Chapter 19 Shiggy and The Hero Killer


Shoto and I were being driven to the outskirts of Hosu city by Endeavor. Once we reached our destination we were instructed to get out of the vehicle. We all exited the vehicle and began our patrol. I was still concerned about the normal hero: Manual being offended by our appearance.

"Excuse me Mr. Endeavor doesn't it seem rude to invade another hero's territory like this," I asked

I could see the Irk mark appear on Endeavor's head.

"He should feel grateful to receive my help" Endeavor exclaimed

"It just makes you seem like you are trying to take all the glory for taking out the hero killer stain," I said

Endeavor turn to yell at me but the screams of someone needing help stopped him. Not far from the road was a Nomu attacking civilians. An old man in a yellow costume was taking the Nomu on and at first, I was worried but I calmed when I saw how strong the old man was.

"You two help the civilians while I handle that monster" Endeavor ordered

While Endeavor went off to fight Shoto and I started to help civilians evacuate. We had been taught to take civilians as far as a 50 feet radius of the danger. I was leading a couple away when a crying woman ran up to me.

"Please hero I can't find my daughter," she said

"Alright I'll help you what does she look like," I asked

"She's five and has brown curly hair and blue eyes. Today she was wearing a pink shirt and blue jeans" the mother described her daughter

The mother and I began to walk around looking for her daughter. We had been looking around for a few minutes when we heard a cry coming from an alleyway. The mother and I walked down there where we saw a small girl curled up next to some empty boxes. The mother ran to her and picked the child up into her arms hugging her tightly. I smiled at the scene in front of me happy we could find the child unharmed.


I scratchy voice came from deeper in the alleyway. A man with a hand covering his face emerged from the shadows. He pulled the hand revealing his face it was dry and creaky skin. I put myself in between Shigaraki and the civilians.

"Go take your daughter to safety," I said

"Thank you," the mother said before taking her daughter and running off

"Y/n L/n we met again," Shigaraki said

I chill went up to my spine how did he know my whole name. I wasn't at the sports festival and the video footage from the USJ didn't have my name.

"Aaahhh Shigaraki or should I call you Shiggy," I said in a joking manner to try and hide my fear

A creepy smile spread across Shigaraki's face.

"Shiggy...I like that" he said

My phone vibrated and even with the situation going on I looked at it. Izuku had sent everyone his GPS location which meant he was in trouble. I placed the phone back in my pocket after I had memories of the location it was located in Hoso city.

"Well it was great seeing you but I should go," I said

I started to move backward but Shigaraki was quick grabbing me by my throat with four of his fingers.

"If you try to activate your quirk I'll turn you into dust" Shigaraki threatened me

"Alright no powers I get it," I said in a joking manner to try and mask my fear

He leaned his face closer so that our noses were touching. His hot breath felled my senses making me gag at the smell of bad breath. I try to move back but he held my neck tighter with his four fingers.

"I wonder why my master is so interested in you," he said

"Who is your master," I asked

Shigaraki gave me a look of disgust before grabbing my throat even tighter. My air supplies were being cut off from his tight grip.

"I am sure if your master is interested in me he would be upset if you hurt me," I said using the last bit of my air

My lungs started to burn to beg for oxygen. Shigaraki loosen his grip but didn't let me go. I took in deep breaths which my lung gratefully appreciated.

"Do you think those heroes care?" he asked

I was confused by Shigaraki's question.

"I am sorry I don't understand," I said in a calm voice even though I was freaking out on the inside

"Do you think that the heroes care? Do you think they are really saving people because they care? Not because of all the glory and money they get. Everyone tries to act like heroes and villains are so different"

I try to speak but no words would leave my lips.

"Heroes and villains both thrive on violence, but we're still categorized. "You're good" "You're evil". That's how it is! In the end, you're just a tool for violence, made to keep us down. And violence only breeds more violence." Shigaraki finished speaking

I was shaking not from fear but from anger.

"You are not telling me anything I don't know. I know that there are heroes out there only doing this for their own selfish needs. Some heroes are not better than the villains they takedown but I can't control that. I can only control my own actions and I will become an honorable hero. I would love to do that with the less amount force as possible but I will not sit by and let innocent people get hurt" my words only made Shigaraki angrier

"You'll never be a real hero you'll just be some hero agency pretty little doll. They will dress you in your clown suit and never see you as more than just a prop." He spat his hateful words into my face

"Fuck you" I shouted

"Look they already started dressing you like the clown hero you are," Shigaraki said

He grabbed onto the jacket of my costume with his free hand. Instead of using four fingers, he used all five causing my jacket to deteriorate off me. My shirt showed off my mid-drift and cleavage making me feel extra exposed. I could feel Shigaraki's eyes all over me. My heart jumped into my throat as I watch him reach for my shirt.

"Shigaraki leave her alone"

Kurogiri appeared in the alleyway and Shigaraki stopped what he was doing. Shigaraki took his attention off of me and I used that to my advantage. I blasted a large guest of wind into his gut sending him flying deeper into the alleyway.

I turn and ran back towards the entrance of the alleyway. I knew if Kurogiri wanted to he could have caught me but he didn't. Instead, he allowed me to escape and I wonder why.

I didn't stop running as I made my way to the GPS location that Izuku had sent. As I round the corner I saw Izuku, Shoto, and Iida. They also had an injured hero with them but what surprised me most was the capture Hero Killer Stain was with them.

"Izuku" I shouted

They all turn to look at me as a ran up to them but before I reached them a winged Nomu snatched up Izuku. I wanted to help but before I could Stain broke from his restraints and attacked the Nomu. Stain just saved Izuku and we were all questioning why.

More heroes rushed to the scene and when Stain saw Endeavor an uncontrollable rage took over him. The amount of anger he was releasing froze us all in our place.

" fake"

All of Stain's hatred was for Endeavor and you could hear it with each word.

"I must make things right...I must take back what it means to be a hero... come and try and get me you fake...The only one I'll let kill me is the true hero All Might." He said his final word came out with a scream

I was frozen in fear which shook me to the core.

The sound of Stain's blade hitting the ground echoed through the street. I watch as Stain's eyes rolled into the back of his head and he froze in place.

"He's....He's unconscious," an old man said

Something about seeing Stain like that made me extremely sad. It was as if he was the last warrior standing up against his enemy but couldn't when the fight.

Later we found out that a rib had punctured the hero killer's lung at that moment. He hadn't licked anyone's blood but at that place, for that moment the hero killer was the only one who stood up to fight against his opponent.


I turn the cup in my hand to dust. I wanted to dust everything in this bar. The Nomu's master gave me were killed and worst of all y/n got away.

"You need to calm down," Kurogiri said from across the bar

I didn't reply instead I just looked down at the picture I had of y/n. It calmed me some but I would rather have her in person.

"Oh wow she's so pretty can I have some of her blood," an annoying voice said from behind my shoulder

I didn't have to turn to see that it was Toga. She always got on my nerves but her interest in y/n made me infuriated.

"You touch her and I'll turn you into a pile of dust," I said turning to face the now pouting female

"You're no fun" Toga whined

"What is the man child upset about now," Dabi said entering the bar

"He has a picture of a really cute girl and he won't let me play with her" Toga whined

"Oh really," Dabi said interested

Dabi went over and looked at the picture that I had left on the bar. His eyes widened when he looked at the picture then he turns to glare at me.

"Stay away from y/n she's mine" Dabi threatened

I was taken back for a moment but then rage took over.

"No you stay away if you have forgotten I run this group and I say y/n is mine," I said

"Hell no she isn't" Dabi replied

"I want her too" Toga whined

"NO" Dabi and I shouted together

All at once we attacked I try to grab Dabi with all five fingers, Dabi tries to blast me with his blue fire, and Toga (who I think just wanted to join in on the fun) tries to stab us both with her knives. Before any of our attacks could land Kurogiri made portals redirecting our attacks.

"Listen all of you! Master has plans for y/n so all of you leave her alone for now. Understood?" Kurogiri said

We all mumbled in agreement once Kurogiri released us I grabbed the picture of y/n and went to my room. Soon master would let me have her and I wouldn't have to rely on photos anymore.






