Chapter Four~Bruce's Guilt.

The next afternoon I spent sat in the library reading Pride And Prejudice, a book that my Grandfather used to read to me when I was little. The big doors suddenly opened and I heard Bruce call my name. I put the book down and walked to the balcony. "Up here." I called back. He looked up and smiled before walking up the steps to join me, he had a really guilty expression painted on his face. He looked down at his feet sadly and said "I'm sorry about last night and putting you in danger." I lifted up his chin with my finger so he was facing me again to reply "Don't worry about it, it's not your fault. What was it?" He shook his head refusing to tell me. "Why can't you tell me, why are you keeping secrets from me Bruce? You're scaring me." I complained. His phone went off again and he answered it. "I have to go, I'll explain everything later, I promise. I'm so sorry Eleanor." He sighed before kissing my cheek and leaving me confused and a little angry.

I couldn't help but cry about Bruce, he was acting like a completely different person ever since that box smashed through the window. "Eleanor, darling? Where are you dear?" I heard my Grandfather shout from outside the library doors. I opened them and worry filled his face. "What's happened sweetheart?" He asked in a concern tone. I hugged him tightly and his arms wrapped around me. "I'm just so worried about Bruce, he's changed ever since yesterday... I've fallen for him... but he's being too secretive." I admitted. My grandfather kissed my forehead before saying "Master Wayne is protecting you, if you knew his secret you'd be even more worried about him, trust me. He cares about you deeply darling, as do I." I nodded in an understanding way before composing myself. "I'm going to go for a walk for a bit of fresh air, just to clear my mind, I'll be back for dinner." I informed him. He nodded and watched me leave the house.
