the papers and pick up the smallest journal to begin flipping through it.

"These are his personal notes. Everything he observed about dragons is right here." He flipped to the next page and made a face. I took one look at the papers and snapped my hand over my eyes, laughing awkwardly. "Along with some... rather interesting drawings of his neighbors." He slammed the book shut and put it aside. "Can't un-see that."

But as the book fell, it opened to another page, one that we hadn't seen before that was at the very end of the book. Beside it was a strange piece of paper, glued to the back cover of the book as though it were...

Sure enough, I picked up the journal and pulled back the paper, revealing some more, folded up notes. I started to read them, and my eyes went wide at the information that was written down.

"This... is all on the Night Fury!" Hiccup leaned over to look at the notes as I flipped through them. "It's all about you, bud." Toothless opened his eyes and took a glance at Hiccup and I.

"Bork didn't put any of this in the Book of Dragons. 'My studies lead me to conclude that an entire exists, teeming with mysterious Night Furies. I call this land the Isle of Night.' An island... filled with Night Furies!" Toothless finally got up from where he was sleeping.

"Toothless, we have to find that island." He nudged the notes from my hands and purred for attention from the two of us. I giggled and scratched his chin, while Hiccup pet the top of his head. "If we do... we find your family." With a final purr, Toothless went back over to his stone and heated it up before curling up and going to sleep. Watching Toothless get warm and curl up caused me to yawn, feeling the exhaustion wash over me again. "Ugh, I guess I have to get home now." Mentally, I was standing up, but apparently, I was just slumping closer to the floor in reality.

"Uh, Reign?"

"Mm-hmm?" Hiccup stood and moved aside the blanket on his bed.

"You can sleep up here, if you want. I don't mind taking the floor if you can't make it home." I was too exhausted to protest, so I hopped up and climbed under the blanket, allowing myself to finally fall asleep as Hiccup blew out the candle and muttered a 'good night.'

"So, let me get this straight: to find this island, we have to find Bork's cave?" Snotlout shouted as loud as possible. Hiccup and I had gathered up the others, and were now heading out to where Bork's cave was marked on the map, in order to find the way to the Isle of Night.

"It's his last known place of residence," Fishlegs informed him.

"Who would live in a cave?"

"Who wouldn't?"

"There must be something in there about the Isle of Night and where we can find it."

"Bork's notes said his cave was cut into the mountains right above Odin's shield." There was a small opening in the rock formation in front of us.

"Right there! That must be it!" I pointed out, pushing Shriek to try and get her closer. Everyone landed and looked down into the darkness.

"Um, so, wait. So how do we know what we're looking for?" Astrid shook her head at Tuffnut and his ignorance.

"It's a cave! Look for a big hole in the side of a mountain."

"Hole. Check."

"Mountain. On it." I sighed and leaned down against my dragon.

"You know, we don't have to bring them every time," I grunted, looking over at Hiccup.

A sudden, loud noise caused us all to jump and cover our ears. The twins popped up from where they had been searching, each head peering from either side of the rock. Everyone turned their attention to Snotlout as he and Hookfang lumbered over to us.

"What in the world was that?" Fishlegs asked, hovering close to Snotlout.

"That is a Changewing call, my friend." My eyes went wide as I sat up straight. If that call reached any actual Changewings, they were going to come this way. And we had just dealt with some not too long ago, I really didn't need to try and chase off any more. "I'm surprised you didn't know that."

"I would've if it sounded like one," Fishlegs shot back. "This is a Changewing."

"Oh, gods, no..." I mumbled, shaking my head as Fishlegs emitted a loud, frantic, slightly terrifying scream. Snotlout stuttered and scoffed, trying to find a way to save himself.

"Bet you can't do a Thunderdrum."

"At least challenge me." I shook my head and propped myself up against my elbows. They were going to summon every single dragon in the archipelago, at this rate. That was just going to create more headaches for us, and impede our search for the map to the Isle of Night.

Fishlegs cleared his throat, then started to growl and scream loudly, causing all of us to cover his eardrums. We all started shouting at him to stop, but he was too concerned with one-upping Snotlout to listen to us.

"Okay, okay, enough, Fishlegs." Hiccup, thankfully, finally got him to stop. "That's good." With that, Hiccup patted the top of Toothless' head, and they led the rest of us through a passage. In front of us was some sort of large cleavage in the rocks, creating a gap between us and the other side. "Hey, I found an opening." I steered my dragon around the other side of Hiccup to get a better look.

"That Bork was a dweeb," Snotlout insulted. "But boy, he could climb like a mountain goat." We approached the edge of our side, when a loud roar stopped us in our tracks. Annoyed, Hiccup whipped around to glare at Fishlegs.

"Fishlegs, I thought we agreed to ease up on the dragon calls."

"Actually, that wasn't me." My heart skipped a beat. "Mine's far more authentic."

All of a sudden, a large, bellowing Thunderdrum flew around the corner, heading straight for us. I turned and readied Shriek to calm them. I knew this would happen, something bad always happens when Snotlout's ego starts to get out of control.

"Wanna tell that to him?" Astrid and Stormfly hovered, getting ready to go.

"Head for the cave!" We all quickly followed behind Hiccup, trying to escape the Thunderdrum before we decided to try and calm it. Avoiding confrontation would be ideal, but it might not be an option if this thing was aggressive.

"Wait, what cave?" I looked along the mountainside and grew confused. It was completely sealed, not even some sort of large crack that would have tricked us into thinking it was a cave.

"We just saw it! There was a hole!"

"Yeah. And now the hole's gone." The Thunderdrum swooped over our heads, just nearly missing Hiccup and Toothless.

"Snotlout, Ruff, and Tuff, you guys look for the cave opening. We'll lure the Thunderdrum away." Hiccup, Astrid, Fishlegs and I took off, going after the large and loud dragon to chase them away.

"Fishlegs, Thunderdrum call!" I hadn't really tried working on one, so it was a safer bet to ask Fishlegs to do it, rather than attempting and failing to grab the Thunderdrum's attention.

"I wish you'd make up your mind!" He started clearing his throat excessively, costing us time.

"Fishlegs!" Hiccup snapped. Fishlegs let out that same, low scream, and the Thunderdrum turned itself around to fly toward us. Fishlegs screamed and pushed Meatlug to go faster so that the Thunderdrum couldn't catch him. With Fishlegs dealing with the Thunderdrum, Hiccup, Astrid, and I were able to land and asses the current situation. Hiccup and Astrid looked back at the wall to try and see if they could find the cave, while my attention was averted by screams from nearby.

"Hiccup!" I pointed to Snotlout being dangled by a Changewing, Hookfang having abandoned him.

"Go see what you can find," Astrid urged. "We'll keep this guy busy."

"What about Snotlout?" Astrid dashed off and started shouting at the twins.

"I've got the Thunderdrum!" I took off after Fishlegs to help him out. It took out a line of rock spires in its path, refusing to give up its pursuit of the boy and his Gronkle. I managed to get ahead of them and flew up to a high point on the cliff. Fishlegs and Meatlug crashed against the cliff, the Thunderdrum still barreling toward them.

Come on, Reign! Now or never, now or never!

I cleared my throat, and let out a loud, gravely scream, imitating the call of the Thunderdrum, which caught its attention. It changed its path to come up and chase Shriek and I.

"Yeah, that's right, follow us," I muttered, looking back every now and then to make sure the Thunderdrum was still following us. "Shriek, can you get him to go away?" She only roared in response, and I shook my head. "You're a dragon, you can't speak English. Why did I expect you to respond?"

We quickly turned around and flew around the cave, and the Thunderdrum emitted a loud roar to try and stop us. I covered my ears to try and keep myself from getting hurt, while at the same time trying to steer Shriek to get the Thunderdrum away from the others. But before I could, it roared again, and caused the rocks above the cave to collapse and block the way.

"Hiccup's trapped!"

"I'm in a tough spot here myself!" Snotlout cried, voice cracking and warbling.

"I know you think our plan didn't work, but believe me, this Changewing is playing right into our hands." I shook my head at the twins and their laziness, then tried to focus back on getting Hiccup and Toothless out.

"There's no way we can do anything without bringing the cave down, Reign!" I turned around to look at Astrid.

"I can't just leave him in there!"

"We have bigger problems! We've cornered the Thunderdrum." With another look back at the cave, I gave in and turned around to help them keep it at bay. While Fishlegs and Astrid could fire at it, I had Shriek give little roars to confuse it, seeing as how they were the same kind of dragon. But my mind was focused on Hiccup in the cave, trying to think of some way to get them out.

"Somebody call for backup?"

My heart jumped as I turned my head, but the beat slowed when Hiccup and Toothless flew up beside the three of us.

"Hiccup! You made it!"

"Please don't ask me how, because I have no idea." I shrugged, and my mind was finally able to focus on dealing with the Thunderdrum.

"We've got this. Go help Snotlout." He nodded, and he and Toothless flew toward Snotlout and the Changewing, while the three of us continued to fire at the Thunderdrum. I could hear Snotlout screaming as Hookfang dove underneath him to rescue him as he fell.

"Reign, Astrid, Fishlegs!" We all turned to look at Hiccup. "Let's go." I nodded and had Shriek send out a boom in the opposite direction we were traveling to throw him off, then caught up with Hiccup, Snotlout, and the twins.

"I still can't believe you guys survived that cave-in!" I marveled. Hiccup and I had flown a decent bit in front of the others, looking back at them now and then to make sure they were okay.

"Neither can I. It was all Toothless, he... he sent out this weird sound, and it bounced back towards us and somehow, he used it to find his way out." Fishlegs caught up to us as I contemplated what that could have been.

"I don't get it. How do you use sound to guide you?" Now the others were all flying alongside us.

"I do it all the time," Snotlout announced. "Whenever I hear your voice, I go the other way."

"So did you find anything?"

"Only a map... to the Isle of Night."

"Nice! When do we leave?" Astrid asked.

"First thing in the morning. By this time tomorrow, bud, you are going to be knee-deep in Night Furies." I raised an eyebrow and looked at Hiccup.

"Maybe pick different wording next time."

That night, I couldn't sleep, up tossing and turning. My birthday was only a few hours away at this point, and I couldn't stop thinking about my family. I still barely knew anything, and it being Bork Week and all, I couldn't keep my mind off of them.

With a sigh, I sat up and got out of bed, quietly sneaking down the stairs and out of the house so that I wouldn't wake anyone up, and carefully closed the door behind me. Hiccup would probably still be up by now, and hopefully, he'd be able to listen while he planned out how tomorrow was going to go, or help ease my mind. I followed the familiar path to his house, to find him climbing up onto Toothless, looking like they were ready to leave.

"Hiccup?" He jumped and turned to face me.

"Wha- Reign! Hey..." I crossed my arms and stared him down.

"What are you two doing?"

"Oh, uh... we're just, uh, going for a late-night ride." I leaned slightly to the side, making sure he knew I saw his supplies.

"With your satchel, full of things?" He stuttered awkwardly and looked around. "Stop lying, Hiccup."

"Oh... kay. We're going to the Isle of Night."

"Without everyone else?"

"Bork's notes... they said that Night Furies don't do well with other dragons, which means the others couldn't come. Figured we should go now so we don't have to explain." I felt slightly hurt.

"Without me? You'd be gone on my birthday..." He shook his head and scooted forward slightly.

"You are gonna be the death of me. Come on." I smiled and hopped up, deciding to leave my sword behind in case it made me seem threatening. Plus, Hiccup wanted to leave now. "Well, this is it, Toothless. You're finally gonna see you're not alone." I sighed as Hiccup adjusted his foot to open Toothless' tail, and the three of us took off. "Next stop, the Isle of Night."

"Reign? Reign, get up."

I jumped up from my sleep, and having forgot I was on a dragon, tried to stand. Of course, all that did was cause me to start to fall, and I began to panic.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Hiccup reached out and grabbed my hand, pulling me back up into an upright position. "You okay?" I nodded and rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

"Just forgot where I was, that's all."

"Well, look, we're here."

I looked down below us to see an island with a rocky shore, surrounded by lush trees and grass. It was a beautiful, plentiful island, the perfect place for Night Furies to be living. Hiccup landed Toothless on the ground, and he put the map away. Toothless seemed a bit on edge, growling as though there were something hostile here.

"Relax, bud. Trust me, if this map is right, you're gonna like what we find here." Toothless eagerly took a jump forward, then started running deeper into the island. But the further we progressed, the more ominous the landscape became. There was a point to jump down, and it looked like that was the place the Night Furies would be. Hiccup took a deep breath, preparing for what we might find. "Are you ready?" Toothless purred. "Okay." Hiccup cupped his hands around his mouth and let out the Night Fury call he'd been working on.

We waited for a few seconds, looking around cautiously, when a similar call came from down below. Bright smiles took over Hiccup and my faces as we realized that this really was it. There were, in fact, other Night Furies on this island.

"I can't believe it! Did you hear that?" Toothless let out a little sound, and the Night Fury responded again, before a dark, dragon-like figure appeared from behind the rocks. "Bork was right." Hiccup and I slid off of Toothless and looked at him with proud eyes. "Go get 'em, Toothless."

Toothless jumped down and looked over at the Night Fury with enthusiasm, but hesitated, looking back at us.

"I-It's okay," Hiccup assured him. "Go, go. We're right behind you." With that reassurance, Toothless inched his way forward, Hiccup and I following close behind. But as soon as we got to the point where the Night Fury had been, it was gone. The three of us looked around, and Toothless called out again, the response now further away. Hiccup and I stopped in our tracks and looked at each other with suspicious glances.

"Something's not right... Toothless! Come back!" He turned around, but couldn't even take a step before ropes ensnared his legs, causing him to fall.

"Toothless! No!" Hiccup tried to run to him, but a large man ran up behind him and pinned him down, and I felt a pair of violent, strong arms pull my hands tight against my back.

"Let go of me!" As I struggled, I looked around at our captors, and as soon as I realized who they were, I sighed.


And sure enough, out of the shadows stepped Alvin himself, looking down at Hiccup and I with a smug expression.


A couple of his soldiers wheeled over the fake Night Fury they had used to trick us, all of them seemingly so overwhelming proud of themselves for capturing us.

"Amazingly realistic, wouldn't you say, Hiccup?" he taunted. Toothless thrashed and growled at the men who were trying to keep him at bay.

"Let go of him!" Hiccup managed to pick himself up enough to look at Alvin. "What do you want?"

"I want me own dragon trainer. And by the looks of it, I've got 'im. And 'is little assistant, too."

"I'm not going to train your dragons, Alvin."

"Oh, ho, ho, I think you will. And once you 'ave, I'll use 'em to destroy Berk. Take them!" Hiccup and I did our best to struggle against the men, but they were too strong, even for me.

"I don't understand. How did you do this?" He simply chuckled, and the men started pushing us toward a boat. Toothless was chained up and restrained, while Savage kicked Hiccup onto the boat and aggressively threw me down. I was shocked as Savage stepped up onto the boat, revealing Mildew and that sheep he's always with standing behind him, a menacing smirk on his face.

"Mildew? What are you doing here?"

"Aw, look at'cha." He jumped down onto the boat. "The brightest boy and the strongest girl on the island, and yet, there you are, trapped by a silly old man and his sheep."

"How could you do this?"

"You did it, Hiccup. You believed the Bork notes, you followed the map we drew, you walked right into our trap. All for the love of a dragon," he mocked. "Maybe you'll think twice next time about where you place your loyalties." Alvin cackled and pushed Mildew aside.

"There won't be a next time. Raise the sails! We're headed home... to Outcast Island!"
