Chapter 14 Sports Festival Part 2


Hawks and I were seated in his private booth watching as Bakugou took the stage. Since he was number one in our class he got to give a few words before the sports festival began. Bakugo's face held his usual scowl as he walked up to the microphone.

"I'm here to win for y/n so the rest of you losers stay out of my way" Bakugo angrily said

The crowd started to boo him but I blushed to cover my face with my hands.

"Is that your boyfriend?" Hawks asked in an annoyed voice

"No he's just one of my best friends," I said

Hawks let out a little grunt so I peeked over at him. His body was rigged and his face was tense.

A gunshot drew my attention back to the festival. Students were running trying to be the first out of the tunnel. Shoto took the lead by using his ice powers to slide past everyone. The next stage was to get past the robots we had fought at our entrance exams.

"Those are the same robots from my entrance exam," I told Hawks

"I heard you did very well on your exams but if you could have taken my offer then you would have just had to do a race to get in." Hawks said giving me his usual smirk

"Where is the fun in that," I said

"Izuku Midoriya takes the lead" Mic announced

I turn my attention back to the tv to see a race between Izuku, Bakugo, and Shoto. They start running through the tunnel all pushing to get first. Izuku is the first to exit the tunnel followed by Todoroki and Bakugo. Tear form in Izuku's eye and slide down his face. I jumped up and started to cheer excitedly for Izuku. I turn to Hawks who was glaring down at Izuku.

"What's up with you," I asked because I was getting fed up with his personality today

He seems to notice my annoyance so he put back on his charming personality.

"Sorry, princess just a long night of hero work so I'm kind of not myself." He said

I felt like a dick since I was being mean to Hawks for just being grumpy from work.

"I'm sorry," I said

Hawks pouted like a child.

"I don't know maybe I'll forgive you if you give me a hug." Hawks said holding out his arm

I pressed into his body as he wrapped his arms around my body. He let out a loud sigh as his body relaxed against mine.

"The next competition will be the cavalry battle" Midnight announced

I turn my attention back to the field where Midnight was explaining the rules for the cavalry battle. Each person was worth a certain amount of points and poor Izuku was worth ten million points. Everyone started to team up and at first,  no one wanted to be partners with Izuku. Eventually, Izuku teamed up with Uraraka, Mei, and Tokoyami. The cavalry battle started and to be suspected everyone targeted Izuku. With the help of dark shadow and Uraraka floating power, they're able to avoid most of the attacks. Izuku's team tried their best to avoid the other teams but eventually got his headband snatched from team Shoto. Izuku seemed determined to get his headband back from team Shoto.

"He should just focus on getting others headbands instead of getting his back" Hawks commented

I let out a small laugh.

"That's not how Izuku is once he's determined nothing can stop him" I replied

"You seem close with this Izuku" Hawks said

"Of course, we are foster siblings," I said cheerfully

"I don't think he likes you like a sister," Hawks said mockingly

I gave him a confused look if only I could tell him that Izuku likes Uraraka.

The alarm sounded ending the cavalry battle. Izuku looked defeated assuming he didn't get enough points. Until dark shadow showed a headband he had got made it so the Izuku's team was the fourth team to make it into the next round. Midnight announced that it was time to break for lunch.

"I'm going to go see my classmates I'll return after lunch," I said as I got up to head out

I felt a hand wrap around my wrist stopping me from leaving. I look to see Hawks holding onto me as he glared at me.

"Stay with me so we can eat together," Hawks said

"I'm sorry but I want to see my classmates," I said

His grip tightens around my wrist causing me to wince in pain.

"LET GO" I shouted

This surprised Hawks causing him to let go and giving me the opportunity to run out of the room. I quickly ran down the hall and into a stairwell. I stopped taking the opportunity to catch my breath.

'What the hell is wrong with that bird brain' I thought

I started to make my way down the stairwell in hopes to find my classmates. I came across Shoto and his father talking. I was too far away to hear what they were saying but I could see that Shoto was uncomfortable. I made the decision to help Shoto get away from his father.

"Shoto there you are," I said as I walked up to Shoto grabbing onto his arm

Shoto and his father both looked at me with a shocked expressions.

"I've been looking for you everywhere you promise to eat lunch with me" I pretend to whine

Shoto seemed to catch on with my plan and started to go along with it.

"It's fine I'm done here so we can go eat now," Shoto said

I looked at Endeavor who was studying me.

"Sorry I'm going to steal him now Mr.Endeavor," I said bowing to him slightly

"You're y/n l/n am I correct," Endeavor asked

I nodded my head yes.

"I saw you fight from the USJ attack surveillance footage. You're able to control fire and ice along with a lot more elements. You seem to be very powerful too bad you haven't healed enough to join in the sports festival." Endeavor said

Now I knew why he was studying me because he is a big fan of quirk breeding. I became nervous at how Endeavor was treating me and Shoto picked up on it.

"We have to go," Shoto said

Shoto grabbed my hand and pulled me past Endeavor. I could tell that Shoto was upset by how tight he was holding onto me.

"Shoto you're hurting me," I said

My words seem to snap him out of his anger. He loosens his grip on me as we stopped walking.

"I'm sorry I don't want to ever hurt you," Shoto said as he rubbed my wrist with his thumb

"It's okay," I said

I could see by his face that there was something he wanted to ask me.

"Is there something you need from me," I asked

He seemed hesitant at first but soon seem okay to ask his question.

"I'm terrified of my father he has done so many awful things to my family. He put my mother in a mental hospital, made my brother run away, and physically and mentally abused us. Now he wants me to do my hero internships with him and if I don't he threatens to end the career of whoever I go with"

I was trying to take in all that he was saying. It made my heart hurt hearing his sad story in person.

"He also said that he would be offering you an internship but only you and I. I don't want to be alone with him so if you don't find it too much could you please take the internship." Shoto finished explaining everything

I was taken back at first because being alone with Endeavor didn't seem fun to me. However, the thought of leaving Shoto alone with him made me sad.

"I promise I will take the internship," I said

Shoto gave me one of his rare smiles that warmed my heart.

"Thank you," he said as he placed a kiss on the back of my hand


I couldn't stop smiling my plan had worked and now y/n would be interning at my father's hero agency. She completely misread what was going on with my father and me. I was actually telling my father that the only way I would intern with him was if he sent y/n an offer as well. He eagerly agreed since he was impressed by y/n's power. I hated how my father looked at y/n as if she was some walking baby machine. My love for y/n was pure I wanted her for more than her body. Even though her body was just an added bonus to my love for her.

My eyes never left the beautiful girl as she dragged me to the lunchroom. We took a seat with the rest of our classmates. I hated sharing her attention with the rest of them. I especially hated Bakugo and Izuku who always try to isolate her for themselves.

'Soon she'll be all mine I thought







