ASTRA HART could feel her knees shake beneath her as she made her way out of the FBI vehicle, a bulletproof vest but no gun on her as she walked towards the Stellar Bank, the BAU ( minus Garcia, Hotch, JJ and Rossi ) walking alongside her with about a dozen police cars behind them.

The Black Wolves weren't getting out of this one.

The place was surrounded, so they couldn't. Right?

Okay, Astra needs to stop second guessing herself. They can't escape.

"You ready?" Morgan asked as they reached the steps of the bank, placing hand on Astra's shoulder, stroking the top of her arm gently with his thumb.

Like no, obviously she wasn't fucking ready. She woke up this morning with her biggest worry being whether she should have two croissants or three. As if she was prepared to finally bring her mom to justice.

But, seeing as Astra isn't one to convey her true feelings, she pursed her lips together and gave the man a nod. And that seemed good enough for him.

Although, despite Astra's nerves, upon entry of the bank, she found herself fighting to suppress a laugh. Like, wasn't she the one running ( or should she say driving okay that was an embarrassing thing to say ) from the cops like two months ago?

There was something so fucking poetic about that, really.

All she needed now was Highway to Hell to start playing, then it would remind her exactly of the old times.

Oh, but nevertheless, finding herself face-to-face with Enzo Clarke was a good enough reminder.

In Astra's opinion, at least.

"FBI!" Emily announced, her gun pointed at the criminal his mask was taken off, machine gun in hand and face utterly frozen. He hadn't been expecting this. Like, obviously though. He wouldn't have robbed the bank if he had been. "Put your weapon down!"

Now, don't get her wrong, Astra knew that Enzo was fucking psycho. But the fact that he literally started manically laughing in the face of the agents was... unusual.

Morgan leaned his head close to Astra's ear, whispering ( although he didn't have to seeing as Enzo's laughing was deafeningly loud ) "Does he... normally do that?" Shocked, Astra shook her head, her eyes darting to each of the agents, questions flooding her mind.

1. What the fuck is this ( and why hadn't Enzo started shooting at them yet? Seeing as he did with the last FBI agent he came into contact with )
2. Why doesn't she have a gun ( Astra's aim would be great she's sure of it even if it wasn't though, she'd probably manage to shoot in the general direction of a criminal )
3. Where the fuck was everyone else involved in this stupid fucking heist that they'd ( for some reason which by the way, she felt was dodgy ) had been informed of?

But, seeing as Astra has the worlds worst timing, Enzo began speaking before she could voice her oh so necessary concerns.

"You..." Enzo wheezed, pointing at Astra his face red and eyes bloodshot. He's either on drugs, or hasn't slept in weeks. "Have you got any fucking clue what they're going to say when they see you?" He questioned, his machine gun waving in the air as he shook with amusement.

What the fuck?

His eyes darting to Astra and the dozen tied up hostages, Spencer yelled in a profound manner. "Put your weapon down, now!"

Looking sadly at his gun, Enzo sighed. "He's so fucking stupid."

Okay, look, Astra's not dumb. But she felt like now was a decent time to speak to the man who used to loath her. "Who's stupid, Enzo?" Immediately, Morgan pushed the girl back slightly. The criminal was still holding a gun, after all. Plus, Astra was in his line of sight, so he couldn't take any risks.

"Every fucking person here; Kai, Dylan, you, me." From her side, she could discretely hear Emily whisper through her mic to Hotch Kai Walker is in the building. And if Astra knew one thing, it was that he sure as shit wasn't getting out. Not alive, that is. "He knew everything," Enzo continued, his maniacal laughter still echoing off of the walls of the bank, "why do you think he liked you? Take a guess in that dumb as shit brain of yours, Star." He urged, placing extreme emphasis on the nickname.

Okay, that was a low blow. And not to mention fucking rude.

"You just reminded him..." he trailed off, "it was right there, the entire time. I should've known, he should've known."

"Enzo, drop your weapon and put your hands in the air, or we will shoot." Spencer instructed the criminal, who looked at the younger brunette dead in the eye a sinister grimace slowly forming on his face.

"This sure is a way to go." Enzo said, nodding as he looked around the fear-consumed room, was that a hint of... regret? In his eyes as they remained on Astra for just a second longer. "I'm sorry."

And just like that, he raised his machine gun with a whip, placing it to his temple, he pulled the trigger. ( and if that wasn't enough, Derek, Emily and Spencer had shot at him as his lifeless body fell)

Well, she supposes he was always one for the theatrics.

Although this time, rather than buying clown masks, he opted to shoot himself instead.

Huh, maybe he was on drugs?

"Are you okay?" Emily questioned, attempting to defer the girls attention away from Enzo's incredibly dead body. "Hotch, have you got eyes on Kai or Dylan?"

"Prentiss? You need to get-" a deafening ring ricocheted through the air, pressure fell immensely on Astra's head as she collapsed to the ground, unaware of the two blazes ( that were so great, they could've come from a falling star ) that had erupted from beside the agents, and where the majority of the hostages lay quickly bleeding out, if the impact hadn't instantly killed them.

Smoke cascaded through the air, chocking an unsuspecting Astra as she attempted to crawl across the floor to an exit ( what can she say? She's never had to deal with an explosion before ) while the dense grey fog clouded her vision.

She could've sworn in her dazed state that she had heard the FBI ramming their way through the shattered glass doors of the bank.

She was almost certain someone had muttered the words "three agents down."

But one thing that was utterly unquestionable, was the chilling sound of Kai Walker's voice by her ear, saying "you're in trouble now, my star."

And then, the world faded into to darkness.

authors note.
what can I say?
my motivation for writing this book is seriously lacking so this chapter is VERY unedited
60k is insane though, thank you all so much
And, of course ;
