Stories by: AERANAERYS
4 stories

"Two best friends had a car accident after watching 'House of the Dragon.' Their souls were transferred into the first and second-born children of Rhaenyra, who happened to be twins. It was foretold that the fantasy realm, filled with both wonder and horror, would test their friendship. Little did they know, it was their friendship that would test and reshape this ridiculous world.".

117.1K 22 3.3K

Aelora, a shadow from the past, observes her family's triumph in conquering the Seven Kingdoms. Yet, the Dance of the Dragons unfolds, extinguishing the dragons and sealing their fate. Her ethereal existence becomes enigmatic until the Gods extend a mysterious offer, altering the course of her otherworldly journey.

51.4K 12 2.4K

In the shadow of well-known Targaryen histories, emerges a concealed tale of Valaerie Targaryen, the daughter of Rhaena and Maegor. Her existence, shrouded in secrecy, unveils a narrative that transcends the known bounds of Targaryen lineage. This is the story of Valaerie of Valyria, a girl who defied the odds and survived the enigmatic realm of Valyria.

15K 10 795

Amelia Andres, an orphan with a nonchalant attitude, found herself mysteriously reborn into the intricate world of Game of Thrones. Now, as Aerasanne Targaryen, the twin sister of Daenerys, secrets and enigmas surround her, promising a tale shrouded in mystery and intrigue.

310.1K 51 15.6K