Army rise, create a chain of "so cool" in the comments pls (yes this is a reference)

Nightmare buried himself through different documents and papers. He made extra sure to check the AU informations Horror had told him about. He looked through different AU papers that had been mysteriously destroyed and tried to conform a pattern.

The only pattern he was able to catch is that every AU had not been a real authorative or main AU and hadn't had any real meaning behind it, plus the Sans being generally unaware of AUs.

They were getting rid of the minor unused AUs.

How curious.

There were some that were destroyed on the same days too. This person hadn't destroyed an AU in about 4-ish days. Not that Nightmare didn't notice the auras dissipate from those AUs he just didn't care, assumed it had been a genocide.

The one thing he found to be curious was the fact that instead of normal destruction as in everything in the AU staying just everyone was dead and perhaps a somewhat destroyed area, the code was completely wiped as well. He knew of no monster that was capable of this. Almost work of a God.

Well Ink could probably do it but he never would, this is something everyone should know.

A knock rang at the door bringing the dark skeleton out of his thoughts. "Who's it?" "Dust sir" a smile subconsciously made its way onto his face. "Come in."

The hooded skeleton came in, spotting his boss who was still focusing on the papers. "What's up Dust?" He asked, still not really paying attention.

"You've been in your office all day, don't you think you need a break?" "What-? What time is it?"

Dust looked at him weirdly. "Four? Horror was planning on starting dinner soon so I thought I'd bring you company." Nightmares face dusted a light teal.

"That's very considerate of you, Dust, but I'm fine, don't worry." "Are you sure? I mean I can help you with whatever you're working on?"

"Mm, well if you could maybe take a look at these AU sheets, if there's anything in their last moments of existence that they have in common, please." "No problem sir."

Dust took the few sheets of paper and analyzed them beside Nightmare whi was doing the same with some others. They did this for a solid 10 minutes before Nightmare seemed to get somewhat distracted with Dusts face, concentrating on the papers he was given.

It was soft and you could tell his guard was down. To the dark king he looked adorable.

"Boss" this almost made Nightmare jump. "Hm?" "These AUs are all newer AUs. Ones that Ink helped the creators make most recently than say some others." "Thats true.." Nightmare seemed to become lost in thought from this. "Perhaps they're actively trying to defuse Inks actions."

"... What-?" "Oh, these are all recently destroyed AUs by a new source, a new person with power within the multiverse."

"Thats.. strange? So they are seeking out to balance Ink in a way?" "Exactly." Out of nowhere Nightmare sensed another AUs source of Negativity seem to dissipate.. Exactly like the others.

"I need to go... Another AU has been destroyed. Actually, can you come with?" "Uh- sure?"

Nightmare grabbed the other by the waist with his tentacle (making Dust blush slightly from the enjoyable contact) then teleported into this new AU.

This AU seemed almost empty at this point. This new skeleton was just dealing with the human, their soul being entangled by blue wires or strings. The skeleton who had their soul had black bones almost like Nightmare but instead of having a type of goop it was their natural bone and was pitch black unlike Nightmares teal tint.

He had those same blue type wires running down his face like tears and red eye sockets with multicolored pupils. He wore a large trench coat that had black and yellow, the yellow matching his teeth, a red shirt, and a blue scarf.

The most notable thing about him however, was the glitches and ERROR signs around his body, almost like he was fizzljng in and out from the physical plain.

He laughed insanely which almost gave Dust a chill down his spine. "Another human to add to the collection." A bone impaled the human and the soul went into a glitched window type portal into another AU but was all white.

"About time I got rid of this trash." He muttered then pulling out the code of the AU and deleting it, then causing the area around them to start to crumble in on itself.

"Oh shit-!" Dust yelled while trying to keep himself from falling. The glitched skeleton made his way through the glitched portal and Nightmare quickly grabbed Dust by the waist again by his tentacle and moved over to the portal, quickly making his way through.

A glitched groan sounded, almost echoing from the emptiness. "What-? I thought I destroyed everything."

Nightmare gathered himself then sat Dust down. "We arent from the AU you just destroyed. I am from Dreamtale, he is from and alternate timeline of Undertale but is commonly called Dusttale."

The skeleton rolled his eyes, "alright so why we're you spying on me like a couple of weirdo fanboy creeps?"

"I have sensed your destruction of AUs and I truly feel that if you have me and my group as allies it would be of use to you." "How so?" "Do you know who Ink Sans is?" "Uck, can barely call him a Sans. Yes I know him he's my enemy."

Nightmare smirked, "as I thought. He has a group of Sanses, the Star Sanses I suppose. It's of him, Underswap Sans, and my brother, Dream. We wish to destroy them and create as much negativity in the AUs as possible."

The skeleton hummed, "Oh yes I know who you are. Nightmare Sans, stand in protector of the Tree of Life with his twin brother Dream, guardian of Negativity, Dream the guardian of positivity. Bullied into eating the negative apple and then becoming the embodiment of negative feelings. However has been recently experiencing positive emotions and its starting to wat his soul inside and out."

"..... How do you know this...?" "God of Destruction, Error, nice ta' meet you." "That name suits ya' " Dust pointed out.

"I guess. Now, Nightmare, you wished to make a deal with me? Shoot."

".. Well, I believe that if we coencide then you can destroy however you wish, just don't destroy some of my greatest negative sources and we will help you destroy if you wish, we can help fend off any stars that you may be stuck with as you do your job and we do ours, and if you so wish to join us we can provide a pace to live, food, and hygiene."

Error nodded, "sounds reasonable enough.. As long as I don't 'work' under you then sure, I still get my own free reign though, got it negativity freak?"

Nightmare kept himself from scowling at that name, "sure". "Aight then it's a deal, but don't touch me, haphephobia." Nightmare nodded.

He created a portal from his goop and had the two go through before going through himself. Killer perked up from the sound of footsteps walking through, Horror and Cross also appearing. Dust quickly scurried off next to them as Nightmare introduced the new skeleton to the group.

"Boys, this is Error, he is the God of Destruction so I've heard. DON'T touch him or you'll be dealing with me. He will be staying with us occasionally, Killer please show him to the free room upstairs. Do. Not. Touch. Him." "Yes sir." He waved the glitch over with him upstairs.

Dust seemed wary about the glitched skeleton, something about him was weird. However he just focused on talking to Horror.

The rest of the day went on  pretty normally, Error had refused to join them for dinner stating he wasn't hungry or never really got hungry so the rest left him alone not wanting to argue with him since they had just met him.

He stayed in his room the whole day, Killer had noted that he found it strange but Dust understood and gave him as much space as the other needed or wanted. He also felt like a loner like that most the time anyways.

And then came the time that Dust oh so loved. Going to bed. Which sleep didn't come easily but he tried his best nonetheless.

Omfg I'm sorry for how late this is I promised it would be out sooner and like the dumbass I am never finished it. I actually did this instead of my 10 missing homework assignments so feel lucky.

-Glitch boi
